This program demonstrate how to apply BLE_nRF8001 library on mbed platform working with RedBearLab BLE Shield v2.1 or above.

Dependencies:   BLE_nRF8001 mbed

The application works with the BLEController iOS/Android App. Type something from the Terminal to send to the BLEController App or vice verse. Characteristics received from App will print on Terminal. You have to change the belowing constructs manually corresponding to the platform you are using.

SPI spi(PTD2, PTD3, PTD1);

DigitalInOut BLE_RDY(PTA12);

DigitalInOut BLE_REQ(PTA2);


RevisionDateWhoCommit message
0:c9d37cf1551c 2014-10-22 RedBearLab Firt commit default tip