Where did my file go?!?!?!

13 Aug 2011

Hi, I recently added a new program code in my compiler.

While I was searching a way to undo some of my changes to the code, I came across the CLOSE command (after right-clicking the main.cpp file) thinking this would close and disregard all my changes. NOw the project file is nowhere to be found....

what the * just happened?!

Is there any way I can recover it?

13 Aug 2011

scratch that.

I found it after clicking workspace. It was there unchecked and I just checked it....

Sheeesh!!! I almost lost it

27 Jan 2012

I got tricked by this too. Thanks for the tip to look in the workspace.

I think it's nice to be able to "hide" a project. But the name "Close" is misleading. When my project disappeared without warning I thought it was lost.