10DOF FreeIMU port for FreeIMU v4 board and GY-86. This library was modified extensively to specifically suit the Mbed platform. Used threads and interrupts to achieve async mode.

Dependencies:   HMC58X3 AK8963 MS561101BA MODI2C MPU9250

Dependents:   MTQuadControl FreeIMU_serial FreeIMU_demo

Port of FreeIMU library from Arduino to Mbed

10DOF FreeIMU port for FreeIMU v4 board and GY-86. This library was modified extensively to specifically suit the Mbed platform. Maximum sampling rate of 500hz can be achieved using this library.


Sensor fusion algorithm fast initialization

This library implements the ARHS hot start algorithm, meaning that you can get accurate readings seconds after the algorithm is started, much faster than the Arduino version, where outputs slowly converge to the correct value in about a minute.


Sensors are read at their maximum output rates. Read values are cached hence multiple consecutive queries will not cause multiple reads.

Fully async

Acc & Gyro reads are performed via timer interrupts. Magnetometer and barometer are read by RTOS thread. No interfering with main program logic.


Declare a global FreeIMU object like the one below. There should only be one FreeIMU instance existing at a time.

#include "mbed.h"
#include "FreeIMU.h"
FreeIMU imu;

int main(){

Then, anywhere in the code, you may call imu.getQ(q) to get the quarternion, where q is an array of 4 floats representing the quarternion structure.

You are recommended to call getQ frequently to keep the filter updated. However, the frequency should not exceed 500hz to avoid redundant calculation. One way to do this is by using the RtosTimer:

void getIMUdata(void const *);     //method definition

//in main
RtosTimer IMUTimer(getIMUdata, osTimerPeriodic, (void *)NULL);
IMUTimer.start(2);     //1 / 2ms = 500hz

//getIMUdata function
void getIMUdata(void const *dummy){



File content as of revision 20:a2edd3ced80e:

FreeIMU.h - A libre and easy to use orientation sensing library for Arduino
Copyright (C) 2011 Fabio Varesano <fabio at varesano dot net>

Development of this code has been supported by the Department of Computer Science,
Universita' degli Studi di Torino, Italy within the Piemonte Project

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the version 3 GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.


#ifndef FreeIMU_h
#define FreeIMU_h

#include "mbed.h"

#ifndef I2C_SDA
  #define I2C_SDA p28
  #define I2C_SCL p27

// Uncomment the appropriated version of FreeIMU you are using
//#define FREEIMU_v01
//#define FREEIMU_v02
//#define FREEIMU_v03
//#define FREEIMU_v035
//#define FREEIMU_v035_MS
//#define FREEIMU_v035_BMP
#define FREEIMU_v04

// 3rd party boards. Please consider donating or buying a FreeIMU board to support this library development.
//#define SEN_10121 //IMU Digital Combo Board - 6 Degrees of Freedom ITG3200/ADXL345 SEN-10121 http://www.sparkfun.com/products/10121
//#define SEN_10736 //9 Degrees of Freedom - Razor IMU SEN-10736 http://www.sparkfun.com/products/10736
//#define SEN_10724 //9 Degrees of Freedom - Sensor Stick SEN-10724 http://www.sparkfun.com/products/10724
//#define SEN_10183 //9 Degrees of Freedom - Sensor Stick  SEN-10183 http://www.sparkfun.com/products/10183
//#define ARDUIMU_v3 //  DIYDrones ArduIMU+ V3 http://store.diydrones.com/ArduIMU_V3_p/kt-arduimu-30.htm or https://www.sparkfun.com/products/11055
//#define GEN_MPU6050 // Generic MPU6050 breakout board. Compatible with GY-521, SEN-11028 and other MPU6050 wich have the MPU6050 AD0 pin connected to GND.
#define GEN_MPU9250

// *** No configuration needed below this line ***

#define FREEIMU_LIB_VERSION "20121122"

#define FREEIMU_DEVELOPER "Fabio Varesano - varesano.net"

#if F_CPU == 16000000L
  #define FREEIMU_FREQ "16 MHz"
#elif F_CPU == 8000000L
  #define FREEIMU_FREQ "8 MHz"

// board IDs

#if defined(FREEIMU_v04)
  #define FREEIMU_ID "FreeIMU v0.4"

#define HAS_MPU6050() (defined(GEN_MPU6050))
#define HAS_MPU9250() (defined(GEN_MPU9250))

#define IS_6DOM() (defined(SEN_10121) || defined(GEN_MPU6050))
#define HAS_AXIS_ALIGNED() (defined(FREEIMU_v01) || defined(FREEIMU_v02) || defined(FREEIMU_v03) || defined(FREEIMU_v035) || defined(FREEIMU_v035_MS) || defined(FREEIMU_v035_BMP) || defined(FREEIMU_v04) || defined(SEN_10121) || defined(SEN_10736))

