Adafruit GPS library sample with Xadow GPS and Xadow Oled

Dependencies:   MBed_Adafruit-GPS-Library SSD1308_128x64_I2C USBDevice mbed

Fork of AVC_gps by AVR Competition

--- a/main.cpp	Thu Oct 09 17:11:51 2014 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Fri Nov 21 13:13:38 2014 +0000
@@ -1,25 +1,90 @@
 #include "mbed.h"
+#include "pinmap.h"
+#include "SSD1308.h"
+#include "MBed_Adafruit_GPS.h"
+Serial gps(P0_19,P0_18);
+#define DEBUG
+#ifdef DEBUG
+#include "USBSerial.h"                       // To use USB virtual serial, a driver is needed, check
+#define LOG(args...)    pc.printf(args)
+USBSerial pc;
+#define LOG(args...)
+#define HARD_SPI        1
+#define I2C_FREQ            100000
-DigitalOut led(LED_GREEN);
-Serial gps(PTC17, PTC16);
-Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
+I2C i2c(I2C_SDA, I2C_SCL);
+//Use Xadow OLED for display
+SSD1308 oled = SSD1308(i2c, SSD1308_SA0);
+//GPS Data
-int main(){
-    gps.baud(4800);
+int main()
+    Adafruit_GPS myGPS(&gps);
+    char c; //when read via Adafruit_GPS::read(), the class returns single character stored here
+    Timer refresh_Timer; //sets up a timer for use in loop; how often do we print GPS info?
+    const int refresh_Time = 1000; //refresh time in ms
+    myGPS.begin(9600);
+    oled.clearDisplay();
+    oled.writeString(0,0,"GPS Test");
+    oled.writeString(1,0,"GPS Start");
+    wait(1);
+    refresh_Timer.start();  //starts the clock on the timer
     while (true) {
-        char str [200];
-        char c;
-        if (gps.readable()){
-            c = gps.getc();
-            if (c == '$') {
-                gps.scanf ("%199s",str);
-                pc.printf("%s \n",str);
-                //while (n >= 
+        c =;   //queries the GPS
+        if (c) {
+            pc.printf("%c", c);    //this line will echo the GPS data if not paused
+        }
+        //check if we recieved a new message from GPS, if so, attempt to parse it,
+        if ( myGPS.newNMEAreceived() ) {
+            if ( !myGPS.parse(myGPS.lastNMEA()) ) {
+                continue;
-        }else{
-            //pc.printf("No gps data \n");
-        led = !led; // toggle led
-        //wait(0.001f);
+        //check if enough time has passed to warrant printing GPS info to screen
+        //note if refresh_Time is too low or pc.baud is too low, GPS data may be lost during printing
+        if (refresh_Timer.read_ms() >= refresh_Time) {
+            refresh_Timer.reset();
+            pc.printf("Time: %d:%d:%d.%u\n", myGPS.hour, myGPS.minute, myGPS.seconds, myGPS.milliseconds);
+            pc.printf("Date: %d/%d/20%d\n",, myGPS.month, myGPS.year);
+            pc.printf("Fix: %d\n", (int) myGPS.fix);
+            pc.printf("Quality: %d\n", (int) myGPS.fixquality);
+            if (myGPS.fix) {
+                pc.printf("Location: %5.2f%c, %5.2f%c\n", myGPS.latitude,, myGPS.longitude, myGPS.lon);
+                pc.printf("Speed: %5.2f knots\n", myGPS.speed);
+                pc.printf("Angle: %5.2f\n", myGPS.angle);
+                pc.printf("Altitude: %5.2f\n", myGPS.altitude);
+                pc.printf("Satellites: %d\n", myGPS.satellites);
+            }
+            if (myGPS.fix) {
+                char oled_str[20];
+                oled.writeString(1,0,"GPS Lock ");
+                sprintf(oled_str,"LAT:%f",myGPS.latitude);
+                oled.writeString(2,0,oled_str);
+                sprintf(oled_str,"LON:%f",myGPS.longitude);
+                oled.writeString(3,0,oled_str);
+                sprintf(oled_str,"ALT:%f",myGPS.altitude);
+                oled.writeString(4,0,oled_str);
+            } else {
+                oled.writeString(1,0,"GPS Lost ");
+            }
+        }
\ No newline at end of file