SDP Code

Dependencies:   BufferedSoftSerial GPRS SDP mbed

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Mon Jan 09 11:04:12 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "GPS.h"
+#include "gprs.h"
+#include "BufferedSoftSerial.h"
+#include "gprs.h"
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
+GPS uGPS(p13, p14);
+Serial uBP_RN41(p9,p10);
+BufferedSoftSerial uBP(p19,p18);
+GPRS uGSM(p28,p27,9600,"66426640");
+//Power Management Variables
+DigitalOut pBP(p5); //For toggling the BP power
+DigitalOut BPbutton(p25);//For instigating BP measurement
+DigitalOut pRN41(p6);//For toggling the RN41's power.
+DigitalOut pGSM(p7);//For toggling the GSM's power.
+DigitalOut GSM_pwk(p21); //For using the GSM power key (doesn't turn off Power LED, waste of power).
+DigitalOut pGPS(p8); //For toggling the GPS's power.
+DigitalOut Buzzer(p23);
+DigitalOut LED(p24);
+//GPS Variables
+double lat, hlat=25.289536; //default longitude and latitude to Hamad Medical Corporation
+double lon, hlon=51.522364; 
+GPS_Time t; //Structure has: hour, minute, second, day, month, year in it
+//BP Variables
+char BP[15]={0}; //Buffer for Blood Pressure Reading
+int SYS=120,DIA=80;
+int hSYS=0, hDIA=0; //History of Systolic and Diastolic
+//RN41-Nonin Variables
+char FirstBit=129,FalsePulse=5,SpO2=99,LastBit=100;
+int HR=70;
+//Power Management Functions
+void ToggleBP(bool state);
+void ToggleRN41(bool state);
+void ToggleGSM(bool state);
+void ToggleGPS(bool state);
+//GPS Functions
+void UpdateGPS();
+bool CheckTime();
+//BP Functions
+void InstigateReading();
+void UpdateBP();
+//RN41-Nonin Functions
+void initializeRN41();
+void UpdateNonin(); //Function to update the measurements
+//QEWS variables & function
+int HRScore,SPScore,BPScore,QEWS_Score;
+void QEWS();
+//GSM Variables
+char message[160]; //Length of SMS message is 160.
+int msglength=0;
+void FormatData();
+void SendMessageGSM();
+int main(){
+// Define Baudrates
+    pBP=0; //For toggling the BP power
+    BPbutton=1;//For instigating BP measurement
+    pRN41=0;//For toggling the RN41's power.
+    pGSM=0;//For toggling the GSM's power.
+    GSM_pwk=0; //For using the GSM power key (doesn't turn off Power LED, waste of power).
+    pGPS=0; //For toggling the GPS's power.
+    uBP_RN41.baud(9600);
+    while(1){
+       wait(3);
+       UpdateGPS();
+       while(!CheckTime());
+       UpdateNonin();
+       UpdateBP();
+       QEWS();
+       FormatData();
+       if(QEWS_Score>=1)
+       SendMessageGSM();
+    }
+// Power Functions
+void ToggleBP(bool state){
+    if(state){
+        pRN41=0; wait(2);
+        pBP=1;  wait(2);
+    }
+    if(!state){
+        pRN41=0; wait(2);
+        pBP=0; wait(2);
+    }
+void ToggleRN41(bool state){
+    if(state){
+        pBP=0; wait(2); 
+        pRN41=1; wait(2);
+    }
+    if(!state){
+        pRN41=0; wait(2);
+        pBP=0; wait(2);
+    }
+void ToggleGSM(bool state){
+    if(state){
+        pGSM=1;
+        wait(2);
+            GSM_pwk=0; wait(1);
+            GSM_pwk=1; 
+        wait(10);
+    }
+    if(!state){
+        GSM_pwk=0; wait(1);
+        GSM_pwk=1; 
+        wait(5);
+        pGSM=0;
+    }
+void ToggleGPS(bool state){
+    if(state){
+        pGPS=1;
+        wait(5); //Waiting for 2 seconds. But is it enough to let the GPS module acquire GPS?
