A few classes to interface one or more ShiftBrite module to the FRDM KL25Z.

Dependencies:   mbed

--- a/sbDriver.h	Wed Aug 20 08:11:28 2014 +0000
+++ b/sbDriver.h	Wed Aug 20 09:26:42 2014 +0000
@@ -3,28 +3,8 @@
 #include "mbed.h"
-//#include <string> // NOT string.h... hope this works with mbed   
 //REFER TO FRDM_LIGHTFX modules for hardware code
-//class frame{//Would this help?
-    /*house a complete frame of data
-    This would include a shiftBriteDisplay as a member
-    The shiftBriteDisplay would then be fed a frame of data at a time
-    OR
-    would it be better to have a movie class, holding all frames, as an member in shiftBriteDisplay
-    shiftBriteDisplay would then call loadFrame from the movie class
-    Movie class is essentially an array of frames with a circular buffer type of implementation
-    I think first option better as this would mean I can easily change movie content and have the movie
-    in control of updating the frame etc.
-    */
-//class movie{
-    /*house several frames that can be played in sequence*/
 /** Colour class
@@ -99,14 +79,12 @@
 *   @code
     #include "mbed.h"
     #include "sbDriver.h"
-    //This code is licenced as "BEERWARE" and used at own your own risk and discretion. Coded by Johan Kritzinger 8/2014.
-    Serial PC(PTA2, PTA1);//Access to serial port for sending error messages
     DigitalOut latch(PTC16);//to LI pin of shiftBrite module
     DigitalOut enable(PTA13);//to EI pin of shiftBrite module
     DigitalOut reset(PTC12);//to power control circuit of your doing - NOT MANDATORY
     SPI spi(PTD2,NC,PTD1);//PDT2 = MOSI to DI and PDT1 to CI of shiftBrite module
-    shiftBriteDisplay sbDisplay(&PC,latch, enable, reset, spi,6);//for, say, 6 modules wired in SERIES.
+    shiftBriteDisplay sbDisplay(latch, enable, reset, spi,6);//for, say, 6 modules wired in SERIES.
     //If you wish to change the DOT CORR registers
     sbDisplay.setCurrentCorr(0x78,0x64,0x64);//use values you want to set as default. These are the suggested values
@@ -133,15 +111,11 @@
 *       I suggest the first method is the best.
-*        TO DO: 
-*        See if thee is a better way to deal with the serial port.
-*        Write a frame and movie class to abstract dealing with individual LED's
 *        @endnote
 class shiftBriteDisplay{
-    Serial *serial_p; // for debug printing
+    //Serial *serial_p; // for debug printing
     //Harware control lines - common to all leds in display
     DigitalOut sb_latch;
@@ -172,33 +146,51 @@
 See the example code for usage instructions.
-    shiftBriteDisplay (Serial *port,DigitalOut &latch, DigitalOut &enable, DigitalOut &reset, SPI &spiPort, unsigned int moduleCount); //constructor
+//    shiftBriteDisplay (Serial *port,DigitalOut &latch, DigitalOut &enable, DigitalOut &reset, SPI &spiPort, unsigned int moduleCount); //constructor
+    shiftBriteDisplay (DigitalOut &latch, DigitalOut &enable, DigitalOut &reset, SPI &spiPort, unsigned int moduleCount); //constructor
 //    Destructor
     ~shiftBriteDisplay();//destructor - needs to release module_p
 //    Setters 
 /**used to set the colour for a specific dot (LED) using the RGB system. e.g. 0XFF0000 is full blue. I would suggest not using this
 * unless you have no option because it only allows specifying 256 levels for each colour whereas the ShiftBright modules are 
-* capable of 1024. Use the overloaded member function.
+* capable of 1024. Use the overloaded member function. Example:
+*   @code
+    myDisplay.setLed(ledNum,0X007F00);//Set led module 'ledNum' to  half brightness green
+    myDisplay.setLed(ledNum+1,0X00FF00); // Set module 'ledNum+1' to full brightness green
+    @endcode
    void setLed(unsigned int moduleNum, unsigned long int rgbValue);
 /**used to set the colour for a specific dot (LED) using the full ability of the ShiftBrite modules. Each colour is supplied 
-* individualy in the range of 0-1023 (0-0x3FF).
+* individualy in the range of 0-1023 (0-0x3FF). Example:
+*   @code
+    myDisplay.setLed(ledNum,0,512,0);//Set led module 'ledNum' to  half brightness green using a decimal no
+    myDisplay.setLed(ledNum+1,0,0x3FF,0); // Set module 'ledNum+1' to full brightness green using a hex no
+    @endcode
     void setLed(unsigned int moduleNum, unsigned short int red, unsigned short int green, unsigned short int blue);//Overloaded
 //    void setCurrentCorr( unsigned long int rgbValue=0x786464);//ALL modules
 /** used to adjust the maximum current to each colour. Consists of 3 values, one each for red, green and blue.
 * This allow you to adjust the brightness level of the reds, green and blues. Is usefull if one colour is brighter than the others
-* that causes colours to mix incorrectly. When used it will record the arguments as the default values.
+* that causes colours to mix incorrectly. When used it will record the arguments as the default values. Range is from 0 to 127 for each colour.
+* This equated to rought 30% to 100% full brightness. NOTE, This is NOT for setting the brightness of the display (even though
+* it can be abused that way), it is intended for adjusting the brightness balance between colours so that, for example, 0X3FF red and 0X3FF
+* green makes yellow and not reddy-yellow or greeny-yellow etc.
+* @code
+    myDisplay.setCurrentCorr(0x78,0x64,0x64); // set and record values as default. Retained only until master reset or powerdown.
+  @endcode
     void setCurrentCorr( unsigned short int red, unsigned short int green, unsigned short int blue);//ALL modules
-/** same as above but call up the stored default values.
+/**Overloaded version of above but calls up the stored values.
+* These can either be the default (as Suggested by the ShiftBrite manufacturer) if they were not overwritten
+* with the alternate member function (above).
     void setCurrentCorr();//overload - meaning, read the vals from the class member and set accordingly
@@ -214,18 +206,39 @@
 * is used to shift the whole display colours one step left.
 *The first colour is rotated around and shifted in the last dot.
+* @code
+for(loop=0; loop !=NumOfLeds; loop++){
+    sbDisplay.rotateLeft();
+    sbDisplay.displayFrame();
+    wait(0.2);
+* @endcode
     void rotateLeft();
 * is used to shift the whole display colours one step left.
 * A blank dot is shifted in.
+* @code
+for(loop=0; loop !=NumOfLeds; loop++){
+    sbDisplay.shiftLeft();
+    sbDisplay.displayFrame();
+    wait(0.2);
+* @endcode
     void shiftLeft();//info shifted out is lost
 * is used to shift the whole display colours one step right.
 *The first colour is rotated around and shifted in the last dot.
+* @code
+for(loop=0; loop !=NumOfLeds; loop++){
+    sbDisplay.rotateRight();
+    sbDisplay.displayFrame();
+    wait(0.2);
+* @endcode
     void rotateRight();
@@ -233,6 +246,13 @@
 * is used to shift the whole display colours one step right.
 * A blank dot is shifted in.
+* @code
+for(loop=0; loop !=NumOfLeds; loop++){
+    sbDisplay.shiftRight();
+    sbDisplay.displayFrame();
+    wait(0.2);
+* @endcode
     void shiftRight();//info shifted out is lost