mbed @ ESC Silicon Valley!

The Embedded Systems Conference is running April 26-29th in Silicon Valley, and we'll be there! Hopefully with a nice demo...


The main Embedded Systems Conference expo days are 27th-29th, so one or more of us will be around all week. ESC is one of the biggest embedded shows, so if you haven't been before it is well worth a visit.

For more details, see:

The EDN Innovation Awards are the day before too, so we'll be there to see if we get a mention :)


We're hoping to find time to put together a new demo for the show, and it'll almost certainly be based around one of these:

We're thinking of combining the power of etch-a-sketch with the power of LOGO, as a little homage to Seymour Papert.

If you haven't read it, Mindstorms: Children, Computers and Powerful Ideas is an interesting read, especially when you consider when it was written and the ideas it was presenting; very insightful and influential. LEGO Mindstorms was named after it btw!

Say Hello!

The demo should be up on the NXP stand, so come and find us! If you haven't used mbed yet, we'd be very happy to answer questions and have a chat to how it could help you create your next project. For any mbed users in the area, make sure you say hi. It'd be great to hear what you are up to.

And if anyone is eager enough to want to help out, whether answering questions or handing out flyers etc, please give us a shout. Help is always welcome!

We're also considering running a workshop one evening; i'll post more details if we can put some in place, but again I'd be very grateful to hear from some helpers. I'm sure it will be part workshop, part social, but more to come soon...

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