
Dependencies:   BufferedSerial sn7544

Fork of GPG_motor by Kang mingyo

Auto generated API documentation and code listings for GPG_motor


ArraySerializer< T, N, Enabled > Array serializer, default implementation does nothing
ArraySerializer< T, N, typename boost::disable_if< mt::IsFixedSize< T > >::type > Array serializer, specialized for non-fixed-size, non-simple types
ArraySerializer< T, N, typename boost::enable_if< mpl::and_< mt::IsFixedSize< T >, mpl::not_< mt::IsSimple< T > > > >::type > Array serializer, specialized for fixed-size, non-simple types
ArraySerializer< T, N, typename boost::enable_if< mt::IsSimple< T > >::type > Array serializer, specialized for fixed-size, simple types
DataType< M > Specialize to provide the datatype for a message
Definition< M > Specialize to provide the definition for a message
Exception Base class for all exceptions thrown by ROS
FalseType Base type for compile-type true/false tests
FrameId< M, Enable > FrameId trait
HasHeader< M > HasHeader informs whether or not there is a header that gets serialized as the first thing in the message
Header< M, Enable > Header trait
IsFixedSize< M > A fixed-size datatype is one whose size is constant, i.e
IsMessage< M > Am I message or not
IsSimple< M > A simple datatype is one that can be memcpy'd directly in array form, i.e
IStream Input stream
LStream Length stream
MD5Sum< M > Specialize to provide the md5sum for a message
OStream Output stream
PreDeserialize< M > Called by the SubscriptionCallbackHelper after a message is instantiated but before that message is deserialized
Serializer< T > Templated serialization class
Serializer< ros::Duration > Serializer specialized for ros::Duration
Serializer< ros::Time > Serializer specialized for ros::Time
Serializer< std::basic_string< char, std::char_traits< char >, ContainerAllocator > > Serializer specialized for std::string
Stream Stream base-class, provides common functionality for IStream and OStream
TimeStamp< M, Enable > TimeStamp trait
TrueType Base type for compile-type true/false tests
VectorSerializer< T, ContainerAllocator, Enabled > Vector serializer
VectorSerializer< T, ContainerAllocator, typename boost::disable_if< mt::IsFixedSize< T > >::type > Vector serializer, specialized for non-fixed-size, non-simple types
VectorSerializer< T, ContainerAllocator, typename boost::enable_if< mpl::and_< mt::IsFixedSize< T >, mpl::not_< mt::IsSimple< T > > > >::type > Vector serializer, specialized for fixed-size non-simple types
VectorSerializer< T, ContainerAllocator, typename boost::enable_if< mt::IsSimple< T > >::type > Vector serializer, specialized for fixed-size simple types


Accel.h [code]
AccelStamped.h [code]
AccelWithCovariance.h [code]
AccelWithCovarianceStamped.h [code]
Bool.h [code]
builtin_message_traits.h [code]
Byte.h [code]
ByteMultiArray.h [code]
Char.h [code]
ColorRGBA.h [code]
datatypes.h [code]
Duration.h [code]
duration.h [code]
Empty.h [code]
exception.h [code]
flaw_info.h [code]
Float32.h [code]
Float32MultiArray.h [code]
Float64.h [code]
Float64MultiArray.h [code]
Header.h [code]
Inertia.h [code]
InertiaStamped.h [code]
Int16.h [code]
Int16MultiArray.h [code]
Int32.h [code]
Int32MultiArray.h [code]
Int64.h [code]
Int64MultiArray.h [code]
Int8.h [code]
Int8MultiArray.h [code]
Log.h [code]
macros.h [code]
main.cpp [code]
MbedHardware.h [code]
message_forward.h [code]
message_operations.h [code]
message_traits.h [code]
msg.h [code]
MultiArrayDimension.h [code]
MultiArrayLayout.h [code]
node_handle.h [code]
Point.h [code]
Point32.h [code]
PointStamped.h [code]
Polygon.h [code]
PolygonStamped.h [code]
Pose.h [code]
Pose2D.h [code]
PoseArray.h [code]
PoseStamped.h [code]
PoseWithCovariance.h [code]
PoseWithCovarianceStamped.h [code]
publisher.h [code]
Quaternion.h [code]
QuaternionStamped.h [code]
RequestMessageInfo.h [code]
RequestParam.h [code]
RequestServiceInfo.h [code]
ros.h [code]
roscpp_serialization_macros.h [code]
serialization.h [code]
serialized_message.h [code]
service_client.h [code]
service_server.h [code]
String.h [code]
subscriber.h [code]
time.cpp [code]
Time.h [code]
time.h [code]
TopicInfo.h [code]
Transform.h [code]
TransformStamped.h [code]
Twist.h [code]
TwistStamped.h [code]
TwistWithCovariance.h [code]
TwistWithCovarianceStamped.h [code]
types.h [code]
UInt16.h [code]
UInt16MultiArray.h [code]
UInt32.h [code]
UInt32MultiArray.h [code]
UInt64.h [code]
UInt64MultiArray.h [code]
UInt8.h [code]
UInt8MultiArray.h [code]
Vector3.h [code]
Vector3Stamped.h [code]
Wrench.h [code]
WrenchStamped.h [code]
