Has anybody used SAMD21 boards with mbed

07 Jan 2017


I'm currently trying to use some SAMD21 boards (Atmel ATSAMD21-XPRO) with mbed-os (5.3). But for me it seems like a bumpy road:

  • I spend some time debugging my code that suddenly stopped after 30 minutes to find out there is an issue in the SAM CortexM0P HAL ticker implementation .
  • Now I recognized that the the SAMD boards are configured to run at 8 MHz with the internal oscillator (OSC8M) and do not use the external crystal to run at the 48 MHz listed in the Key parameters for SAMD21J18A. The 8 MHz prevents using fast or high-speed I2C.

So I wonder if somebody else is using a SAMD21 board with mbed?

I would appreciate anybodies feedback and experience with SAMD21 board with mbed.

Thanks and regards Franz

04 Apr 2017

I originally tried to get mbed-os working with the SAMD21-XPRO, however after several attempts was advised that the board/hardware is not supported by mbed-os (5).

I also tried using standard mbed (2) but am having trouble with the USB serial, so I suspect it's not fully supported either.

Good luck

15 Apr 2017

It has been mentioned that the impeding factor for the SAMD boards is the RTOS component is not fully built out. It makes sense that the ticker (which is RTOS related) could have an issue.

It's possible to disable the RTOS component and use mbed OS 5.x in a more minimal fashion (check out the very neat mbed-events). I did some very basic proof-of-concept with it and it seemed to work.

Let us know your progress, I am eager to get my own SAMD equipment online with mbed OS.


See https://github.com/ARMmbed/mbed-os/issues/3370 and https://forums.mbed.com/t/sparkfun-samd21g18-target/1534/11 (Schnyder I know you've seen these, but others may find the links useful)

I am surprised you got yours to compile with the rtx at all...


On further reading (checking out your github linked issue) it seems you aren't using RTOS after all. My bad