Receiver program for assisted power disaggregation project at NESL.

Thu Jun 14 23:14:43 2012 +0000


Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 1 #include "mbed.h"
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 2
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 3 InterruptIn rfint(p15);
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 4 DigitalIn rfdata(p15);
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 5 DigitalOut led1(LED1);
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 6 DigitalOut led2(LED2);
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 7 DigitalOut led3(LED3);
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 8 DigitalOut led4(LED4);
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 9 DigitalOut pi16(p16);
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 10 DigitalOut pi17(p17);
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 11 DigitalOut pi18(p18);
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 12 DigitalOut pi19(p19);
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 13 DigitalOut pi20(p20);
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 14 Serial pc(USBTX,USBRX);
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 15
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 16 #define TMR LPC_TIM2
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 17 #define CLK_TIMER 12
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 18 #define PCTIM2 22 // Power Control Timer2
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 19 #define PCLK_DEVIDER 3
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 20
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 21 uint8_t flag = 0;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 22 int32_t interval;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 23 uint16_t datarecv;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 24 uint32_t o_spl, n_spl;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 25 static enum {
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 26 SYNC0,
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 27 SYNC1
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 28 } state = SYNC0;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 29
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 30 int32_t lpf1(int32_t x) {
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 31 static int32_t y = 0;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 32 y = (x>>1) + (x>>2) + (y>>2);
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 33 return y;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 34 }
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 35
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 36 int32_t lpf2(int32_t x) {
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 37 static int32_t y = 0;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 38 y = (x>>1) + (x>>2) + (y>>2);
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 39 return y;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 40 }
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 41
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 42 void rfedge() {
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 43 uint32_t tval = TMR->TC;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 44 static uint32_t edges[8];
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 45 static uint32_t ospls[8];
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 46 static uint32_t nspls[8];
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 47 static uint8_t head = 0;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 48 static uint8_t tail = 0;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 49
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 50 if (state == SYNC0) {
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 51 edges[tail] = tval;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 52 ospls[tail] = o_spl;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 53 nspls[tail] = n_spl;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 54 tail = (tail + 1) & 0x7;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 55 if (tail == head || tval - edges[head] > 31800) {
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 56 do {
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 57 head = (head+1)&0x7;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 58 } while (tval - edges[head] > 31800);
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 59 }
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 60 for (uint8_t i = head; i!= tail; i = (i+1)&0x7) {
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 61 if (tval - edges[i] > 29000) {
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 62 if ((o_spl - ospls[i]<<4) < (n_spl - nspls[i])) {
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 63 o_spl = n_spl = 0;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 64 head = tail = 0;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 65 TMR->TC = 0;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 66 TMR->MR0 = (tval - edges[i]>>3);
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 67 TMR->MCR = 3;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 68 interval = TMR->MR0;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 69 state = SYNC1;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 70 led4 = 1;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 71 pi18 = 1;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 72 pi19 = 0;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 73 break;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 74 }
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 75 } else
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 76 break;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 77 }
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 78 }
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 79 }
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 80
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 81 void tmr_irq() {
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 82 static uint32_t bitsrecv = 0;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 83 static uint16_t _datarecv = 0;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 84 static uint8_t bitp = 0;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 85 static uint8_t bitcnt = 0;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 86 static uint8_t parity = 0;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 87 static uint32_t o_spl_1;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 88 static uint32_t o_spl_2;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 89
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 90 if (TMR->IR & 0x1) {
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 91 pi16 = !pi16;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 92
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 93 uint8_t bit = (o_spl > (n_spl>>2)+(n_spl>>3));
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 94 pi17 = bit;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 95 switch (state) {
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 96 case SYNC0: {
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 97 } break;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 98 case SYNC1: {
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 99 if (!bitp) {
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 100 o_spl_1 = o_spl;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 101 } else {
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 102 o_spl_2 = o_spl;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 103 //if (o_spl_first + o_spl < (n_spl>>1) || o_spl_first + o_spl > n_spl + (n_spl>>1)) {
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 104 // state = SYNC0;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 105 // pi19 = 1;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 106 //} else
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 107 if (o_spl_1 > (o_spl_2<<1)) {
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 108 bit = 1;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 109 } else if (o_spl_2 > (o_spl_1<<1)) {
