The CommandProcessor is the interface to install a run-time menu into an embedded system.

Dependents:   A_CANAdapter USB2I2C



File content as of revision 0:198f53da1bc8:

/// @file CommandProcessor.h defined the interface to the CommandProcessor
/// @mainpage
/// The CommandProcessor is the interface to install a run-time menu into an embedded system.
/// This contains the complete interface to the CommandProcessor.
/// @version 1.0
/// @note The CommandProcessor is text-based, because it is intended to interact with a
///       user.
/// The menu is designed to be interactively accessed, perhaps via a console interface
/// or a serial port. The actual interface to the user is provided by the application 
/// during initialization, so it can be connected to a serial port, or it could
/// be interface to CAN, telnet, or by some other method. 
/// The CommandProcessor has a few special features:
/// \li If the minimum number of characters of a command have been entered, the
///   user does not have to type the entire command. (e.g. 'He' will execute 
///   the command for 'Help', if no other command beings with 'He').
/// \li If the user does not type the entire set of characters, the command
///   will be rewritten to the output device with the entire command word.
/// \li The user is not permitted to enter an incorrect command (e.g. If 'Help'
///   is the only command started with 'Hel', the user cannot enter 'Heu'.
///   The CommandProcessor will trap the 'u' and issue a beep).
/// \li Simple editing of parameters to commands is permitted with \<bs\> to 
///   erase incorrect text.
/// \li Tab completion of a command is available - so long as the user has
///	  typed at least the minimum number of unique characters. (e.g. 'He\<tab\>'
///   will be replaced with 'Help')
///	\li Command cancellation is available - just enter the \<esc\> key and
///   the buffer is erased.
/// \li The user is not permitted to enter text longer than the defined buffer,
///   to avoid buffer overrun and the possible memory damaging results.
/// The CommandProcessor is designed as a set of C functions, which makes it
/// reusable in more systems (as C++ compilers are not always available for
/// all micros).
/// Example:
/// @code
/// extern "C" {
/// #include "CommandProcessor.h"
/// }
/// RUNRESULT_T Who(char *p);
/// const CMD_T WhoCmd = {"who", "Shows who is logged on, or 'who id' for specifics", Who, visible};
/// RUNRESULT_T Who(char *p)
/// {
/// 	printf("\r\nwho...\r\n");
/// 	if (*p)
/// 		printf(" Sorry, no help for [%s]\r\n", p);
/// 	return runok;
/// }
/// int main(int argc, char* argv[])
/// {
/// 	CMDP_T * cp = GetCommandProcessor();
/// 	cp->Init(TRUE, TRUE, 50, _kbhit, _getch, _putch, printf);
/// 	cp->Add(&WhoCmd);
/// 	while (cp->Run())
/// 	{
/// 		;
/// 	}
/// 	cp->End();
/// 	return 0;
/// }
/// @endcode
/// @note Copyright &copy; 2011 by Smartware Computing, all rights reserved.
///       This program may be used by others as long as this copyright notice
///       remains intact.
/// @author David Smart

#ifndef TRUE
#define TRUE 1		///< Definition for TRUE, if not already provided
#define FALSE 0		///< Definition for FALSE, if not already provided

/// @brief This type determines if menu items are visible to the Help system, or hidden.
/// @details This is used in the definition of the menu item.
typedef enum 
	invisible,		///< use this value to have invisible (hidden) a menu in the Help
	visible			///< use this value to have visible a menu in the Help
} VISIBLE_T;		///< This determines if menu items are made visible in the Help system.

/// Callbacks that are executed return a value to indicate if the menu
/// should remain active
typedef enum
	runexit,		///< use this return value to cause the menu (perhaps the program) to exit
	runok			///< use this return value to keep the menu running

/// Adding items to the menu can succeed, or fail.
typedef enum
	addfailed,		///< this indicates the menu was not added (usually failure to allocate memory)
	addok			///< this indicates the menu was successfully added

/// Initialization can succeed, or fail.
typedef enum
	initfailed,		///< this indicates that the menu system was not initialized (usually failure to allocate memory)
	initok			///< this indicates that the menu system was successfully initialized

/// This is the type for the basic callback, when a menu pick is activated.
/// The callback function is executed when a command is entered on the menu and \<enter\>
/// is signaled. If there is any additional text entered on the commandline, it is
/// passed to the callback.
/// example:
///		"Test1 ab c 123 567"
/// If "Test1" is a valid command, the corresponding function would be called
///	passing to that function the string "ab c 123 567". Note that the delimiter space
/// was removed.
///	@param p is a pointer to a character string
///	@returns \see RUNRESULT_T to indicate if the CommandProcessor should continue
typedef RUNRESULT_T (*MENU_CALLBACK)(char *p);

