Mbed SDK - cpputest usage

Introduction - CppUTest in Mbed SDK testing

CppUTest library

CppUTest is a C /C++ based unit xUnit test framework for unit testing and for test-driving your code. It is written in C++ but is used in C and C++ projects and frequently used in embedded systems but it works for any C/C++ project.

Mbed SDK test suite supports writing tests using CppUTest. All you need to do it to provide CppUTest sources and includes with Mbed SDK port. This is already done for you so all you need to do it to get proper sources in your project directory.

How to add CppUTest to your current Mbed SDK installation

Do I need CppUTest port for Mbed SDK?

Yes, you do. If you want to use CppUTest with Mbed SDK you need to have CppUTest version with ARMCC compiler (only ARM flavor for now) port and Mbed SDK console port (if you want to have output on serial port). All is already prepared by Mbed engineers and you can get it for example here: http://mbed.org/users/rgrover1/code/CppUTest/


  1. Installed git client e.g. http://git-scm.com/downloads,
  2. Installed Mercurial client e.g. http://tortoisehg.bitbucket.org/

How to install

We want to create directory structure similar to one below:

Your Project
│   ├───include
│   └───src

Please go to directory with your project. For example it could be c:\Projects\Project.

cd c:\Projects\Project

If your project directory already has your Mbed SDK repository included just execute below command. It should download CppUTest with Mbed SDK port.

hg clone https://mbed.org/users/rgrover1/code/cpputest/

You should see something like this after you execute Mercurial clone command:

c:\Projects\Project>hg clone https://mbed.org/users/rgrover1/code/cpputest/
destination directory: cpputest
requesting all changes
adding changesets
adding manifests
adding file changes
added 3 changesets with 69 changes to 42 files
updating to branch default
41 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved

Confirm your project structure. It should look more or less like this:

cpputest  mbed

From now on CppUTest is in correct path. Each time you want to compile unit tests for CppUTest build script will always look for CppUTest library in the same directory where mbed library is.

New off-line Mbed SDK project with CppUTest support

If you are creating new Mbed SDK project and you want to use CppUTest with it you need to download bot Mbed SDK and CppUTest with mbed port to the same directory. You can do it like this:

cd c:\Projects\Project

git clone https://github.com/mbedmicro/mbed.git

hg clone https://mbed.org/users/rgrover1/code/cpputest/

After above three steps you should have proper directory structure. all you need to do now is to configure your private_settings.py in mbed/workspace_tools/ directory.

It should look more or less like on screen below: /media/uploads/PrzemekWirkus/setup_cpputest.png

CppUTest port

To make sure you actualy have CppUTest library with Mbed SDK port you can go to cpputest ARMCC platform directory:

cd c:\Projects\Project\cpputest\src\Platforms\armcc\

And open file UtestPlatform.cpp.

You should find part of code responsible for porting console on default serial port of the mbed device:


#include "Serial.h"
using namespace mbed;

int PlatformSpecificPutchar(int c)
    /* Please modify this block for test results to be reported as
     * console output. The following is a sample implementation using a
     * Serial object connected to the console. */
    extern Serial console;

    /* CppUTest emits \n line terminators in its reports; some terminals
     * need the linefeed (\r) in addition. */
    if (c == '\n') {

    return (console.putc(c));
    return (0);

You can find cpputest UT test runner main function in mbed sources;


Test runner code only defined console object and executes all unit tests.


#include "CppUTest\CommandLineTestRunner.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include "mbed.h"
#include "testrunner.h"
#include "test_env.h"

Object 'console' is used to show prints on console.
It is declared in \cpputest\src\Platforms\armcc\UtestPlatform.cpp

int main(int ac, char** av)
    unsigned failureCount = 0;
        failureCount = CommandLineTestRunner::RunAllTests(ac, av);

    notify_completion(failureCount == 0);
    return failureCount;

Unit test location

Unit tests' source code is located in below directory:


Each sub directory except testrunner contains compilable unit test source file(s) with test groups and test cases. You can see utest structure below. Please note this is just example and in the future this directory will contain many sub directories with unit tests.


Define unit tests in test suite

All tests defined in test suite are described in mbed/workspace_tools/tests.py file. This file stores data structure TESTS which is a list of simple structures describing each test. Below you can find example of TESTS structure which is configuring one of the unit tests (defines which ).


        "id": "UT_2", "description": "Semihost file system",
        "source_dir": join(TEST_DIR, "utest", "file"),
        "automated": False,
        "mcu": ["LPC1768", "LPC2368", "LPC11U24"]

Note: In dependency section we've added library CPPUTEST_LIBRARY which is exactly pointing build script to CppUTest library with mbed port. This is a must for unit tests to be compiled with CppUTest library.