+    }
+    if(!state){
+        pGPS=0;
+        wait(2);
+    }
+//GPS Functions
+void UpdateGPS(){
+    ToggleGPS(1);
+    //Keep updating over the course of 20 seconds, to get a sure location.
+    for(int i=0; i<20; i++){    
+        lat=uGPS.latitude();
+        lon=uGPS.longitude();
+        uGPS.timeNow(&t);
+        pc.printf("before history lat:%f, lon:%f \n\r",lat,lon);
+        pc.printf("Time: %d, %d, %d \n\r", t.hour, t.minute,t.second);
+        wait(10);
+    }
+    pGPS=0;
+    if( (lat <=0) && (lon <= 0)){ // if there is an error in the location (i.e. not in Qatar) then it will use the last known location
+            lat=hlat; // take the last known location.
+            lon=hlon;
+        }
+        pc.printf("after history lat:%f, lon:%f \n\r",lat,lon);
+   hlat=lat;
+   hlon=lon;
+   ToggleGPS(0);
+//RN41 Functions
+void UpdateNonin(){
+    ToggleRN41(1);
+    wait(10);
+    if(uBP_RN41.readable()){
+        FirstBit =uBP_RN41.getc(); wait(0.5);
+        FalsePulse=uBP_RN41.getc(); wait(0.5);
+        HR= FalsePulse | ((FirstBit&=0x03)<<7); wait(0.5);
+        SpO2=uBP_RN41.getc(); wait(0.5);
+        LastBit=uBP_RN41.getc(); wait(0.5);
+        pc.printf("SPO2: %d %d %d %d %d\n\r", FirstBit,FalsePulse,HR,SpO2,LastBit);
+    }
+    ToggleRN41(0);
+//BP Functions
+void InstigateReading(){
+    wait(5);
+    BPbutton=0; wait(1);
+    BPbutton=1; wait(2);
+    wait(70);
+    BPbutton=0;wait(1);
+    BPbutton=1;
+void UpdateBP(){
+    ToggleBP(1);
+    uBP.baud(9600);
+    SYS=0; DIA=0;
+    for(int i=0;i<3;i++){//Beep 3 times to warn the patient that the device will start taking measurement
+        Buzzer=1;LED=1;wait(0.5);
+        Buzzer=0;LED=0;wait(0.5);
+    }
+    LED=1;
+    InstigateReading();
+    while(1){
+        if(uBP.readable()){
+            for(int i=0; i<15; i++)
+                BP[i]=uBP.getc(); //Acquire 15 bytes
+        }
+        if(BP[14]==0x0A){ //Transmission is okay
+            //      Hundreds            Tens                Units
+            SYS=((BP[1]-0x30)*100)+ ((BP[2]-0x030)*10) + ((BP[3]-0x30)*1);
+            DIA=((BP[6]-0x30)*100)+ ((BP[7]-0x030)*10) + ((BP[8]-0x30)*1);
+            pc.printf("BP Before History: %d %d\n\r",SYS,DIA);
+            hSYS=SYS; hDIA=DIA; //Recording values, for history.
