A HTTP Client for the mbed networking libraries with HTTPFile for use with latest networking stack

Fork of HTTPClient by Donatien Garnier

Auto generated API documentation and code listings for HTTPClient


HTTPClient A simple HTTP Client The HTTPClient is composed of:

  • The actual client ( HTTPClient )
  • Classes that act as a data repository, each of which deriving from the HTTPData class ( HTTPText for short text content, HTTPFile for file I/O, HTTPMap for key/value pairs, and HTTPStream for streaming purposes)
HTTPMap Map of key/value pairs Used to transmit POST data using the application/x-www-form-urlencoded encoding
HTTPText A data endpoint to store text
IHTTPDataIn This is a simple interface for HTTP data storage (impl examples are Key/Value Pairs, File, etc...)
IHTTPDataOut This is a simple interface for HTTP data storage (impl examples are Key/Value Pairs, File, etc...)


HTTPClient.cpp [code]
HTTPClient.h [code] HTTP Client header file
HTTPFile.cpp [code]
HTTPFile.h [code]
HTTPMap.cpp [code]
HTTPMap.h [code]
HTTPText.cpp [code]
HTTPText.h [code]
IHTTPData.h [code]