Tests are now divided into two types:

'Hello world' tests

First we call 'hello world' tests. They do not dependent on CppUTest library and are monolithic programs usually composed of one main function. Yo can find this tests in below example directories:

  • mbed/libraries/tests/mbed/
  • mbed/libraries/tests/net/
  • mbed/libraries/tests/rtos/
  • mbed/libraries/tests/usb/

Unit test tests

Second group of tests are unit tests. They are using CppUTest library and require you to write TEST_GROUPs and TESTs in your test files. Test suite will add test runner sources to your test automatically so you can concentrate on writing tests.

Example of unit test


#include "CppUTest/TestHarness.h"
#include "mbed.h"
#include "semihost_api.h"
#include <stdio.h>

#define FILENAME      "/local/out.txt"
#define TEST_STRING   "Hello World!"


    FILE *test_open(const char *mode) {
        FILE *f = fopen(FILENAME, mode);
        return f;

    bool test_write(FILE *f, char *str, int str_len) {
        int n = fprintf(f, str);
        return (n == str_len) ? true : false;

    bool test_read(FILE *f, char *str, int str_len) {
        int n = fread(str, sizeof(unsigned char), str_len, f);
        return (n == str_len) ? true : false;

    bool test_close(FILE *f) {
        int rc = fclose(f);
        return rc ? true : false;


TEST(FirstTestGroup, FirstTest)
    CHECK_TEXT(semihost_connected(), "Semihost not connected")

    LocalFileSystem local("local");

    char *str = TEST_STRING;
    char *buffer = (char *)malloc(sizeof(unsigned char) * strlen(TEST_STRING));
    int str_len = strlen(TEST_STRING);

    CHECK_TEXT(buffer != NULL, "Buffer allocation failed");
    CHECK_TEXT(str_len > 0, "Test string is empty (len <= 0)");

        // Perform write / read tests
        FILE *f = NULL;
        // Write
        f = test_open("w");
        CHECK_TEXT(f != NULL, "Error opening file for writing")
        CHECK_TEXT(test_write(f, str, str_len), "Error writing file");
        CHECK_TEXT(test_close(f) != EOF, "Error closing file after write");

        // Read
        f = test_open("r");
        CHECK_TEXT(f != NULL, "Error opening file for reading")
        CHECK_TEXT(test_read(f, buffer, str_len), "Error reading file");
        CHECK_TEXT(test_close(f) != EOF, "Error closing file after read");
    CHECK(strncmp(buffer, str, str_len) == 0);

Example of 'hello world' test


#include "mbed.h"
#include "MMA8451Q.h"
#include "test_env.h"

#ifdef TARGET_KL05Z
#define SDA     PTB4
#define SCL     PTB3
#define SDA     PTE25
#define SCL     PTE24

namespace {
    const int MMA8451_I2C_ADDRESS = 0x1D << 1;          // I2C bus address
    const float MMA8451_DIGITAL_SENSITIVITY = 4096.0;   // Counts/g

float calc_3d_vector_len(float x, float y, float z) {
    return sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z);

#define TEST_ITERATIONS                 25
#define TEST_ITERATIONS_SKIP            5
#define MEASURE_DEVIATION_TOLERANCE     0.025   // 2.5%

int main(void) {
    DigitalOut led(LED_GREEN);
    MMA8451Q acc(SDA, SCL, MMA8451_I2C_ADDRESS);
    bool result = true;
    printf("WHO AM I: 0x%2X\r\n\n", acc.getWhoAmI());

    for (int i = 0; i < TEST_ITERATIONS; i++) {
        if (i < TEST_ITERATIONS_SKIP) {
            // Skip first 5 measurements
        const float g_vect_len = calc_3d_vector_len(acc.getAccX(), acc.getAccY(), acc.getAccZ()) / MMA8451_DIGITAL_SENSITIVITY;
        const float deviation = fabs(g_vect_len - 1.0);
        const char *succes_str = deviation <= MEASURE_DEVIATION_TOLERANCE ? "[OK]" : "[FAIL]";
        result = result && (deviation <= MEASURE_DEVIATION_TOLERANCE);
        printf("X:% 6d Y:% 6d Z:% 5d GF:%0.3fg, dev:%0.3f ... %s\r\n", acc.getAccX(), acc.getAccY(), acc.getAccZ(), g_vect_len, deviation, succes_str);
        led = !led;

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