Advanced CAN Controller Usage

16 Dec 2012

Hi all,

I'd like to know of any and all tips and tricks when using the CAN Controller on the mbed, LPC1768. Sure there's the standard CAN class, but there's more than that, for example LPC_CANAF (no idea what that is yet), LPC_CANAF_RAM, etc as per this forum topic.

My reason for asking it this; I'm trying to use my mbed and an MCP2551 dual wire CAN Transceiver to communicate with a single wire CAN Bus (GMLAN), this has been done before with the MCP2551 by tying CAN_L to ground, albeit with a MCP2525 CAN controller. As the mbed has the (well, 2) CAN controller(s) built-in, I'd like to know how to solve this problem.

At this point, I can happily receive (sniff) packets from GMLAN, but sending packets is proving very difficult, even with the most basic of examples. Hoping someone can help either by providing advanced usage information (of which I can hopefully learn something that'll help me) or some advice to access GMLAN using the CAN controller built into the mbed.

Kind regards, Jason