Set the time from a mini SD card

06 Sep 2012

I use the mbed and the testbed. I should have set the time and date without a PC with a mini sd card. At the end, the time and date should write on a 4x20 LCD display. How can I do that? Is it possible to use the real time clock of the mbed or just have a text document, save and read it then?

Please help me...

(Sorry, bad grammar ;) )

06 Sep 2012

Just to clarify: you want to write the time in a text file (or something), transfer it to the mbed (quickly) at which point it syncs the time with that file, then behaves as a clock, displaying the time on an LCD?

06 Sep 2012

for a fast solution, no decoding ( in MBED) use Unix time stamp and write to MBED s RTC.

Google Unix time stamp generator and you shou ld find something useful.

write a text file with it in

save it

read it

set it :-)

local file system. should be quicker and less hassle

Dont forget battery backup for RTC.