//#include <Wire.h>

#include "mbed.h"
#include "calibration.h"
#include <EEPROM.h>

//#if FREEIMU_VER <= 3

#if HAS_MPU6050()
 // #include <Wire.h>
  #include "I2Cdev.h"
  #include "MPU6050.h"
  #include <HMC58X3.h>

#if HAS_MPU9250()
 // #include <Wire.h>
  #include "I2Cdev.h"
  #include "MPU6050.h"

#include <MS561101BA.h>


#define FIMU_ITG3200_DEF_ADDR ITG3200_ADDR_AD0_LOW // AD0 connected to GND
// HMC5843 address is fixed so don't bother to define it

#if defined(DFROBOT) 
    #define twoKpDef  (2.0f * 0.5f)
    #define twoKiDef  (2.0f * 0.00002f)
    #define betaDef  0.1f
    //Used for DCM filter
    const float Kp_ROLLPITCH = 1.2f;  //was .3423
    const float Ki_ROLLPITCH = 0.0234f;
    const float Kp_YAW = 1.75f;   // was 1.2 and 0.02
    const float Ki_YAW = 0.002f;
#elif defined(FREEIMU_v04)
    #define twoKpDef  (2.0f * 0.75f)    //works with and without mag enabled
    #define twoKiDef  (2.0f * 0.1625f)
    #define betaDef  0.085f
    //Used for DCM filter
    const float Kp_ROLLPITCH = 1.2f;  //was .3423
    const float Ki_ROLLPITCH = 0.0234f;
    const float Kp_YAW = 1.75f;   // was 1.2 and 0.02
    const float Ki_YAW = 0.002f;
#elif defined(GEN_MPU6050)
    #define twoKpDef  (2.0f * 0.5f)
    #define twoKiDef  (2.0f * 0.25f)
    #define betaDef   0.2f
    //Used for DCM filter
    const float Kp_ROLLPITCH = 1.2f;  //was .3423
    const float Ki_ROLLPITCH = 0.0234f;
    const float Kp_YAW = 1.75f;   // was 1.2 and 0.02
    const float Ki_YAW = 0.002f;
#elif defined(GEN_MPU9150) 
    #define twoKpDef  (2.0f * 0.75f)
    #define twoKiDef  (2.0f * 0.1f) 
    #define betaDef   0.01f
    //Used for DCM filter
    const float Kp_ROLLPITCH = 1.2f;  //was .3423
    const float Ki_ROLLPITCH = 0.0234f;
    const float Kp_YAW = 1.75f;   // was 1.2 and 0.02
    const float Ki_YAW = 0.002f;
#elif defined(Altimu10)
    //#define twoKpDef  (2.0f * 1.01f)
    //#define twoKiDef  (2.0f * 0.00002f)   
    #define twoKpDef  (2.0f * 2.75f)
    #define twoKiDef  (2.0f * 0.1625f)
    #define betaDef  2.0f
    //Used for DCM filter
    const float Kp_ROLLPITCH = 1.2f;  //was .3423
    const float Ki_ROLLPITCH = 0.0234f;
    const float Kp_YAW = 1.75f;   // was 1.2 and 0.02
    const float Ki_YAW = 0.002f;
#elif defined(GEN_MPU9250) || defined(MPU9250_5611) || defined(MPU9250_5637)
    #define twoKpDef  (2.0f * 1.75f) // was 0.95
    #define twoKiDef  (2.0f * 0.05f) // was 0.05    
    #define betaDef   0.515f
    //Used for DCM filter
    const float Kp_ROLLPITCH = 1.2f;  //was .3423
    const float Ki_ROLLPITCH = 0.0234f;
    const float Kp_YAW = 1.75f;   // was 1.2 and 0.02
    const float Ki_YAW = 0.002f;
#elif defined(APM_2_5)
    #define twoKpDef  (2.0f * 0.5f)
    #define twoKiDef  (2.0f * 0.25f)
    #define betaDef   0.015f    //was 0.015
    //Used for DCM filter
    const float Kp_ROLLPITCH = 1.2f;  //was .3423
    const float Ki_ROLLPITCH = 0.0234f;
    const float Kp_YAW = 1.75f;   // was 1.2 and 0.02
    const float Ki_YAW = 0.002f;
#elif defined(Microduino)
    #define twoKpDef  (2.0f * 1.75f)    //works with and without mag enabled, 1.75
    #define twoKiDef  (2.0f * 0.0075f)  //.1625f
    #define betaDef  0.015f
    //Used for DCM filter
    const float Kp_ROLLPITCH = 1.2f;  //was .3423
    const float Ki_ROLLPITCH = 0.0234f;
    const float Kp_YAW = 1.75f;   // was 1.2 and 0.02
    const float Ki_YAW = 0.002f;
#elif (defined(ST_LSM9DS0) || defined(LSM9DS0_MS5637))
    //Madgwick's implementation of Mayhony's AHRS algorithm (option 0)
    #define twoKpDef  (2.0f * 1.75f)    //works with and without mag enabled
    #define twoKiDef  (2.0f * 0.025f)
    //Implementation of Madgwick's IMU and AHRS algorithms (option 1)
    #define betaDef  0.15f
    //Used for DCM filter
    const float Kp_ROLLPITCH = 1.2f;  //was .3423, was 1.2(2/16/17)
    const float Ki_ROLLPITCH = 0.0234f;
    const float Kp_YAW = 1.2f;   // was 1.2 and 0.02, was 1.2 (2/16/17)
    const float Ki_YAW = 0.02f;
#elif defined(ST_LSM9DS1) || defined(ST_LSM9DS1_MS5611)
    //Madgwick's implementation of Mayhony's AHRS algorithm
    #define twoKpDef  (2.0f * 1.75f)    //works with and without mag enabled
    #define twoKiDef  (2.0f * 0.025f)
    //Implementation of Madgwick's IMU and AHRS algorithms
    #define betaDef  0.15f
    //Used for DCM filter
    const float Kp_ROLLPITCH = 1.2f;  //was .3423
    const float Ki_ROLLPITCH = 0.0234f;
    const float Kp_YAW = 1.2f;   // was 1.2 and 0.02
    const float Ki_YAW = 0.02f;
#elif defined(CurieImu) || defined(CurieIMU_Mag)
    #define twoKpDef  (2.0f * 1.25f)
    #define twoKiDef  (2.0f * 0.1f)
    #define betaDef   0.07f
    //Used for DCM filter
    const float Kp_ROLLPITCH = 1.2f;  //was .3423
    const float Ki_ROLLPITCH = 0.0234f;
    const float Kp_YAW = 1.75f;   // was 1.2 and 0.02
    const float Ki_YAW = 0.002f;
#elif defined(PropShield)
    #define twoKpDef  (2.0f * 4.25f) // was 0.95, 3.25
    #define twoKiDef  (2.0f * 0.25) // was 0.05 , 0.25
    #define betaDef   0.35
    //Used for DCM filter
    const float Kp_ROLLPITCH = 1.2f;  //was .3423
    const float Ki_ROLLPITCH = 0.0234f;
    const float Kp_YAW = 1.75f;   // was 1.2 and 0.02
    const float Ki_YAW = 0.002f;
    #define twoKpDef  (2.0f * 0.5f)
    #define twoKiDef  (2.0f * 0.1f)
    #define betaDef  0.1f
    //Used for DCM filter
    const float Kp_ROLLPITCH = 1.2f;  //was .3423
    const float Ki_ROLLPITCH = 0.0234f;
    const float Kp_YAW = 1.75f;   // was 1.2 and 0.02
    const float Ki_YAW = 0.002f;

