Unable to upload .bin to NUCLEO F411RE from Ubuntu

19 Jun 2017

I've been trying to upload a compiled .bin from my Ubuntu 16.04 (Linux 4.8.0-54) machine to a NUCLEO F411RE device. From my Windows machine, it works fine. However, from Ubuntu, even after copying the .bin to the mounted USB flash storage, the device doesn't seem to update the code. I've tried manually mounting the flash storage as follows (per the Handbook):

/dev/sdX /media/MBED vfat rw,user,sync 0 0

The LDT light flashes when the .bin is copied, but no changes seem to be applying. I've also tried mounting per the instructions in the mbed-ls utility -> https://github.com/ARMmbed/mbed-ls#ubuntu.

The same exact .bin works fine when uploaded to the device from my Mac.