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 110 bit = 0;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 111 } else {
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 112 TMR->MCR = 0;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 113 bitcnt = 0;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 114 bitp = 0;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 115 _datarecv = 0;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 116 parity = 0;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 117 state = SYNC0;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 118 led4 = 0;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 119 pi18 = 0;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 120 pi19 = 1;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 121 break;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 122 }
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 123 o_spl_1 = o_spl_2 = 0;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 124 if (!bitcnt) {
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 125 // nothing
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 126 } else if (bitcnt < 17) {
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 127 parity ^= bit;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 128 _datarecv |= (bit<<(bitcnt-1));
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 129 } else {
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 130 parity ^= bit;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 131 led2 = !led2;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 132 if (!(parity & 0x1)) {
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 133 led3 = !led3;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 134 if (!flag) {
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 135 flag = 1;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 136 datarecv = _datarecv;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 137 } else {
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 138 led1 = 1;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 139 }
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 140 } else {
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 141 pi19 = 1;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 142 }
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 143 TMR->MCR = 0;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 144 bitp = 0;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 145 bitcnt = 0;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 146 _datarecv = 0;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 147 parity = 0;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 148 state = SYNC0;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 149 led4 = 0;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 150 pi18 = 0;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 151 break;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 152 }
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 153 bitcnt ++;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 154 }
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 155 bitp = bitp^1;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 156 }
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 157 }
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 158 o_spl = n_spl = 0;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 159 }
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 160 TMR->IR = -1;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 161 }
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 162
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 163 void init() {
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 164 // select PCLK
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 165 LPC_SC->PCLKSEL1 = (LPC_SC->PCLKSEL1 & ~(3<<CLK_TIMER)) | (PCLK_DEVIDER<<CLK_TIMER);
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 166 // power on timer
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 167 LPC_SC->PCONP |= (1<<PCTIM2);
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 168
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 169 // reset timer
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 170 TMR->CTCR = 0;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 171 TMR->PR = 3;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 172 TMR->TCR = 2;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 173 TMR->MCR = 0;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 174
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 175 __enable_irq();
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 176 NVIC_SetVector(TIMER2_IRQn, (uint32_t)&tmr_irq);
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 177 NVIC_EnableIRQ(TIMER2_IRQn);
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 178
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 179 rfint.rise(&rfedge);
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 180 //rfint.fall(&rfedge);
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 181 rfint.mode(PullNone);
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 182 pc.baud(115200);
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 183
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 184 TMR->MR0 = -1;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 185 //TMR->MCR = 3; // reset and interrupt on match
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 186 TMR->TCR = 1;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 187 }
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 188
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 189 void sample_data() {
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 190 o_spl += (rfdata & 1);
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 191 n_spl += 1;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 192 }
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 193
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 194 int main() {
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 195 uint16_t olddata = 0;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 196 uint32_t pktrecv = 0;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 197 uint32_t pktlost = 0;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 198
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 199 init();
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 200 Ticker sampler;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 201 sampler.attach_us(&sample_data, 20);
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 202
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 203 while(1) {
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 204 if (flag) {
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 205 pktrecv ++;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 206 if (olddata) {
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 207 pktlost += datarecv-olddata-1;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 208 }
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 209 /*printf("RECV %d (id=%d, gp=%d, seq=%d, idx=%d, atv=%d) (%d) %d/%d\r\n",
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 210 datarecv,
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 211 (datarecv&0xFC00)>>10,
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 212 (datarecv&0x0300)>>8,
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 213 (datarecv&0xF0)>>4,
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 214 (datarecv&0xE)>>1,
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 215 (datarecv&0x1),
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 216 interval, pktlost, pktlost+pktrecv);*/
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 217 pc.putc(datarecv >> 10);
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 218 pc.putc(((datarecv & 0x3F0)>>4) | 0x40);
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 219 pc.putc((datarecv & 0xF) | 0x80);
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 220 olddata = datarecv;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 221 flag = 0;
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 222 }
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 223 }
the729 0:3c23ac48cdf3 224 }