Welcome to the STEM summer workshop!



Import library

Public Member Functions

m3pi ()
Create the m3pi object connected to the default pins.
m3pi (PinName nrst, PinName tx, PinName rx)
Create the m3pi object connected to specific pins.
void reset (void)
Force a hardware reset of the 3pi.
void left_motor (float speed)
Directly control the speed and direction of the left motor.
void right_motor (float speed)
Directly control the speed and direction of the right motor.
void forward (float speed)
Drive both motors forward as the same speed.
void backward (float speed)
Drive both motors backward as the same speed.
void left (float speed)
Drive left motor backwards and right motor forwards at the same speed to turn on the spot.
void right (float speed)
Drive left motor forward and right motor backwards at the same speed to turn on the spot.
void stop (void)
Stop both motors.
float pot_voltage (void)
Read the voltage of the potentiometer on the 3pi.
float battery (void)
Read the battery voltage on the 3pi.
float line_position (void)
Read the position of the detected line.
char sensor_auto_calibrate (void)
Calibrate the sensors.
void calibrate (void)
Set calibration manually to the current settings.
void reset_calibration (void)
Clear the current calibration settings.
void leds (int val)
Write to the 8 LEDs.
void locate (int x, int y)
Locate the cursor on the 8x2 LCD.
void cls (void)
Clear the LCD.
int putc (int c)
Send a character directly to the 3pi serial interface.
int getc ()
Receive a character directly to the 3pi serial interface.
int print (char *text, int length)
Send a string buffer to the 3pi serial interface.

Hello World

Repository: m3pi_HelloWorld


Import program

00001 #include "mbed.h"
00002 #include "m3pi.h"
00004 m3pi m3pi;
00006 int main() {
00008     // Parameters that affect the performance
00009     float speed = 0.2;
00010     float correction = 0.1;   
00011     float threshold = 0.5;
00013     m3pi.locate(0,1);
00014     m3pi.printf("Line Flw");
00016     wait(2.0);
00018     m3pi.sensor_auto_calibrate();
00020     while (1) {
00022         // -1.0 is far left, 1.0 is far right, 0.0 in the middle
00023         float position_of_line = m3pi.line_position();
00025         // Line is more than the threshold to the right, slow the left motor
00026         if (position_of_line > threshold) {
00027             m3pi.right_motor(speed);
00028             m3pi.left_motor(speed-correction);
00029         }
00031         // Line is more than 50% to the left, slow the right motor
00032         else if (position_of_line < -threshold) {
00033             m3pi.left_motor(speed);
00034             m3pi.right_motor(speed-correction);
00035         }
00037         // Line is in the middle
00038         else {
00039             m3pi.forward(speed);
00040         }
00041     }
00042 }

Useful numbers

  • Speed of rotation: 720 degrees per second at half speed
  • Forward/Backward: 470mm per second at half speed


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