Dependents of MODGPS

A dependent is a program or library which makes use of this library.

GPS device with text LCD display and track logging to GPX file on SD Card GPS, LCD, SD-Card
A project similar to, where I'm trying to log data from a UM6 (CH Robotics orientation sensor) and a GPS transceiver to an sd card. I've adapted LHiggs code … GPS, MODGPS, MODSERIAL, UM6
Prints signals from UM6 orientation sensor (CH Robotics) and GPS receiver, using MODSerial and MODgps. GPS causes UM6 signals to freeze on a fixed value, which timer and gps continue … MODGPS, MODSERIAL, UM6
Initial Version / Interfacing with Skylab SKM53 - Alexandria, Egypt
Source-code for cansat implementation in Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Alexandria, Egypt. Alex, alexandria, bibalex, CanSat
integration with sensors