Library for MI0283QT-2 LCD

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/MI0283QTlib.h	Wed May 23 06:25:31 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
+    /* mbed Graphics LCD library. Library for MI0283QT-2 screen.
+    Copyright (c) 2011 NXP 3803 
+    Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+    of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+    in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+    to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+    copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+    furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+    The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+    all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+#ifndef __MBED_GLCDLIB_H
+#define __MBED_GLCDLIB_H
+// Comment out if file system functions are not used.
+#define _USE_FILE
+#ifdef _USE_FILE
+#define BUFFER_LINE     10
+#define LCD_BLACK   (0)
+#define LCD_WHITE   ( (255<<16)|(255<<8)|(255<<0) )
+#define LCD_RED     ( (255<<16)|(0<<8)|(0<<0) )
+#define LCD_GREEN   ( (0<<16)|(255<<8)|(0<<0) )
+#define LCD_BLUE    ( (0<<16)|(0<<8)|(255<<0) )
+#define SCALE_320x240    1
+#define SCALE_160x120    2
+#include "mbed.h"
+struct _FONTINFO {
+    unsigned char *pText;
+    unsigned int h_size;
+    unsigned int v_size;
+    unsigned int h_line;
+/** Graphic LCD Library for MI0283QT-2 LCD
+* Image Format.
+* About image format, I choose the way to make the library capable to read the simple RGB format.
+* That's: a file with RGB bytes written. This format is very simple to obtain, using the convert.exe software.
+* This program is inside the "Imagemagick" installation software. You can download the portable versio for windows 
+* at this link:
+* Icone Format.
+* I use some free icons from Internet. I use the bin2h utility to convert this file to .h format.
+* (
+* Example:
+* @code
+* // Init code...
+* #include "mbed.h"
+* #include "GLCDlib.h"
+* // Configure the GLCD pin: 
+* //         mosi, miso, clk, cs,  rst, bklgh
+* GLCD lcd(  p11,  p12,  p13, p14, p17, p26);
+* int main() {
+*    lcd.lcd_init();
+*    lcd.backlightoff();
+*    //... do somethings...
+*   lcd.lcd_clear( LCD_WHITE);
+*    lcd.backlighton();
+*    //... the LCD is ON
+* }
+* @endcode
+class GLCD {
+    /** Create the GLCD Object and initlaize the I/O pins
+     * 
+     * @param pin mosi, pin miso, pin sclk, pin cs, pin LCD_reset, pin LCD_backlight
+     */
+    GLCD( PinName mosi, PinName miso, PinName sclk, PinName cs, PinName rst, PinName bklgh);
+    /** Configure the SPI port with default parameters.
+     *
+     * @param none
+     */
+    void lcd_init( void);
+    /** Initialize the LCD with an optional SPI freq. Used as FastSpeed 
+     *
+     * @param clock speed in Hz
+     */
+    void lcd_init( unsigned speedf);
+    /** Initialize the LCD with two optionals SPI freq: fast and slow speed. 
+     *
+     * @param speedf The fast freq. used to drive the GLCD
+     * @param speeds The freq. at wich the SPI is configured after the use.
+     *
+     */
+    void lcd_init( unsigned int speedf, unsigned int speeds);
+    /** Clear the entire screen with color 
+     *
+     * #param color The color we want to use to fill the screen
+     */
+    void lcd_clear(unsigned int color);
+    /** Clear a specified screen region. Like as a rectangle fill
+     * @param x0 start x position
+     * @param y0 start y position
+     * @param w  rectangle width
+     * @param h  rectangle hight
+     * @param color The color we use to fill the area.
+     *
+     */
+    void lcd_clear(unsigned int x0, unsigned int y0, unsigned int w, unsigned int h, unsigned int color);
+#ifdef _USE_FILE    
+    /** Draw an RGB image file (320x240) starting at x=0, y=0
+     *  The image is read byte per byte. So use this function if you don't care about speed
+     *
+     * @param fname The file name we want to display
+     */
+    unsigned int lcd_drawimage(char *fname);
+    /** Draw an RGB image file (320x240) starting at x=0, y=0
+     *  The image is read using a buffer. You can set the buffer using the define: BUFFER_LINE
+     *  This procedure speedup the draw of the image. At the cost of more RAM.
