RTno is communicating library and framework which allows you to make your embedded device capable of communicating with RT-middleware world. RT-middleware is a platform software to realize Robotic system. In RTM, robots are developed by constructing robotics technologies\' elements (components) named RT-component. Therefore, the RTno helps you to create your own RT-component with your mbed and arduino. To know how to use your RTno device, visit here: http://ysuga.net/robot_e/rtm_e/rtc_e/1065?lang=en To know about RT-middleware and RT-component, visit http://www.openrtm.org

Dependencies:   EthernetInterface mbed-rtos

--- a/Transport.h	Mon Jun 24 06:42:11 2013 +0000
+++ b/Transport.h	Mon Jul 08 07:14:30 2013 +0000
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 int8_t Transport_init();
 int8_t Transport_SendPacket(const char interface, const uint8_t data_length, const int8_t* packet_data);
-int8_t Transport_ReceivePacket(int8_t* packet);
+int8_t Transport_ReceivePacket(uint8_t* packet, const uint32_t &timeout=INFINITE);