Magician Chassis Chasing Game

THe team project this team worked on was a Chasing Game that revolves around a magician chassis. It involves a user to engage in a contest to try to catch the robot chassis as it tries to run away.

Picture of Chassis: /media/uploads/rokash000/20140430_002404.jpg


We ended up using a variety of components to get this robot up and running:

  • Magician Chassis
  • MBED
  • 4 IR distance sensors
  • H Bridge
  • 4 LEDs


An avoid-all-objects algorithm was used to not collide this robot with obstacles in its path. The robot was coded to always go straight when possible and if it detects something in front of it, the chassis will immediately stop. It will then proceed to reverse and turn to another direction.

Source Code

Published code can be found at


Sample Video of working:

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