Socket API

26 Oct 2010

Hey guys,

I've been having a problem figuring out how to setup a tcp socket client, I'm particulary new to C++ which is the biggest problem why I don't understand the examples in the Sockets API page.
It would be great if someone of you have a simple helloworld program with tcp connect send & recieve used and could share it.


16 Dec 2010


For developers who prefer to use a pure C Berkeley Socket API in the mbed environment, I have developed a BSD C Socket API that is layered on top of mbed C++ API.  Source code and a working example of TCP client is located at the following URL.[App].Home.Appdevices.Mbed;

Remmember to include the semicolon at the end of URL.  Comments and feedback from the user community is welcome.  If there is enough interest, I'll implement the remaining BSD C Socket API functionality.  The more users ask for it, the more likely I am going to do it, so let your interest be known!!
