W5200(WIZ820io) network interface

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W5200NetIf Class Reference

W5200NetIf Class Reference

W5200 network interface. More...

#include <W5200NetIf.h>

Inherits MyNetIf.

Inherited by WIZ820ioNetIf.

Public Member Functions

 W5200NetIf ()
 Instantiates the Interface and register it against the stack, DHCP will be used.
 W5200NetIf (IpAddr ip, IpAddr netmask, IpAddr gateway, IpAddr dns)
 Instantiates the Interface and register it against the stack, DHCP will not be used.
W5200Err setup (int timeout_ms=15000)
 Brings the interface up.

Detailed Description

W5200 network interface.

Definition at line 18 of file W5200NetIf.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

W5200NetIf (  )

Instantiates the Interface and register it against the stack, DHCP will be used.

Definition at line 6 of file W5200NetIf.cpp.

W5200NetIf ( IpAddr  ip,
IpAddr  netmask,
IpAddr  gateway,
IpAddr  dns 

Instantiates the Interface and register it against the stack, DHCP will not be used.

IpAddr is a container class that can be constructed with either 4 bytes or no parameters for a null IP address.

Definition at line 11 of file W5200NetIf.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

W5200Err setup ( int  timeout_ms = 15000 )

Brings the interface up.

Uses DHCP if necessary

timeout_ms: You can set the timeout parameter in milliseconds, if not it defaults to 15s
: W5200_OK on success or W5200_TIMEOUT on timeout

Reimplemented in WIZ820ioNetIf.

Definition at line 56 of file W5200NetIf.cpp.