PCF8574 I2C Portexpanders used to provide data, address and controlbus interface

Dependents:   mbed_bus

Auto generated API documentation and code listings for PCF8574_Bus


PCF8574_AddressBus Create an PCF8574_AddressBus object connected to the specified I2C object and using the specified deviceAddress
PCF8574_DataBus Create an PCF8574_DataBus object connected to the specified I2C object and using the specified deviceAddress
PCF8574_EnableBus Create an PCF8574_EnableBus object connected to the specified I2C object and using the specified deviceAddress


BusDefines.h [code]
BusEnums.h [code]
PCF8574_AddressBus.cpp [code]
PCF8574_AddressBus.h [code]
PCF8574_DataBus.cpp [code]
PCF8574_DataBus.h [code]
PCF8574_EnableBus.cpp [code]
PCF8574_EnableBus.h [code]