+     *  The defaullt buffer size is: 320*BUFFER_LINE*3
+     *
+     * @param fname The file name we want to display
+     */    
+    unsigned int lcd_drawimagebuff(char *fname);
+    /** Draw an image file (320x240) staring at x=0, y=0
+     *  The image is displayed line-by-line so the main program can do other jobs between the call.
+     *  The buffer size is equivalent to a LCD line, so must be: 320x3 bytes.
+     * 
+     * @param buffer The pointer at the data to be displayed
+     * @param lnum   The number of the line to display. From 0 to 239.
+     */
+    unsigned int lcd_drawimagebyline(unsigned char *buffer, unsigned int lnum);
+    /** Draw an image file (less then 320x240) specifying the x and y position and the scale value.
+     *  The image is displayed line-by-line so the main program can do other job during the call.
+     *  It is possible to specify a x and y starting position and a scale value.
+     *  The buffer size is equivalent to a LCD line, so must be: 320x3 bytes.
+     * 
+     * @param buffer The pointer at the data to be displayed
+     * @param lnum   The number of the line to display. From 0 to 239.
+     * @param xstart x position 
+     * @param ystart y position
+     * @param scale  Scale factor value. There are two value defined: SCALE_320x240 and SCALE_160x120
+     *               Using the second value it's possible to draw, from a 320x240 image, a 160x120 image.
+     *               at the xy specified. This is the only value supported for now.
+     */
+    unsigned int lcd_drawimagebyline(unsigned char *buffer, unsigned int lnum, unsigned int xstart, unsigned int ystart, unsigned int scale);
+    /** Play a movie file 80x60 pixel.
+     *  The file is a ready-made array of pictures extracted from a movie, resized to 80x60 and converted to RGB format.
+     *  I use this procedure in a Ubuntu Linux PC:
+     *
+     *  @code
+     *  mplayer -endpos 10 -nosound -vo png:z=0 perla.avi
+     *  mogrify -resize 80x60 *.png
+     *  mogrify -format rgb *.png
+     *  cat *.rgb > unico_80x60.bin
+     *  @endcode
+     *
+     *  First I convert 10 sec of my avi files with mplayer, then I use mogrify to resize the 150 images to 80x60 pixel.
+     *  The next step is to convert the PNG format to RGB. At this point I create a single file using a simple cat command.
+     *  With this little format there is enough speed to play the movie at 15fps.
+     */
+    unsigned int lcd_drawmovie(char *fname, unsigned int x_start, unsigned int y_start);
+    /** Play a 160x120 pixel ready made movie file.
+     *  The file is a ready-made array of pictures extracted from a movie, resized to 160x120 pixel and converted to RGB format.
+     *  I use this procedure in a Ubuntu Linux PC:
+     *
+     *  @code
+     *  mplayer -endpos 10 -nosound -vo png:z=0 perla.avi
+     *  mogrify -resize 160x120 *.png
+     *  mogrify -format rgb *.png
+     *  cat *.rgb > unico_160x120.bin
+     *  RGBconv_tst unico_160x120.bin unico_160x120_lcd.bin
+     *  @endcode
+     *
+     *  First I convert 10 sec of my avi files with mplayer, then I use mogrify to resize the 150 images generated to 160x120 pixel.
+     *  The next step is to convert the PNG format to RGB. At this point I create a single file using a simple cat command.
+     *  To speed up the playing procedure, I convert the RGB 24bit file to the LCD format RGB 565bit using a simple programm
+     *  I create.
+     *  The procedure use the USB and Ethernet memory area as a ping pong buffer. The buffer loaded from the SDCard is send to the LCD using the DMA.
+     *  During this time another buffer is read and stored to the second buffer. The single DMA transfer is too short for me and I use 3 linked list 
+     *  to chain 3 buffer of memory and send simultaneously more then 12KB if data.
+     *
+     *  @param fname the file name to display
+     *  @param x_start and y_start, the x and y position where to display the movie.
+     */
+    unsigned int lcd_drawmoviebuff(char *fname, unsigned int x_start, unsigned int y_start);
+#endif    // End of: #ifdef _USE_FILE
+    /** Draw an RGB icon at x, y. The size is specified for width and hight.
+     *
+     * @param *icon  pointer at the array with the RGB value in integer format. That is: 0x00RRGGBB
+     * @param x      x position
+     * @param y      y position
+     * @param size   the width and height
+     */
+    void lcd_drawicon( const unsigned int *icon, unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int size);
+    /** Draw an RGB icon at x, y. The size is specified for width and hight.