#ifndef cbi
#define cbi(sfr, bit) (_SFR_BYTE(sfr) &= ~_BV(bit))

class FreeIMU
    void init();
    void init(bool fastmode);
    void init(int accgyro_addr, bool fastmode);
    void sample(bool sampling);
    #ifndef CALIBRATION_H
    void calLoad();
    void zeroGyro();
    void getRawValues(int16_t * raw_values);
    void getValues(float * values);
    void getQ(float * q);
    void getRate(float * r);
    void getEuler(float * angles);
    void getYawPitchRoll(float * ypr);
    void getEulerRad(float * angles);
    void getYawPitchRollRad(float * ypr);
    void gravityCompensateAcc(float * acc, float * q);
    float getRawPressure();
    float getBaroAlt();
    float getBaroAlt(float sea_press);
    void getQ_simple(float* q);
    // we make them public so that users can interact directly with device classes

      MPU6050 *accgyro;
      MS561101BA *baro;

#if HAS_MPU6050()
      HMC58X3 *magn;
    int* raw_acc, raw_gyro, raw_magn;
    // calibration parameters
    int16_t gyro_off_x, gyro_off_y, gyro_off_z;
    int16_t acc_off_x, acc_off_y, acc_off_z, magn_off_x, magn_off_y, magn_off_z;
    float acc_scale_x, acc_scale_y, acc_scale_z, magn_scale_x, magn_scale_y, magn_scale_z;

    void AHRSupdate(float gx, float gy, float gz, float ax, float ay, float az, float mx, float my, float mz, bool _magn_valid);

    //float q0, q1, q2, q3; // quaternion elements representing the estimated orientation
    float iq0, iq1, iq2, iq3;
    float exInt, eyInt, ezInt;  // scaled integral error
    volatile float twoKp;      // 2 * proportional gain (Kp)
    volatile float twoKi;      // 2 * integral gain (Ki)
    volatile float twoKiz, twoKpz;
    volatile float q0, q1, q2, q3; // quaternion of sensor frame relative to auxiliary frame
    volatile float integralFBx,  integralFBy, integralFBz;
    Timer update;
    int dt_us;
    //unsigned long lastUpdate, now; // sample period expressed in milliseconds
    float sampleFreq; // half the sample period expressed in seconds


float invSqrt(float number);
void arr3_rad_to_deg(float * arr);

#endif // FreeIMU_h