Modified getOffset for calibrating Thermal Drift coefficients.

Dependents:   9Dof_unit_testing

Fork of ITG3200 by James Watanabe

Modified to make getOffset() function easier to use.

Revisions of ITG3200.cpp

Revision Date Message Actions
12:d624e9c6dae7 2012-11-06 getGyro commands replaced with get File  Diff  Annotate
11:9a354f34d8e3 2012-10-31 updated header comments File  Diff  Annotate
9:05396b551a9a 2012-10-02 Added support for calibration curve on chip temperature. File  Diff  Annotate
8:ac0365ab3cef 2012-10-02 Added a new constructor to accept an external I2C interface object. File  Diff  Annotate
7:43b936a53b64 2012-09-29 Added a new constructor to accept an external I2C interface object.; Added options to return values not zero adjusted.; File  Diff  Annotate
6:a7ad6046824c 2012-09-13 Made ITG3200::calibrate precisely measures time for calibration. Also added calibSamples variable that indicate number of samples for the last calibration. File  Diff  Annotate
5:0a0315f0f34e 2012-09-12 Made byte ordering and sign extending portable. File  Diff  Annotate
4:155c44407af5 2012-09-12 Collected common codes into a function getWord() to reduce duplicate codes. File  Diff  Annotate
3:eea9733ca427 2012-09-12 Added drift offset calibration capability. File  Diff  Annotate
2:f44a902ba081 2012-09-12 Made the code portable for other compilers, at least places which I have modified. File  Diff  Annotate
1:9bef044f45ad 2012-09-11 Added getRawTemperature(), getGyroXYZ(), getGyroXYZDegrees() and getGyroXYZRadians(). Also adapted the I2C address to 9DoF-Stick's ITG3200. For some reason, diff is indicating the whole file is altered. File  Diff  Annotate
0:b098d99dd81e 2010-09-06 Changed output to raw ADC counts as opposed to a value in degrees/sec. File  Diff  Annotate