+     *
+     * @param *icon  pointer at the array with the RGB value in byte format. That is: 0xRR, 0xGG, 0xBB
+     * @param x      x position
+     * @param y      y position
+     * @param size   the width and height
+     */    
+    void lcd_drawicon( const unsigned char *icon, unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int size);
+    /** Draw an RGB icon at x, y. The size is specified for width and hight.
+     *
+     * @param *icon  pointer at the array with the RGB value in byte format. That is: 0xRR, 0xGG, 0xBB
+     * @param x      x position
+     * @param y      y position
+     * @param xsize   the width
+     * @param ysize   the height
+     */     
+    void lcd_drawicon( const unsigned char *icon, unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int xsize, unsigned int ysize);
+    /** Draw a color line from xy to xy
+     * 
+     * @param x0  x position
+     * @param y0  y position
+     * @param x1  x position
+     * @param y1  y position     
+     * @param color  color to use
+     */
+    void lcd_drawline(unsigned int x0, unsigned int y0, unsigned int x1, unsigned int y1, unsigned int color);
+    /** Draw a single pixel
+     *
+     * @param x0  x position
+     * @param y0  y position
+     * @param color  color to use
+     */
+    void lcd_drawpixel(unsigned int x0, unsigned int y0, unsigned int color);
+    /** Draw a character at xy position.
+     * 
+     * @param ch    the character to draw
+     * @param xpos  x position
+     * @param ypos  y position 
+     * @param color the color to use
+     */
+    void lcd_drawch( unsigned ch, unsigned int xpos, unsigned int ypos, unsigned int color);
+    /** Draw a string at xy position 
+     *
+     * @param *putstr the string to draw
+     * @param xpos    x position
+     * @param ypos    y position
+     * @param color   the color to use
+     */
+    void lcd_drawstr(char *__putstr, unsigned int xpos, unsigned int ypos, unsigned int color);
+    /** Set the font type to small: 12x6
+     */
+    void lcd_setfontsmall( void);
+    /** Set the font type to big: 24x12
+     */    
+    void lcd_setfontbig( void);
+    /** Return the color value use by the LCD. There are two form: 666 and 565
+     *
+     * @param color   the color in the format: 0x00RRGGBB
+     * @return        the color in the format: 666 or 565
+     */
+    unsigned int lcd_RGB( unsigned int color);
+    /** Return the color value use by the LCD. There are two form: 666 and 565
+     *
+     * @param r   the Red color value
+     * @param g   the Green color value
+     * @param b   the Blue color value
+     * @return        the color in the format: 666 or 565
+     */    
+    unsigned int lcd_RGB( unsigned int r, unsigned int g, unsigned int b);
+    /** Set the background color
+     * 
+     * @param color  the color of the background
+     */
+    void lcd_setbackgroundcolor( unsigned int color);
+    /** Function to start the automated scroll of the screen
+     */
+    void lcd_setverticalarea( unsigned int topf, unsigned int height, unsigned int butf);
+    void lcd_scrollstartadd( unsigned int ssa);
+    void lcd_scrollstart( void);
+    void lcd_scrollstop( void);    
+    /** Set the backlight ON
+     *
+     */
+    void backlighton( void);
+    /** Set the backlight OFF
+     *
+     */    
+    void backlightoff( void);
+    /** Set the backlight at a particular value.
+     *
+     * @param val  backlight value to set.
+     */    
+    void backlightset( double val);
+    void lcd_draw(unsigned int color);
+    void lcd_drawstop(void);
+    void lcd_drawstart(void);
+    void lcd_cmd(unsigned int reg, unsigned int param);
+    void lcd_data(unsigned int c);
+    void lcd_area(unsigned int x0, unsigned int y0, unsigned int x1, unsigned int y1);
+    void lcd_reset(void);
+    // default value for SPIClock speed, SPI mode and backlight freq.
+    unsigned int SPIClkSpeed;
+    unsigned int SPISlowClkSpeed;
+    unsigned int SPIMode;
+    double       LCDBkLight;
+    // default value for background color
+    unsigned int BackGroundColor;
+    //
+    unsigned char FontIdx;
+    _FONTINFO FontInfo[2];
+    SPI         _spi;
+    DigitalOut  _cs;
+    DigitalOut  _rst;
+    PwmOut      _bklgh;      
\ No newline at end of file