A few classes to interface one or more ShiftBrite module to the FRDM KL25Z.

Dependencies:   mbed



File content as of revision 3:9376bf1f1bbd:

//Low level driver for shiftbrite modules

#include "mbed.h"
//#include <string> // NOT string.h... hope this works with mbed   
//REFER TO FRDM_LIGHTFX modules for hardware code
//class frame{//Would this help?
    /*house a complete frame of data
    This would include a shiftBriteDisplay as a member
    The shiftBriteDisplay would then be fed a frame of data at a time
    would it be better to have a movie class, holding all frames, as an member in shiftBriteDisplay
    shiftBriteDisplay would then call loadFrame from the movie class
    Movie class is essentially an array of frames with a circular buffer type of implementation
    I think first option better as this would mean I can easily change movie content and have the movie
    in control of updating the frame etc.
//class movie{
    /*house several frames that can be played in sequence*/

/** Colour class
* Used as a base class for storing ShiftBrite colour information
* It is inherited by rgbLed class and is of little use if instanciated directly.
* Please see class shiftBriteDisplay for intended use.
class colour{
    unsigned short int value; //0-1023 range

    void setColour(unsigned short int v){ v <= 1023 ? value = v : value = 1023;} // include range limiting
    unsigned short int getColour(void){return value;}
    colour operator =( unsigned short int v); //overload = relative to unsigned short int
    colour operator =( colour c); // overload = relative to colour

/** rgbLed class
* Used to instanciate a single rgb ShiftBrite object.
* ShiftBrite module consists of a single RGB led but
* modules can be hooked in serial to form a chain of 2 or more modules
* This class is used as a dynamically allocated member in class shiftBriteDisplay.
* It contains NO member functions for updating the physical shiftbright module so
* is of limited use if instanciated directly. Please see class shiftBriteDisplay for intended use.
class rgbLed : public colour{//Inherit colour as a led consists of 3 colours
    colour red, green, blue;
    //Could add in 3 members here to track each module's individual current control (Dot correction)
    //but, this is not a critical app and I'd rather hang on to the extra memory so I elected
    //to have one set of Dot Corr values for ALL modules. This is handled by shiftBriteDisplay class. see below
//    the constructors
    rgbLed(unsigned long int rgbValue); // constructor for RGB value e.g. 0xFFFFFF. Will expand 0XFF to 0x3FF as per colour range
    rgbLed(unsigned short int red, unsigned short int green, unsigned short int blue); //overload for  seperate r,g,b arguments
    rgbLed();//overload for no arguments

 //   the setters
    void setRgbLed(unsigned long int rgbValue); // RGB value e.g. 0xFFFFFF. Will expand 0XFF to 0x3FF as per colour range, also, update packet
    void setRgbLed(unsigned short int red, unsigned short int green, unsigned short int blue); //overload for  seperate r,g,b arguments, also update packet
    unsigned long int getPacket();

//    the getters
    unsigned short int getRed(){return red.getColour();}
    unsigned short int getGreen(){return green.getColour();}
    unsigned short int getBlue(){return blue.getColour();}

/** shiftBriteDisplay class.
* Used to write data to one (or more) shiftBrite module(s) via the SPI port on FRDM KL25Z module.
* Dynamically allocates storage for each module, based on <moduleCount> provided to the constructor.
* Takes in references for the required hardware: SPI, Latch, Enable, and, if implemented, Reset.
* Shiftbrite modules does NOT have a reset line but can be reset by removing the power. The reset line
* referenced will toggle to allow you to implement the required hardware.
* @param Serial Pointer to instance of Serial object.
  @param Latch Pin used to control data latching on shiftbrite module.
  @param Enable Pin used to control LED output buffers of shiftbrite module.
  @param Reset Pin used to signal a circuit that control the +ve power to the shiftbrite modules. This can be ignored if no reset required.
  @param SPI Port to send serial data to shoftbrite module. (Data and Clock).
  @param moduleCount int, the number of connected modules.
*   Example:
*   @code
    #include "mbed.h"
    #include "sbDriver.h"
    //This code is licenced as "BEERWARE" and used at own your own risk and discretion. Coded by Johan Kritzinger 8/2014.
    Serial PC(PTA2, PTA1);//Access to serial port for sending error messages
    DigitalOut latch(PTC16);//to LI pin of shiftBrite module
    DigitalOut enable(PTA13);//to EI pin of shiftBrite module
    DigitalOut reset(PTC12);//to power control circuit of your doing - NOT MANDATORY
    SPI spi(PTD2,NC,PTD1);//PDT2 = MOSI to DI and PDT1 to CI of shiftBrite module

    shiftBriteDisplay sbDisplay(&PC,latch, enable, reset, spi,6);//for, say, 6 modules wired in SERIES.
    //If you wish to change the DOT CORR registers
    sbDisplay.setCurrentCorr(0x78,0x64,0x64);//use values you want to set as default. These are the suggested values
    //Now, you can either call a member function to update the actual display OR
    //set it up using a Ticker. This is how you setup a ticker
    Ticker t;
    t.attach_us(&sbDisplay,&shiftBriteDisplay::displayFrame,41666);//call updateFrame 24 times per second (every 41666uS)
    //Ticker will automatically call sbDisplay.displayFrame()
        //Now just fill in the colours you want
        sbDisplay.setLed(0,1023,0,0); //FULL on red on the LAST display in the chain
        sbDisplay.setLed(5,0,1023,0); //FULL on green on first (remember the display has 6 leds in this example) LED

