A Bitmap library created a while back. Probably still works...

Dependencies:   mbed

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/BitmapFile.h	Wed Sep 08 18:18:42 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+/*BitmapFile.h                                            */
+#include "mbed.h"
+/* Class: BitmapFile
+ * A parser for bitmap files.
+class BitmapFile
+	FILE			*m_pFile;
+	char			*m_fileName;
+	int				m_rowsize;
+	enum headerType {	BITMAPCOREHEADER = 12,
+						BITMAPV4HEADER = 108,
+						BITMAPV5HEADER = 124};
+	enum compressType {	BI_RGB,
+						BI_RLE8,
+						BI_RLE4,
+						BI_JPEG,
+						BI_PNG};
+	/* Struct: BMPHeader
+	*
+	* The BMP header of the bitmap is read into this.	
+	*
+	* b - the first byte of the header. Should equal 'B'.
+	* m - the second byte of the header. Should equal 'M'.
+	* filesize - the size of the whole file, in bytes.
+	* reserved 1 and 2 - data specific to the applicaton which created the bitmap.
+	* offset - the offset at which the actual bitmap begins
+	*/
+	__packed struct
+	{
+		char	b:8;
+		char	m:8;
+		int		filesize:32;
+		int		reserved1:16;
+		int		reserved2:16;
+		int		offset:32;
+	} BMPHeader;
+	/* Struct: DIBHeader
+	*
+	* The DIB header of the bitmap is read into this.	
+	*
+	* headerlength - the length of the header. Should equal 40.
+	* height - the height of the bitmap.
+	* width - the width of the bitmap.
+	* cplanes - the number of color planes. Should equal 1.
+	* colordepth - the number of bits per pixel.
+	* compression - the compression method used.
+	* datasize - the size of the bitmap data, in bytes.
+	*/
+	int		m_headerlength;
+	__packed struct
+	{
+		int		width:32;
+		int		height:32;
+		int		cplanes:16;
+		int		colordepth:16;
+		int		compression:32;
+		int		datasize:32;
+		int		hres:32;
+		int		vres:32;
+		int		numpalettecolors:32;
+		int		importantcolors:32;		
+	} DIBHeader;
+	/* Constructor: BitmapFile
+	* Create the BitmapFile class, and call <Initialize>
+	*
+	* Parameters:
+	*  fname - The path of the file to open.
+	*/
+	BitmapFile(char* fname);
+	~BitmapFile();
+	/* Function: Initialize
+	* Parses the headers of the bitmap.
+	*
+	* Returns:
+	*  Whether the bitmap is valid.
+	*/
+	bool	Initialize();	//parses the header
+	/* Function: open
+	* Opens the bitmap for reading, if not already open.
+	*/
+	void	open();
+	/* Function: close
+	* Closes the bitmap.
+	*/
+	void	close();
+	/***BMP Header gets begin***/
+	int		getFileSize();
+	int		getReserved1();
+	int		getReserved2();
+	int		getOffset();
+	/***DIB Header gets begin***/
+	int		getHeaderType();
+	int		getHeight();
+	int		getWidth();
+	int		getCPlanes();
+	int		getColorDepth();
+	int		getCompression();
+	int		getDataSize();
+	int		getHRes();
+	int		getVRes();
+	int		getNumPaletteColors();
+	int		getImportantColors();
+	/****DIB Header gets end****/
+	/******Data gets begin******/
+	/* Function: getPixel
+	* Gets the color of a pixel
+	*
+	* Parameters:
+	*  x - The x coordinate of the pixel.
+	*  y - The y coordinate of the pixel.
+	*  closefile - if specified, close the file after reading
+	*
+	* Returns:
+	*  the color of the pixel, in hexadecimal.
+	*/
+	int		getPixel(int x, int y, bool closefile = true);
+	/* Function: getRow
+	* Gets the colors of a row
+	*
+	* Parameters:
+	*  row - The number of the row..
+	*  closefile - if specified, close the file after reading
+	*
+	* Returns:
+	*  An array of the colors of the pixels, in hexadecimal.
+	*/
+	int		*getRow(int row, bool closefile = true);
+	int		*getRowBW(int row, bool closefile = true);
+	char	*getRowBitstream(int row, bool closefile = true);
+	/*******Data gets end*******/
+	int		getRowSize();
\ No newline at end of file