To get started with Seeed Tiny BLE, include detecting motion, button and battery level.

Dependencies:   BLE_API eMPL_MPU6050 mbed nRF51822

--- a/nRF51822/nordic-sdk/components/libraries/bootloader_dfu/dfu_bank_internal.h	Thu Nov 05 02:46:37 2015 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (c) 2014 Nordic Semiconductor. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * The information contained herein is property of Nordic Semiconductor ASA.
- * Terms and conditions of usage are described in detail in NORDIC
- *
- * Licensees are granted free, non-transferable use of the information. NO
- * WARRANTY of ANY KIND is provided. This heading must NOT be removed from
- * the file.
- *
- */
- *
- * @defgroup dfu_bank_internal Device Firmware Update internal header for bank handling in DFU.
- * @{     
- *
- * @brief Device Firmware Update Bank handling module interface.
- *
- * @details This header is intended for shared definition and functions between single and dual bank 
- *         implementations used for DFU support. It is not supposed to be used for external access 
- *         to the DFU module.
- *  
- */
-#include "dfu_types.h"
-/**@brief States of the DFU state machine. */
-typedef enum
-    DFU_STATE_INIT_ERROR,                                                           /**< State for: dfu_init(...) error. */
-    DFU_STATE_IDLE,                                                                 /**< State for: idle. */
-    DFU_STATE_PREPARING,                                                            /**< State for: preparing, indicates that the flash is being erased and no data packets can be processed. */
-    DFU_STATE_RDY,                                                                  /**< State for: ready. */
-    DFU_STATE_RX_INIT_PKT,                                                          /**< State for: receiving initialization packet. */
-    DFU_STATE_RX_DATA_PKT,                                                          /**< State for: receiving data packet. */
-    DFU_STATE_VALIDATE,                                                             /**< State for: validate. */
-    DFU_STATE_WAIT_4_ACTIVATE                                                       /**< State for: waiting for dfu_image_activate(). */
-} dfu_state_t;
-#define APP_TIMER_PRESCALER         0                                               /**< Value of the RTC1 PRESCALER register. */
-#define DFU_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL        APP_TIMER_TICKS(120000, APP_TIMER_PRESCALER)    /**< DFU timeout interval in units of timer ticks. */     
-#define IS_UPDATING_SD(START_PKT)   ((START_PKT).dfu_update_mode & DFU_UPDATE_SD)   /**< Macro for determining if a SoftDevice update is ongoing. */
-#define IS_UPDATING_BL(START_PKT)   ((START_PKT).dfu_update_mode & DFU_UPDATE_BL)   /**< Macro for determining if a Bootloader update is ongoing. */
-#define IS_UPDATING_APP(START_PKT)  ((START_PKT).dfu_update_mode & DFU_UPDATE_APP)  /**< Macro for determining if a Application update is ongoing. */
-#define IMAGE_WRITE_IN_PROGRESS()   (m_data_received > 0)                           /**< Macro for determining is image write in progress. */
-#define IS_WORD_SIZED(SIZE)         ((SIZE & (sizeof(uint32_t) - 1)) == 0)          /**< Macro for checking that the provided is word sized. */
-static uint32_t                     m_data_received;                                /**< Amount of received data. */
-/**@brief     Type definition of function used for preparing of the bank before receiving of a
- *            software image.
- *
- * @param[in] image_size  Size of software image being received.
- */
-typedef void (*dfu_bank_prepare_t)(uint32_t image_size);
-/**@brief     Type definition of function used for handling clear complete of the bank before 
- *            receiving of a software image.
- */
-typedef void (*dfu_bank_cleared_t)(void);
-/**@brief    Type definition of function used for activating of the software image received.
- *
- * @return  NRF_SUCCESS If the image has been successfully activated any other NRF_ERROR code in
- *          case of a failure.
- */
-typedef uint32_t (*dfu_bank_activate_t)(void);
-/**@brief Structure for holding of function pointers for needed prepare and activate procedure for
- *        the requested update procedure. 
- */
-typedef struct
-    dfu_bank_prepare_t  prepare;                                                    /**< Function pointer to the prepare function called on start of update procedure. */
-    dfu_bank_cleared_t  cleared;                                                    /**< Function pointer to the cleared function called after prepare function completes. */
-    dfu_bank_activate_t activate;                                                   /**< Function pointer to the activate function called on finalizing the update procedure. */
-} dfu_bank_func_t;
-#endif // DFU_BANK_INTERNAL_H__
-/** @} */
\ No newline at end of file