Real Internet FAIL

28 Dec 2011

Hi all. I already tried allot of things but my mbed refuses to work on the real internet. @ home i receive 2 IP adresses. 1 for digital TV, 1 for the router. I connect the mbed to the digital tv wire and i can surf to it from my laptop who is behind the NAT. But if i ask someone else if they see "hello world" then no one can see it. whatever they try. They can succesfully ping the mbed. timings under 1ms 0% losses. What is wrong here? Online portscanners also say that not a single port is open. ( also not the 80 ) but i can surf to it ... Anyone an id? I'm using the provided Ethernet Tester software from the cookbook.

for example my router WAN IP is my laptop receives from the NAT, the mbed has WAN IP So i can surf to the mbed and see the hello world. But if i ask a friend to surf they always see page not available (firefox, IE, Chrome, ...)

Am i doing something wrong? Help

28 Dec 2011

You need to setup port forwarding to the mbed in your router

29 Dec 2011

No way. As i explained above my mbed receives a WAN ip not a LAN ip. So the mbed is not behind a router. My computer is ...

But the next step idd is: connect the mbed to the router and try to get NAT traversal up and running. As you suggested Gert. Set up a forwarding mechanism to create a tunnel trough the NAT. So i started to play with dynamic dns and a fix ip instead of dhcp. I registered myself on and + idd port forwarding on the router (linksys V5 hacked with ddwrt linux). I changed the portsocket in the program to listen to port 60000 instead of 80. Because most of all ISP's block that port (and everything <1024). I've set up the forwarding in the linksys and bam "hello world" is up and running behind a NAT traversal. COOL solved my problem. But here is the strange thing. I live in belgium and my isp is Telenet. Friends of mine who have telenet can acces the server from everywhere in belgium. Friends of mine who have an Iphone also have acces to that page. So far so good. But other friends who have Belgacom as their isp get Page not found. Explain me. How the heck is that possible? A dynamic dns service should work for everyone or am i missing something here? I'm not using the 80 port but the undefined and unknown 60000. So no isp on the planet can know what is happening on that undefined port i use.

Thanks for trying to help me Gert!! I appreciate that!

29 Dec 2011

tom borremans wrote:

No way. As i explained above my mbed receives a WAN ip not a LAN ip. So the mbed is not behind a router. My computer is ...

Hi Tom,

It could be that not all ports are routed through from the Internet on that second IP wire since it is supposed to be used for digital TV which works mostly 'Peer to Peer'


But the next step idd is: connect the mbed to the router and try to get NAT traversal up and running. As you suggested Gert. Set up a forwarding mechanism to create a tunnel trough the NAT. So i started to play with dynamic dns and a fix ip instead of dhcp. I registered myself on and + idd port forwarding on the router (linksys V5 hacked with ddwrt linux). I changed the portsocket in the program to listen to port 60000 instead of 80. Because most of all ISP's block that port (and everything <1024). I've set up the forwarding in the linksys and bam "hello world" is up and running behind a NAT traversal. COOL solved my problem. But here is the strange thing. I live in belgium and my isp is Telenet. Friends of mine who have telenet can acces the server from everywhere in belgium. Friends of mine who have an Iphone also have acces to that page. So far so good. But other friends who have Belgacom as their isp get Page not found. Explain me. How the heck is that possible? A dynamic dns service should work for everyone or am i missing something here? I'm not using the 80 port but the undefined and unknown 60000. So no isp on the planet can know what is happening on that undefined port i use.

Could be some ISP's are blocking access to IP numbers which are generated by dynamic dns servers (blacklisting).


Thanks for trying to help me Gert!! I appreciate that!

Glad I could help a bit :-)

29 Dec 2011

is there a workaround for something like blacklisting? setup my own unknown dynamic dns server? No ID how i should do that but everything van be learned ...