/// This defines the type for a single item to be added to the CommandProcessor menu.
/// This is defined in the application code, and a pointer to this item is passed to the
/// CommandProcessor to add this item to the menu system.
/// example:
///	@code
/// const CMD_T WhoCmd = {"who", "Shows who is logged on, or 'who id' for specifics", Who, visible};
/// @endcode
typedef const struct 
	char * command;				///< a pointer to the command to match (e.g. 'Help')
	char * helptext;			///< a pointer to some text to show when user types 'Help'
	MENU_CALLBACK callback;		///< the function to call when user enters this command
	VISIBLE_T visible;			///< a flag that determines if this command is visible in Help.
} CMD_T;

/// This is the CommandProcessor interface from the user application.
///	The user aquires a handle to this set of functions with the \see GetCommandProcessor command.
/// After this, the user may then initialize the CommandProcessor, add items to the menu,
/// cause the CommandProcessor to run periodically, and if need be the application can end
/// the CommandProcessor.
typedef const struct
	/// Init is the first function to call to configure the CommandProcessor.
	/// This function has a number of parameters, which make the CommandProcessor quite flexible.
	/// The user can enable a default menu, which can consist of the following functions.
	/// Note that when the [bit] is set, that menu item is enabled.
	/// * [2] Help - which in turn will show all the menu items and their brief descriptions
	/// * [1] About - just a tiny statement about the CommandProcessor itself
	/// * [0] Exit - a method to permit a consistent means to exit the CommandProcessor
	///	@param defaultMenu enables various default menu items, based on the bit values.
	/// @param caseinsensitive when TRUE, as the name implies, permits "help" and "HeLp" to function the same
	///	@param maxCmdLen sets the memory allocation for the command buffer. This should be sized
	///			to the maximum command, including any passed in text as parameters.
	///	@param kbhit is a user provided function to detect if a character is available for the CommandProcessor,
	///			and when using standard io, you can typically use kbhit, or _kbhit as your system provides.
	///	@param getch is a user provided function that provides a single character to the CommandProcessor
	///	@param putch is a user provided function that permits the CommandProcessor to output a character
	///	@param puts is a user provided function that permits the CommandProcessor to output a string
	///        to which is automatically appended a \\n
	/// @returns \see INITRESULT_T to indicate if the init was successful or failed
		int defaultMenu, 
		int caseinsensitive,
		int maxCmdLen, 
		int (*kbhit)(void),
		int (*getch)(void),
		int (*putch)(int ch),
		int (*puts)(const char * s)

	/// Add is called to add an item to the CommandProcessor menu
	///	This passes in a reference to a user provided \see CMD_T item, which is
	///	added to the menu system.
	///	@param m is a pointer to the user provided menu
	///	@returns \see ADDRESULT_T to indicate if the add was successful or failed
	ADDRESULT_T (*Add)(CMD_T * m);

	/// Run is the primary runtime entry point for the CommandProcessor.
	/// This function should be called periodically - fast enough not to miss user input.
	/// This function always returns, so if not character is available for the CommandProcessor
	/// it will return very fast. If there is a character (as detected by the \see kbhit callback),
	/// then it will process that character and determine what to do. It may then execute one
	/// of the menu functions. In this case, CPU cycles spent are based on the function 
	/// being executed.
	/// @returns \see RUNRESULT_T to indicate if the CommandProcessor should remain active or if the 
	///			command that was executed is requesting the CommandProcessor to exit.
	RUNRESULT_T (*Run)(void);

	/// End if the function to be called when you want to gracefully end the CommandProcessor.
	///	Calling this function causes the CommandProcessor to free any memory that was previously
	/// allocated by the \see Init and \see Add functions.
	RUNRESULT_T (*End)(void);			///< Called to shutdown the processor

/// GetCommandProcessor is called to get a handle to the CommandProcessor itself.
/// Call this function to get a handle to the CommandProcessor. After this is done, then
/// you can use that handle to activate the CommandProcessor methods.
/// example:
/// @code
/// 	CMDP_T * cp = GetCommandProcessor();
/// 	cp->Init(TRUE, TRUE, 50, _kbhit, _getch, _putch, printf);
/// @endcode
/// @returns \see CMDP_T a handle to the CommandProcessor
#ifdef WIN32
CMDP_T * GetCommandProcessor(void);
#else // This is necessary for the mbed - not sure why.
extern "C" CMDP_T * GetCommandProcessor(void);