+            pc.printf("BP After History: %d %d\n\r",SYS,DIA);
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    //If values are unchanged, use the last stored in history
+    if(SYS==0 && DIA==0){
+        SYS=hSYS; DIA=hDIA;
+    }
+    LED=0;
+    ToggleBP(0);
+void QEWS(){
+//Calculating Oxygen Saturation Score
+                                (SYS >= 110 && SYS <= 179) ? BPScore=0: BPScore=BPScore;
+    ((SYS >= 90 && SYS <=109)||(SYS >= 180 && SYS <= 199)) ? BPScore=1: BPScore=BPScore;
+                     ((SYS >= 71 && SYS <=89)||SYS >= 200) ? BPScore=2: BPScore=BPScore;
+                                                (SYS < 70) ? BPScore=3: BPScore=BPScore;
+//Calculating Oxygen Saturation Score
+                (SpO2>=95) ? SPScore=0: SPScore=SPScore;
+    (SpO2>=93 && SpO2<=95) ? SPScore=1: SPScore=SPScore;
+    (SpO2>=90 && SpO2<=92) ? SPScore=2: SPScore=SPScore;
+                (SpO2<=90) ? SPScore=3: SPScore=SPScore;
+//Calculating Heart Rate Score
+                          ((HR >= 51) && (HR <= 100)) ? HRScore=0: HRScore=HRScore;
+    ((HR >= 41 && HR <=50)||(HR >= 101 && HR <= 110)) ? HRScore=1: HRScore=HRScore;
+    ((HR >= 31 && HR <=40)||(HR >= 111 && HR <= 129)) ? HRScore=2: HRScore=HRScore;
+                            ((HR < 31 )|| (HR > 129)) ? HRScore=3: HRScore=HRScore;
+    QEWS_Score=HRScore+SPScore+BPScore;
+//GSM Functions
+void FormatData(){
+/* This message has a total of 60 characters */
+    msglength=sprintf(message,"SYS: %d\n\rDIA: %d\n\rHR: %d\n\rSpO2: %d\n\rLAT: %f\n\rLON: %f\n\rQEWS: %d\n\rTIME: %d:%d",SYS,DIA,HR,SpO2,lat,lon,QEWS_Score,t.hour,t.minute);
+void SendMessageGSM(){
+   ToggleGSM(1);
+   wait(10);
+   uGSM.sendSMS("66426640",message);
+   wait(15);
+   ToggleGSM(0);
+void initializeRN41(){
+    ToggleRN41(1); //Turn RN41 on.
+    uBP_RN41.printf("$$$"); wait(0.5); // Entering Command Mode
+    uBP_RN41.printf("SR,001C0500D414\r"); wait(0.5); // Setting MAC Address
+    uBP_RN41.printf("SP,681010\r"); wait(0.5); //Setting Pass-key
+    uBP_RN41.printf("SU,96\r"); wait(0.5); //Setting Baudrate to 9600
+    uBP_RN41.printf("SM,6\r"); wait(0.5); //Setting Mode to Pairing Mode (6)
+    uBP_RN41.printf("R,1\r"); wait(0.5); //Rebooting
+bool CheckTime(){
+    UpdateGPS();
+    if(t.hour==0 && t.minute==0)
+        return 1;
+    if(t.hour==2 && t.minute==0)
+        return 1;
+    if(t.hour==4 && t.minute==0)
+        return 1;
+    if(t.hour==6 && t.minute==0)
+        return 1;
+    if(t.hour==7 && t.minute==4)
+        return 1;
+    if(t.hour==8 && t.minute==8)
+        return 1;
+    if(t.hour==9 && t.minute==12)
+        return 1;
+    if(t.hour==10 && t.minute==16)
+        return 1;
+    if(t.hour==11 && t.minute==20)
+        return 1;
+    if(t.hour==12 && t.minute==24)
+        return 1;
+    if(t.hour==13 && t.minute==28)
+        return 1;
+    if(t.hour==14 && t.minute==32)
+        return 1;
+    if(t.hour==15 && t.minute==36)
+        return 1;
+    if(t.hour==16 && t.minute==40)
+        return 1;
+    if(t.hour==17 && t.minute==44)
+        return 1;
+    if(t.hour==18 && t.minute==48)
+        return 1;
+    if(t.hour==19 && t.minute==52)
+        return 1;
+    if(t.hour==20 && t.minute==56)
+        return 1;
+    if(t.hour==22 && t.minute==0)
+        return 1;
+    else
+        return 0;
\ No newline at end of file