*       @endcode
*       @note - Usage of shifBriteDisplay::setLed() member is as follows:
*       @code object.setLed(LedModuleNum,red, green, blue); //where colours are in the range of 0-1023@endcode
*       or
*       @code object.setLed(LedModuleNnum,RGB);// where RGB is in a range from 0x000000 to 0XFFFFFF (0xRRGGBB)@endcode
*       @note NB, In the second method each colour has a range of 0-255 (0-0xFF) but that is expanded to the full range. This can be convenient but
*       I suggest the first method is the best.
*        TO DO: 
*        See if thee is a better way to deal with the serial port.
*        Write a frame and movie class to abstract dealing with individual LED's
*        @endnote
class shiftBriteDisplay{
    Serial *serial_p; // for debug printing
    //Harware control lines - common to all leds in display
    DigitalOut sb_latch;
    DigitalOut sb_enable;  
    DigitalOut sb_reset;//Note, this effected by toggling power to the modules, it's not inherent shiftbrite functionality
    SPI spi;
    //Led module(s)
    rgbLed *module_p; // points to the array of modules with same number of elements as LED modules
    unsigned int moduleCount;
    unsigned char rCorr, gCorr, bCorr; //These are the 'global' values for the current correction reg. DOT CORRECTION.
    unsigned short int f_update;// flags that object is in an update cycle so that new req are ignored
    // hardware control member methods
    void priv_SBEnable(void){sb_enable = 0;}
    void priv_SBDisable(void){sb_enable = 1;}
    void priv_SBLatch(void){wait(0.0001);sb_latch = 1;wait(0.0001);sb_latch = 0;}
    void priv_reset(void);//{sb_reset=0;wait(0.1);sb_reset=1;
    // writes a single rgbLed RGB values as stored in the module_p array
    void send(rgbLed M, unsigned short int commandStatus=0); // accesses rgbLed.getPacket()
//TO DO - Modify the constructor to initialise the spi PWM, and setup defaults for the SB control sinals (i.e. enable, latch and reset)
// Also, initialize the SB current control registers(this WILL need to be done each time the SB modules are reset)

See the example code for usage instructions.
    shiftBriteDisplay (Serial *port,DigitalOut &latch, DigitalOut &enable, DigitalOut &reset, SPI &spiPort, unsigned int moduleCount); //constructor

//    Destructor
    ~shiftBriteDisplay();//destructor - needs to release module_p
//    Setters 
/**used to set the colour for a specific dot (LED) using the RGB system. e.g. 0XFF0000 is full blue. I would suggest not using this
* unless you have no option because it only allows specifying 256 levels for each colour whereas the ShiftBright modules are 
* capable of 1024. Use the overloaded member function.
   void setLed(unsigned int moduleNum, unsigned long int rgbValue);

/**used to set the colour for a specific dot (LED) using the full ability of the ShiftBrite modules. Each colour is supplied 
* individualy in the range of 0-1023 (0-0x3FF).
    void setLed(unsigned int moduleNum, unsigned short int red, unsigned short int green, unsigned short int blue);//Overloaded
//    void setCurrentCorr( unsigned long int rgbValue=0x786464);//ALL modules

/** used to adjust the maximum current to each colour. Consists of 3 values, one each for red, green and blue.
* This allow you to adjust the brightness level of the reds, green and blues. Is usefull if one colour is brighter than the others
* that causes colours to mix incorrectly. When used it will record the arguments as the default values.

    void setCurrentCorr( unsigned short int red, unsigned short int green, unsigned short int blue);//ALL modules

/** same as above but call up the stored default values.
    void setCurrentCorr();//overload - meaning, read the vals from the class member and set accordingly

//    Getters
//    Display update  
/** used to refresh the display. All colour values are written out.
    void displayFrame();// write a whole display's worth of data.
    unsigned int getModuleCount(){return moduleCount;}
//    Basic effects
* is used to shift the whole display colours one step left.
*The first colour is rotated around and shifted in the last dot.
    void rotateLeft();
* is used to shift the whole display colours one step left.
* A blank dot is shifted in.
    void shiftLeft();//info shifted out is lost

* is used to shift the whole display colours one step right.
*The first colour is rotated around and shifted in the last dot.
    void rotateRight();

* is used to shift the whole display colours one step right.
* A blank dot is shifted in.
    void shiftRight();//info shifted out is lost
/**Display output is turned enabled.
    void turnOn();
/**Display output is turned disabled.
    void turnOff();
/**Used to exchange display values left to right and right to left.
    void flip(); //swop positions
/**Changes all display colours with it's mathematical opposite.
    void invert(); //invert colours