Am I trying to push the 1768 too (far complex proto)

07 Sep 2011

Hi I basically haven't been able to try much on a 1768- due to the fact my components were modular seedstuio ones (I did the mped hello world flashing led cos only one I could; due to lack of parts).

I'm soon to order an mbed development board in order to test the integrating a zigbee, and trying to use tbe ethernet protocol.

I am running it along side an seeduino which will scan RFID's and display progress led bars to whether the server has completed it depending it on connect via I2c to back to the 1768 for transmission to the server.

Does this sound a bit too complex for such a small board? it offers to sing and dance after all.

08 Sep 2011

Running I2C, and relaying the data from I2C to a server using HTTPClient will work, so long as the data does not update too often.

I think I can call an HTTP server 2 - 4 times per second, and exchange small packets of data, no problem.

If you need to update 50 times per second - might be too difficult.