Failed to install serial port driver(FRDM-K82F, Win10)

05 Jun 2016

I connected FRDM-K82F board with host PC(Win10) and then executed an installer. But failed to install with below message. (

"No mbed Microcontrollers were found"

I am a little concerned that conecting board and pc makes these behavior.

1. Opened BOOTLOADER folder in Explorer (as like the attachment)

2. After half minutes, connected off, and opened BOOTLOADER folder in another window of Explorer

3. 1. and 2. are repeated



  • Though I tried to connect a board and USB cable with pressing reset button, nothing is changed.
  • I tried on other Note PC(Win8), but same behavior occured. Is my board broken down ?

Thanks in advance. K.Abe

18 May 2017

make sure jump 23 is on 1-2 not 2-3.