Cursor Display Problems

28 Oct 2009

Hi There,

I am using the online compiler under Windows 7 internet explorer 8. The text cursor appears a couple of characters behind its actual location which makes it very difficult to edit my code, any ideas?

it works fine in safari under snow leopard.


28 Oct 2009

A similiar problem can be reproduced in Firefox on Linux by changing the zoom level of the page (ctrl-plus/ctrl-minus).

28 Oct 2009

Ah, if I change from the default zoom level it seems to fix the problem,

Mite be worth looking at the problem tho,

Thanks Mike

28 Oct 2009


Thanks for these reports around the interactions of editor cursor and zoom. We'll see if it might be fixable. Thanks also for identifying a work around in the meantime.


29 Oct 2009

I think that that might be a general bug in IE. Zooming in breaks a lot of pages. Maybe try applying the CSS "zoom: 1 !important" to the editor panel. Of course, that prevents zooming.

29 Oct 2009

While we're talking about browser issues, I have one gripe about the forum (besides that it's really basic and I would love something more advanced): every time after I open a thread, I have to hit "Back" twice to go back to the thread list. This is under Opera 10.01.