Auto generated API documentation and code listings for USBHostControllerDriver


ConfigurationDescription A USB device can have several different configurations although the majority of devices are simple and only have one
DebugHelper This class implements debug functionalities based on USB console interface
DeviceDescription The device descriptor of a USB device represents the entire device
EndpointDescription Endpoint descriptors are used to describe endpoints other than endpoint zero
EndpointDescriptor Host Controller Endpoint Descriptor
HostControllerCommunicationsArea The Host Controller Communications Area (HCCA) is a 256-byte structure of system memory that is used by system software to send and receive specific control and status information to and from the HC
InterfaceAssociation USB interface association descriptor (IAD) allows the device to group interfaces that belong to a function
InterfaceDescription The interface descriptor could be seen as a header or grouping of the endpoints into a functional group performing a single feature of the device
LinkedListItem For the transfer descriptors, endpoint descriptors and setup structures I 'allocate' and use one of these ojects from a pool of memory
SetupPacket Request_type of setup packet defined as...
TransferCallback Inhert this object and implemet the callback function
TransferDescriptor There are fields that are read/write by the HC


Debug.cpp [code]
Debug.h [code]
HardwareDefines.h [code]
UsbEnums.h [code]
UsbHost.cpp [code]
UsbHost.h [code]
UsbHostController.cpp [code]
UsbHostController.h [code]
UsbStructures.h [code]