changes to mbed compiler (help! project suffering)

15 Feb 2014

Hi fellows,

I'm recently facing a lot of problems relating to my code not working! ,the code that used to work before just isn't working now, have saturated the alternatives with Eril and Wim huiskamp and now it all points to compiler or some sort of a backend change.

So where I can get the list and details of changes made to the backend in the past week or 2 to 4 so days?

15 Feb 2014


15 Feb 2014

Hello Nishant,

We have indeed changed the compiler options very recently. The compiler argument "-Ospace" was replaced with "-O3 -Otime" to fix GPIO performance issues on some boards.

Can yo please give us more details on the issue? If the information is classified or you don't want to publish it in the discussion forums then please send me a private message instead.


15 Feb 2014

Hi Mihail a.k.a. John Doe,

I have suffered a lot due to the GPIO issue because I'm using the GPIOs to bitbang the 2 wire serial and that just accidentally stopped working, now I have resolved this by reverting to the revision number 39 , further you can see what happened with me on these 2 posts>>

and most prominently the very latest one >>

Although I knew after sometime that this is definitely some compiler backend issue still I had to dig a lot deep into the respositories and other project parts even the whole hardware installation to see if I made some wrong!

It took me 2 days back and wasted a lot of time and killed a saturday!

16 Feb 2014

Hi Nishant,

I reported the GPIO performance issues with mbed LPC1768. They started to occur with library version 40. See this post
