Pulse Oximeter (NONIN) communicates with mbed via Bluetooth dongle and sends Heart Rate and Oxygen Saturation via GPRS module

Dependencies:   C12832 GPS GSM mbed

Fork of myBlueUSB_localfix by Nobuaki Aoki

Auto generated API documentation and code listings for BluetoothNONIN


AutoEvents.cpp [code]
AvailableMemory.cpp [code]
AvailableMemory.h [code] Return the memory available for a malloc call
btserial.cpp [code]
btserial.h [code]
diskio.h [code]
FATDirHandle.h [code]
FATFileHandle.h [code]
FATFileSystem.h [code]
ff.h [code]
ftclasslibusbdevbt.cpp [code]
ftclasslibusbdevbt.h [code]
hci.cpp [code]
hci.h [code]
hci_private.h [code]
HCITransportUSB.h [code]
integer.h [code]
L2CAP.cpp [code]
main.cpp [code]
MassStorage.cpp [code]
MassStorage.h [code]
neighbourhood.cpp [code]
neighbourhood.h [code]
RFCOMM.cpp [code]
RFCOMM.h [code]
sdp.cpp [code]
sdp.h [code]
sdp_data.cpp [code]
sdp_data.h [code]
Socket.cpp [code]
Socket.h [code]
TestShell.cpp [code]
USBHost.cpp [code]
USBHost.h [code]
Utils.cpp [code]
Utils.h [code]


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