Corrected header file include guards.

Dependencies:   FiniteStateMachine HipControl Knee LinearBlend1 LocalFileSystem_Read dataComm hapticFeedback initExoVars mbed Blend_Generator Brad_poly_gait Gait_Generator MM_gait Encoders IMUdriver

Fork of Motion Control by HEL's Angels


RevisionDateWhoCommit message
54:9d0e871dd00a 2015-07-02 nathanhonka Corrected header file include guards. default tip
53:c631ea11447b 2015-07-02 nathanhonka Corrected header file include guards (did not encapsulate entire header).
52:9cd42eadea31 2015-07-02 perr1940 changed dataBed length.
51:b0a6dc4aece1 2015-07-01 cashdollar reads calibration data from txt file
50:08ec0751c21b 2015-06-30 cashdollar Will now load calibration settings from local txt file. Will not run without the presence of a calibration txt file.
49:2d4ec945cd9c 2015-06-30 cashdollar Fully-functioning read capability for loading encoder calibration values.
48:625603259aa1 2015-06-30 cashdollar local read write
47:4e8bb72dec92 2015-06-30 cashdollar Beginning fork for read/write
46:9e0c0b9243ce 2015-06-30 perr1940 changed min phase shift
45:ed17e1bdf157 2015-06-30 perr1940 flipped standup assistance sign
44:5f0dfbbce4f4 2015-06-29 perr1940 implemented poly_gait...
43:b579fcb0868d 2015-06-28 perr1940 added Kd_Swing and Kd_Stance... fixed blending
42:9ea65e8a5b9c 2015-06-27 perr1940 small changes... modifying Kp and Kd ranges and merged
41:68f130768877 2015-06-26 perr1940 updated to latest version. No dynamic memory allocation
40:77fa783b97f3 2015-06-26 perr1940 This is changes to get the app working and fixing sit2bend bugs
39:3d6c6d456fcf 2015-06-26 cashdollar fs and ftg working. bent forward not working
38:d472f42506f7 2015-06-26 cashdollar ftg and fs working. bent forward not working;
37:37ba5cb94bec 2015-06-25 cashdollar added reading of offset angles from txt file, add ftg and fs ;
36:6e671fa75dd2 2015-06-25 perr1940 added new Encoder library, adjusted main
35:70be4f3ccada 2015-05-29 perr1940 publishing to share with MES for EMC testing
34:677e8f159637 2015-05-28 perr1940 Committing before changing the encoder library to the HEL's Angels one.
33:66dfd5e4959b 2015-05-27 perr1940 Committing to add a new continuous UI mode (5). This will be for holding the 'A' button to continue walking.
32:f995434e1ca4 2015-05-21 perr1940 I'm giving up on this. I was trying to generalize to handle any type of blend function, but I can't seem to get that to work without passing the blend into the trajectory class. I don't want to do that.
31:692d08537bb4 2015-05-20 perr1940 Committing before making changes that Hayley and I reviewed.
30:1ccef6a5ba50 2015-05-16 perr1940 publishing code for michael. This should fix the adjusting gait params bug.
29:fb369b8e2493 2015-05-14 perr1940 This works! The problem was a double delete of a dynamically allocated pointer. So I'm going to revert back to the class structure and change how we delete to point to the NULL pointer after the fact.
28:67f5892586c2 2015-05-13 perr1940 changed to using a function instead of the gait generator... doesn't work... going to try getting rid of the struct now
27:feb56a2ec5c9 2015-05-13 perr1940 Committing to change to simple function structure instead of the class-based structure.
26:c4372c518ac3 2015-05-13 perr1940 publishing to share with Michael;
25:1292b886b8d2 2015-05-11 mzling Added gait gen. setters/getters, and dummy declaration of MMgait (so code compiles)
24:2e56d3bebb24 2015-05-06 mzling Added gaitEquations
23:e0923403be2f 2015-04-27 mzling Added float-short conversion
22:357327fe25af 2015-04-24 mzling Added gait parameters to dataComm, and now sending angles to databed.
21:715c8cf78e14 2015-04-15 mzling Added UI receiving capability
20:cf8e99d989a6 2015-04-13 mzling Sending some things to databed
19:70b2124c7370 2015-03-20 mzling Added range to variables
18:03d7c5fdc0c7 2015-03-20 mzling 3/20/15 version. Can receive correct messages and enter the setter function
17:b77c31807825 2015-03-17 mzling print doesn't work
16:e69f063a2068 2015-03-14 mzling Changed conversion functions
15:3596b7ca1c20 2015-03-12 mzling Printing dataIn
14:8929f5a9837c 2015-03-11 mzling Added conversion function
13:c588cb388240 2015-03-05 mzling Added dataComm to main program, and passed dataIn to it.
12:f0bb611a6ca3 2015-03-03 mzling Added getter/setter functions
11:7f7a0c079ee6 2015-03-05 cashdollar steven75 added;
10:34dcc982890a 2015-03-05 cashdollar Pre-March2015 Italy
9:9bbbd124bf50 2015-03-05 cashdollar Pre-march2015 italy.; -Added customTrajectory file to make it easier to make on the fly changes to trajectory.; -Added 75 trajectory file as 75% time of steven's trajectory. For trying with new users.; - commenting. Not in doxygen.; -safety -paramters
8:5766a09fefbf 2015-03-04 cashdollar FSM commenting for readability complete. Not fully doxygen compatible.
7:d44555be84b7 2015-02-26 perr1940 Changed to remove excessive print statements.
6:ff3677c61389 2015-02-25 cashdollar Changed to dataBedSPI.format(16,1) in main() line 51.; Previously was dataBedSPI.format(8,1).
5:498c9bfc56f0 2015-02-25 cashdollar Added safety checks. Safety checks include: 1. both encoders: range, parity, flag 2.both knees: status 3. IMU whoamI. Safety is checked every control cycle and send to dataBed.
4:f4210aefaa65 2015-02-13 cashdollar Phase 1 of safety check implementation
3:9719ad064a2c 2015-02-13 cashdollar Phase 1 of safety check implementation. Not fully functional but need to collaborate - still need to finish knee check and FSM and periodicFcns implementation.
2:89b78367d173 2014-11-24 perr1940 Exobed Code.... Going to Italy!
1:6f18fad9984e 2014-11-22 perr1940 Brad sharing rough version for Hayley. Everything should be working. There was some problems with the UI but they seem ok for now? Also, needs timeouts, IMU, and better databed comm.
0:d38d627c922f 2014-11-14 perr1940 this is without encoders going to test the knee steppers alone. They work alone but not with the encoders. Strange huh?