Smart Oarlock

When rowing on the river, a rower generally does not have proper metrics to measure performance available for them. Because of this, it can be difficult to improve training without data to back it up. Our low-cost empower oarlock provides real-time measurements and analytics of a rower’s stroke speed, power, and angle. The measurements will be displayed to a micro LCD screen for the rower to analyze and see in real-time. Some device functions can be controlled via Bluetooth on your smartphone.

Team Members: Dimitrios Kosmakos, Justin Kelley, Kyle Richardson, Ozi Orjioke

Hardware Components

Software Components


Oarlock Schematic


There are 4 different screens displayed on the uLCD:

  1. Catch and Fall Angles
  2. Power Curve
  3. Power
  4. Strokes Per Min (SPM)

Pressing the pushbutton allows the rower to traverse through each of the windows. One press means moving forward one window. It rolls over to the beginning after reaching the last window.

In case the rower wants to directly visit a window instead of traversing through the previous windows first, they can connect via Adafruit's Bluetooth App, go to the number pad, and select their window of choice.

Beyond that, the rower should row normally to see their data. A demo of this is shown below.



The public github repository for the project can be found here. You can import the program below

Import programSmart-Oarlock

4180 fall 2019 final. An oarlock that displays rowers' speed, power, and angle with Bluetooth capabilities

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