Attempts to merge SPI_TFT2 & SPI_TFT_ILI9341

Dependencies:   SPI_TFTx2 TFT_fonts TOUCH_TFTx2 mbed

Fork of CANary by Tick Tock



File content as of revision 185:f45e18d7b801:

/* Low level disk I/O module skeleton for FatFs     (C)ChaN, 2007        */
/* This is a stub disk I/O module that acts as front end of the existing */
/* disk I/O modules and attach it to FatFs module with common interface. */

#include "diskio.h"
#include "usbhost_inc.h"
#include "mbed.h"

uint32_t _numBlks = 0;
uint32_t _blkSize = 512;

int initialise_msc();
void print_inquiry(USB_INT08U *inqReply);

int disk_sync() { return 0; }
int disk_sectors() { return _numBlks; }

DWORD get_fattime(void)
    time_t CurrentTimeStamp;
    tm *CurrentLocalTime;
    DWORD FATFSTimeCode;
    CurrentTimeStamp = time(NULL);
    CurrentLocalTime = localtime(&CurrentTimeStamp);
        //Map the tm struct time into the FatFs time code    
    FATFSTimeCode =  ((CurrentLocalTime->tm_year-80)<<25) | 
                     ((CurrentLocalTime->tm_mon+1)<<21)   | 
                     ((CurrentLocalTime->tm_mday)<<16)    | 
                     ((CurrentLocalTime->tm_hour)<<11)    |
                     ((CurrentLocalTime->tm_min)<<5)     | 

   return FATFSTimeCode;

DSTATUS disk_status(BYTE Drive)
    return 0;

DRESULT disk_ioctl (
    BYTE drv,        /* Physical drive nmuber (0..) */
    BYTE ctrl,        /* Control code */
    void *buff        /* Buffer to send/receive control data */
    DRESULT res;

        case CTRL_SYNC:
             res = RES_OK;
        case GET_SECTOR_SIZE:
              res = RES_OK;
            *(WORD *)buff = 512;
        case GET_SECTOR_COUNT:
            res = RES_OK;
           *(DWORD *)buff = (WORD)disk_sectors();
        case GET_BLOCK_SIZE:
         res = RES_OK;
          *(DWORD *)buff = 1;
        res = RES_OK;
    return res;

DSTATUS disk_initialize(BYTE Drive) {

    if ( initialise_msc() != OK )
        return 1;
    return 0;

DRESULT disk_write(BYTE Drive,const BYTE * Buffer, DWORD SectorNumber, BYTE SectorCount)
   if ( OK == MS_BulkSend(SectorNumber, SectorCount, (USB_INT08U *)Buffer) )
        return RES_OK;
    return RES_ERROR;    

DRESULT disk_read(BYTE Drive, BYTE * Buffer,DWORD SectorNumber, BYTE SectorCount)
    if ( OK == MS_BulkRecv(SectorNumber, SectorCount, (USB_INT08U *)Buffer) )
        return RES_OK;
    return RES_ERROR;

void print_inquiry(USB_INT08U *inqReply)
    // see USB Mass Storage Class &#65533; UFI Command Specification,
    // 4.2 INQUIRY Command
    printf("Inquiry reply:\n"); 
    uint8_t tmp = inqReply[0]&0x1F;
    printf("Peripheral device type: %02Xh\n", tmp);
    if ( tmp == 0 )
        printf("\t- Direct access (floppy)\n");
    else if ( tmp == 0x1F )
        printf("\t- none (no FDD connected)\n");
        printf("\t- unknown type\n");
    tmp = inqReply[1] >> 7;
    printf("Removable Media Bit: %d\n", tmp);
    tmp = inqReply[2] & 3;
    printf("ANSI Version: %02Xh\n", tmp);
    if ( tmp != 0 )
        printf("\t- warning! must be 0\n");
    tmp = (inqReply[2]>>3) & 3;
    printf("ECMA Version: %02Xh\n", tmp);
    if ( tmp != 0 )
        printf("\t- warning! should be 0\n");
    tmp = inqReply[2]>>6;
    printf("ISO Version: %02Xh\n", tmp);
    if ( tmp != 0 )
        printf("\t- warning! should be 0\n");
    tmp = inqReply[3] & 0xF;
    printf("Response Data Format: %02Xh\n", tmp);
    if ( tmp != 1 )
        printf("\t- warning! should be 1\n");
    tmp = inqReply[4];
    printf("Additional length: %02Xh\n", tmp);
    if ( tmp != 0x1F )
        printf("\t- warning! should be 1Fh\n");
    printf("Vendor Information: '%.8s'\n", &inqReply[8]);
    printf("Product Identification: '%.16s'\n", &inqReply[16]);
    printf("Product Revision: '%.4s'\n", &inqReply[32]);        

int initialise_msc()
    USB_INT32S  rc;
    USB_INT08U  inquiryResult[INQUIRY_LENGTH];
    Host_Init();               /* Initialize the  host controller                                    */
    rc = Host_EnumDev();       /* Enumerate the device connected                                            */
    if (rc != OK)
        fprintf(stderr, "Could not enumerate device: %d\n", rc);
        return rc;
    /* Initialize the mass storage and scsi interfaces */
    rc = MS_Init( &_blkSize, &_numBlks, inquiryResult );
    if (rc != OK)
        fprintf(stderr, "Could not initialize mass storage interface: %d\n", rc);
        return rc;
    printf("Successfully initialized mass storage interface; %d blocks of size %d\n", _numBlks, _blkSize);
    // FATFileSystem supports only 512-byte blocks
    return _blkSize == 512 ? OK : 1;