Nice to have in bootloader ....

12 Dec 2011

would be reading a config file, maybe "boot.ini" from flash and setup these things instead of using defaults. I'm thinking about something like: - which devices should be powered on while booting - which frequence the mbed should run with - bauds to communicate with serial (because printf always uses 9600 baud) - possibility to speed up file transfer?

Other suggestions?

20 Jan 2012

One more maybe could be configured in a "Bootloader-Config-File" like proposed... The path and name of programm to run, maybe a case-statement to configure at BootUp? like if p05 is high at BootUp run "local\test1\test.bin" if p05 is low switch between programs u have just select right inputs before power on the device again... Could be used as optionally but sometimes usefull function i think, with some inputs u have the choice of various revisions without any needing of a PC or Net cause it gives the ability to store various programms in mBed in different paths without the need to copy them with a pc in root to run...

But just a suggestion...;-)