Heavily documented control library for the uOLED-96-G1 (SGC) by 4D Systems. Will likely work with any of the 4D Systems serial controlled screens. <<info>> All examples in the documentation have been tested to the best of my current abilities, but there are a few functions that I simply do not use. I have created a Lighthouse page for this library. You may submit bug reports or feature requests to [[http://mbed-uoled.lighthouseapp.com|this page]]. If you really do not wish to sign up for a Lighthouse account you may also post any bugs or requests [[/users/Nakor/notebook/uoled-bug-reports/|here]]. <</info>>

Dependents:   DS18B20 DS18B20GSM Astromed Astromed_build20121123



File content as of revision 0:4f009971ac11:

/* mbed 4D uOLED Library
 * Originally designed for use with uOLED-96-G1 (SGC)
 * serially controlled .96" screen.
 * This is a modified library originally obtained from
 * Erik van Wijk's library code at:
 * http://mbed.org/users/evwijk/libraries/microOLED/li4nzn

#ifndef _MBED_UOLED_
#define _MBED_UOLED_

#include "mbed.h"

#define     OLED_FONT5X7                    0x01
#define     OLED_FONT8X8                    0x02
#define     OLED_FONT8X12                   0x03

#define     OLED_DISPLAYCONTROL_POWER       0x03

/** uOLED control class using Serial
 * Example:
 * @code
 * // Draw text on the screen.
 * #include "mbed.h"
 * #include "uOLED.h"
 * uOLED SGC(p9, p10, p11);
 int main()
 * {    
 *     SGC.drawText(0, 0, 0, FF, "This is text");
 * }
class uOLED {

    uOLED(PinName serialTX, PinName serialRX, PinName reset);

    short getRGB(char red, char green, char blue);

    bool addBitmappedCharacter(char character, char data[8]);
    bool blockCopyPaste(char sourceX, char sourceY, char destinationX, char destinationY, char width, char height);
    bool displayControl(char mode);
    bool displayUserBitmappedCharacter(char character, char x, char y, short color);
    bool drawCircle(char x, char y, char radius, short color);
    bool drawCharacter(char character, char column, char row, short color);
    bool drawImage(char x, char y, char width, char height, char colorMode, char *pixels);
    bool drawLine(char x1, char y1, char x2, char y2, short color);
    bool drawPolygon(char vertices, char *x, char *y, short color);
    bool drawRectangle(char x, char y, char width, char height, short color);
    bool drawText(char column, char row, char font, short color, char *text);
    bool drawTriangle(char x1, char y1, char x2, char y2, char x3, char y3, short color);
    bool eraseScreen();
    /** Initialize the screen.  This must be completed before any other communication with the device.
    * Timing allows for at least 500ms delay for initialization.
    bool init();
    bool penSize(char size);
    bool putPixel(char x, char y, short color);
    short readPixel(char x, char y);
    bool setBackgroundColor(short color);
    bool setFontSize(char fontType);
    bool textButton(char state, char x, char y, short buttonColor, char font, short textColor, char textWidth, char textHeight, char *text);
    bool textMode(char mode);
    bool versionInfo(bool onScreen, char *info);
    Serial      _oled;
    DigitalOut  _reset;
    void resetDisplay();