The codebase to run the *spark d-fuser controller

Dependencies:   SPK-TVOne DMX DmxArtNet NetServicesMin OSC PinDetect mRotaryEncoder iniparser mbed spk_oled_ssd1305 filter

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/spk_tvone_mbed.cpp	Sat Mar 10 19:26:44 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+// *spark audio-visual
+// RS232 Control for TV-One products
+// Good for 1T-C2-750, others will need some extra work
+// Copyright *spark audio-visual 2009-2010
+#include "spk_tvone_mbed.h"
+#include "mbed.h"
+SPKTVOne::SPKTVOne(PinName txPin, PinName rxPin, PinName signWritePin, PinName signErrorPin, Serial *debugSerial)
+    // Create Serial connection for TVOne unit comms
+    // Creating our own as this is exclusively for TVOne comms
+    serial = new Serial(txPin, rxPin);
+    serial->baud(57600);
+    if (signWritePin != NC) writeDO = new DigitalOut(signWritePin);
+    else writeDO = NULL;
+    if (signErrorPin != NC) errorDO = new DigitalOut(signErrorPin);
+    else errorDO = NULL;
+    // Link up debug Serial object
+    // Passing in shared object as debugging is shared between all DVI mixer functions
+    debug = debugSerial;
+bool SPKTVOne::command(uint8_t channel, uint8_t window, int32_t func, int32_t payload) 
+  char i;
+  // TASK: Sign start of serial command write
+  if (writeDO) *writeDO = 1;
+  // TASK: discard anything waiting to be read
+  while (serial->readable()) {
+    serial->getc();
+  }
+  // TASK: Create the bytes of command
+  uint8_t cmd[8];
+  uint8_t checksum = 0;
+  // CMD
+  cmd[0] = 1<<2; // write
+  // CHA
+  cmd[1] = channel;
+  // WINDOW
+  cmd[2] = window;
+  //            cmd[3]  cmd[4]
+  // output 0 = 0000xxx xxxxxxx
+  // function = xxxXXXX XXXXXXX
+  cmd[3] = func >> 8;
+  cmd[4] = func & 0xFF;
+  cmd[5] = (payload >> 16) & 0xFF;
+  cmd[6] = (payload >> 8) & 0xFF;
+  cmd[7] = payload & 0xFF;
+  // TASK: Write the bytes of command to RS232 as correctly packaged 20 characters of ASCII
+  for (i=0; i<8; i++) 
+  {
+    checksum += cmd[i];
+  }
+  serial->printf("F%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X\r", cmd[0], cmd[1], cmd[2], cmd[3], cmd[4], cmd[5], cmd[6], cmd[7], checksum);
+  // TASK: Check the unit's return string, to enable return to main program as soon as unit is ready
+  // Handling the timing of this return is critical to effective control.
+  // Returning the instant something is received back overloads the processor, as does anything until the full 20 char acknowledgement.
+  // TVOne turn out to say that receipt of the ack doesn't guarantee the unit is ready for the next command. 
+  // According to the manual, operations typically take 30ms, and to simplify programming you can throttle commands to every 100ms.
+  // 100ms is too slow for us. Going with returning after 30ms if we've received an acknowledgement, returning after 100ms otherwise.
