A few classes to interface one or more ShiftBrite module to the FRDM KL25Z.

Dependencies:   mbed

--- a/main.cpp	Thu Aug 21 04:04:49 2014 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Thu Aug 21 05:39:33 2014 +0000
@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
 #include "sbDriver.h"
 #include "movie.h"
 # define M_PI           3.14159265358979323846
+#define FACTOR 1.0
+#define USI unsigned short int
 /* VARIOUS EXAMPLES OF HOW TO USE the shiftBriteDisplay class and the movie class follows below.
 Please note, this is all 'beerware' code but I would appreciate a mention in your code headers
@@ -50,7 +52,7 @@
 shiftBriteDisplay sbDisplay(latch, enable, reset, spi,6);
+/* MAIN PROGRAM ONE to display various features including movie class
 //Example calls to method f() of shiftBriteDisplay class
 //in this case, 6 of these statements wold be required to build one frame
@@ -135,24 +137,59 @@
     t.attach(&myMovie,&movie::play,0.05);//Beware, if you go too fast here the FRDM will crash
+    while(1){;} //nothing in main loop as Ticker calls the relevan member function
-double p;
+//MAIN PROGRAM TWO - to show some special effects WITHOUT using the movie class
+//Play around by adjusting phases, frequencies etc. Each will give different results
+//Below is an example  using 3 sin waves, one for each colour, but 120 deg out of phase
+//and slowly scanning frequencies from 0.5 to 5 and back again. Each freq is active for 5 seconds.
 unsigned int j;
     for (j=0; j != sbDisplay.getModuleCount(); j++){
         sbDisplay.setLed(j,0,0,0);//set all led to black
     sbDisplay.displayFrame();//get it on the leds
     sbDisplay.setCurrentCorr(0,0,0);//Dim down to 30%
-   while(1){ // Nothing going on in the main loop as Ticker calls the appropriate member function
-//Test modified shiftRight - simple colour chaser
-        for(p=0; p <= (2.0*M_PI); p+=M_PI/((double)sbDisplay.getModuleCount()*2.0)){
-            //cycle through 0-pi
+double tim,max_t; // 'real' time and time limit for a simulation
+double w1,w2,w3; // 2*pi*f
+double phase1,phase2,phase3;//Phase offset
+double f1,f2,f3;//Frequencies
+double factor = 250;//250 steps or values over max_t time
+unsigned char f_dir = 1; //used for up and down functionality
+f1 = f2 = f3 = 1.0; //frequency in herz - set all to the same
+//but make a 120 degree pahse shift between the 3 waves
+phase1 = 0.0;
+phase2 = 120.0*(M_PI/180.0);
+phase3 = 240.0*(M_PI/180.0);
+max_t=5.0; //i.e. time to iterate over - i.e. 5 second
+   while(1){ // generate special effects without using a movie and discretely calc values
+        for(tim=0; tim <= max_t; tim+=max_t/factor) {
             //sbDisplay.shiftRight((unsigned short int)(5000.0*(1+sin(p+0))),(unsigned short int)(5000.0*(1+sin(p+(2.0*M_PI)/3.0))),(unsigned short int)(5000.0*(1+sin(p+2.0*((2.0*M_PI)/3.0)))));
-            sbDisplay.shiftRight((unsigned short int)(500.0*(1+sin(p))),(unsigned short int)(500.0*(1+sin(p+(120.0*(M_PI/180.0))))),(unsigned short int)(500.0*(1+sin(p+(240.0*(M_PI/180.0))))));
+            sbDisplay.shiftRight((USI)511.0*(1.0+sin(w1*tim+phase1)),
+                                 (USI)511.0*(1.0+sin(w2*tim+phase2)),
+                                 (USI)511.0*(1.0+sin(w3*tim+phase3))
+            );
-            wait(1.0/((double)sbDisplay.getModuleCount()/2.0));
+            wait( (max_t/factor));
+            w1 = 2.0*M_PI*f1;
+            w2 = 2.0*M_PI*f2;
+            w3 = 2.0*M_PI*f3;
+            if(f_dir){
+                f1 = f2 = f3 = f3+0.5;
+                if (f1>=5.0)f_dir = 0;
+            } else {
+                f1 = f2 = f3 = f3-0.5;
+                if (f1<=0.5) f_dir = 1;                
+            }