Example program that reads in sensor data and sends it to the 2lemetry cloud.

Dependencies:   FXLS8471Q MPL3115A2 MQTT mbed

Fork of 2lemetry_Sensor_Example by Multi-Hackers

--- a/main.cpp	Mon Mar 23 18:22:54 2015 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Mon Mar 23 20:38:58 2015 +0000
@@ -50,8 +50,29 @@
 int main() {
-    // for Nucleo boards
+    /** STMicro Nucelo F401RE
+    * The supported jumper configurations of the MTSAS do not line up with
+    * the pin mapping of the Nucleo F401RE. Therefore, the MTSAS serial TX
+    * pin (JP8 Pin 2) must be manually jumped to Serial1 RX (Shield pin D2)
+    * and the MTSAS serial RX pin (JP9 Pin 2) pin must be manually jumped to
+    * Serial1 TX (Shield pin D8).
+    * Uncomment the following line to use the STMicro Nuceleo F401RE
+    */
     MTSSerialFlowControl io(D8, D2, D3, D6);
+    /** Freescale KL46Z
+    * To configure the serial pins for the Freescale KL46Z board, use MTSAS jumper
+    * configuration B. Uncomment the following line to use the Freescale KL46Z board
+    */
+    //MTSSerialFlowControl io(D2, D9, D3, D6);
+    /** Freescale K64F
+    * To configure the serial pins for the Freescale K64F board, use MTSAS jumper
+    * configuration A. Uncomment the following line to use the Freescale K64F board
+    */
+    //MTSSerialFlowControl io(D1, D0, D3, D6);
+    //Set baudrate between the board and the radio to 115200
     Cellular* radio = CellularFactory::create(&io);