
Dependents of MMA8451Q

A dependent is a program or library which makes use of this library.

full mouse
mouse transmitter
KL25Z aplicação com o aceletrometro KL25z
An accademic project, which goal is to implement a musical keyboard
first accel code
Final Project DavidEstrada
school project RGBmatrix
RTOS application with 3 threads of different priorities: play music, measure temperature (and print results via stdio) and plays with the MMA8451Q sensor and the RGB LEDs FRDM-KL25Z, rtos, thread
RTOS application with 3 threads of different priorities: play music, measure temperature (and print results via stdio) and plays with the MMA8451Q sensor and the RGB LEDs FRDM-KL25Z, rtos, thread
MBED Accelerator Plotter
ejemplo taller prepa tec
Presenting to you the code for Smart Mouse developed using accelerometer and capacitive touch slider in FRDM KL25Z RMK_Engineering_College
Example program for FRDM boards with a Freescale MMA8451Q accelerometer FRDM, KL05, KL25, KL46, MMA8451Q
Lightsaber project
ECE Project
maze game
Tilt steering control
Controller for food in snake game
Controller for food in snake game
Controller for snake
Final controller for snake
Final Version of food controller
Test program for my Multi_WS2811 library that started out as a fork of heroic/WS2811. My library uses hardware DMA on the FRDM-KL25Z to drive up to 16 strings of WS2811 … DMA, FRDM-KL25Z, KL25z, led, WS2811, WS2812
Day 5 starts Accelometer values are plotted in serial plotter.
Isme orientation ke hisaaf se R G B ka light control karte h
Accelerometer ko shake karke led ka color change hotai
Isme have me mouse chalate h, jyada excite mat hona keep calm and roll on
Desafio 02