+  int ack[20];
+  int safePeriod = 100;
+  int clearPeriod = 30;
+  bool ackReceived = false;
+  bool success = false;
+  Timer timer;
+  timer.start();
+  i = 0;
+  while (timer.read_ms() < safePeriod) {
+    if (serial->readable())
+        {
+            ack[i] = serial->getc();
+            i++;
+            if (i >= 20) 
+            {
+                ackReceived = true;
+                if (ack[0] == 'F' && ack[1] == '4') // TVOne start of message, acknowledgement with no error, rest will be repeat of sent command
+                {
+                    success = true;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    if (ackReceived && (timer.read_ms() > clearPeriod)) break;
+  }
+  timer.stop();
+  // TASK: Sign end of write
+  if (writeDO) *writeDO = 0;
+  if (!success) {
+        if (errorDO) {
+            signErrorTimeout.detach();
+            signErrorTimeout.attach(this, &SPKTVOne::signErrorOff, 0.25);
+            *errorDO = 1;
+        }
+        if (debug) {
+            debug->printf("Serial command write error. Time from write finish: %ims \r\n", timer.read_ms());
+        }
+  };
+  return success;
+void SPKTVOne::setCustomResolutions() 
+  set1920x480(kTV1ResolutionTripleHeadVGAp60);
+  set1600x600(kTV1ResolutionDualHeadSVGAp60);
+bool SPKTVOne::setHDCPOff() 
+  bool ok = false;
+  // Turn HDCP off on the output
+  ok =       command(0, kTV1WindowIDA, kTV1FunctionAdjustOutputsHDCPRequired, 0);
+  ok = ok && command(0, kTV1WindowIDA, kTV1FunctionAdjustOutputsHDCPStatus, 0);
+  // Likewise on inputs A and B
+  ok = ok && command(0, kTV1WindowIDA, kTV1FunctionAdjustSourceHDCPAdvertize, 0);
+  ok = ok && command(0, kTV1WindowIDA, kTV1FunctionAdjustSourceHDCPAdvertize, 0);
+  ok = ok && command(0, kTV1WindowIDB, kTV1FunctionAdjustSourceHDCPStatus, 0);
+  ok = ok && command(0, kTV1WindowIDB, kTV1FunctionAdjustSourceHDCPStatus, 0);
+  return ok;
+void SPKTVOne::set1920x480(int resStoreNumber) 
+  command(0, 0, kTV1FunctionAdjustResolutionImageToAdjust, resStoreNumber);
+  command(0, 0, kTV1FunctionAdjustResolutionInterlaced, 0);
+  command(0, 0, kTV1FunctionAdjustResolutionFreqCoarseH, 31400);
+  command(0, 0, kTV1FunctionAdjustResolutionFreqFineH, 31475);
+  command(0, 0, kTV1FunctionAdjustResolutionActiveH, 1920);
+  command(0, 0, kTV1FunctionAdjustResolutionActiveV, 480);
+  command(0, 0, kTV1FunctionAdjustResolutionStartH, 192); 
+  command(0, 0, kTV1FunctionAdjustResolutionStartV, 32); 
+  command(0, 0, kTV1FunctionAdjustResolutionCLKS, 2400); 
+  command(0, 0, kTV1FunctionAdjustResolutionLines, 525);
+  command(0, 0, kTV1FunctionAdjustResolutionSyncH, 240);
+  command(0, 0, kTV1FunctionAdjustResolutionSyncV, 5); 
+  command(0, 0, kTV1FunctionAdjustResolutionSyncPolarity, 0);
+void SPKTVOne::set1600x600(int resStoreNumber) 
+  command(0, 0, kTV1FunctionAdjustResolutionImageToAdjust, resStoreNumber);
+  command(0, 0, kTV1FunctionAdjustResolutionInterlaced, 0);
+  command(0, 0, kTV1FunctionAdjustResolutionFreqCoarseH, 37879);
+  command(0, 0, kTV1FunctionAdjustResolutionFreqFineH, 37879);
+  command(0, 0, kTV1FunctionAdjustResolutionActiveH, 1600);
+  command(0, 0, kTV1FunctionAdjustResolutionActiveV, 600);
+  command(0, 0, kTV1FunctionAdjustResolutionStartH, 160); 
+  command(0, 0, kTV1FunctionAdjustResolutionStartV, 1); 
+  command(0, 0, kTV1FunctionAdjustResolutionCLKS, 2112); 
+  command(0, 0, kTV1FunctionAdjustResolutionLines, 628);
+  command(0, 0, kTV1FunctionAdjustResolutionSyncH, 192);
+  command(0, 0, kTV1FunctionAdjustResolutionSyncV, 14); 
+  command(0, 0, kTV1FunctionAdjustResolutionSyncPolarity, 0);
+void SPKTVOne::signErrorOff() {
+    *errorDO = 0;