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File content as of revision 630:825f75ca301e:

  * @file    stm32f0xx_hal_uart.h
  * @author  MCD Application Team
  * @version V1.3.0
  * @date    26-June-2015
  * @brief   Header file of UART HAL module.
  * @attention
  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT(c) 2015 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
  * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
  *   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
  *      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
  *   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
  *      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
  *      and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
  *   3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors
  *      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
  *      without specific prior written permission.

/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
#ifndef __STM32F0xx_HAL_UART_H
#define __STM32F0xx_HAL_UART_H

#ifdef __cplusplus
 extern "C" {

/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "stm32f0xx_hal_def.h"

/** @addtogroup STM32F0xx_HAL_Driver
  * @{

/** @addtogroup UART
  * @{

/* Exported types ------------------------------------------------------------*/
/** @defgroup UART_Exported_Types UART Exported Types
  * @{

  * @brief UART Init Structure definition
typedef struct
  uint32_t BaudRate;                  /*!< This member configures the UART communication baud rate.
                                           The baud rate register is computed using the following formula:
                                           - If oversampling is 16 or in LIN mode (LIN mode not available on F030xx devices),
                                              Baud Rate Register = ((PCLKx) / ((huart->Init.BaudRate)))
                                           - If oversampling is 8,
                                              Baud Rate Register[15:4] = ((2 * PCLKx) / ((huart->Init.BaudRate)))[15:4]
                                              Baud Rate Register[3] =  0
                                              Baud Rate Register[2:0] =  (((2 * PCLKx) / ((huart->Init.BaudRate)))[3:0]) >> 1      */

  uint32_t WordLength;                /*!< Specifies the number of data bits transmitted or received in a frame.
                                           This parameter can be a value of @ref UARTEx_Word_Length */

  uint32_t StopBits;                  /*!< Specifies the number of stop bits transmitted.
                                           This parameter can be a value of @ref UART_Stop_Bits */

  uint32_t Parity;                    /*!< Specifies the parity mode.
                                           This parameter can be a value of @ref UART_Parity
                                           @note When parity is enabled, the computed parity is inserted
                                                 at the MSB position of the transmitted data (9th bit when
                                                 the word length is set to 9 data bits; 8th bit when the
                                                 word length is set to 8 data bits). */

  uint32_t Mode;                      /*!< Specifies whether the Receive or Transmit mode is enabled or disabled.
                                           This parameter can be a value of @ref UART_Mode */

  uint32_t HwFlowCtl;                 /*!< Specifies whether the hardware flow control mode is enabled
                                           or disabled.
                                           This parameter can be a value of @ref UART_Hardware_Flow_Control */

  uint32_t OverSampling;              /*!< Specifies whether the Over sampling 8 is enabled or disabled, to achieve higher speed (up to f_PCLK/8).
                                           This parameter can be a value of @ref UART_Over_Sampling */

  uint32_t OneBitSampling;            /*!< Specifies whether a single sample or three samples' majority vote is selected.
                                           Selecting the single sample method increases the receiver tolerance to clock
                                           deviations. This parameter can be a value of @ref UART_OneBit_Sampling. */

  * @brief  UART Advanced Features initalization structure definition
typedef struct
  uint32_t AdvFeatureInit;        /*!< Specifies which advanced UART features is initialized. Several
                                       Advanced Features may be initialized at the same time .
                                       This parameter can be a value of @ref UART_Advanced_Features_Initialization_Type */

  uint32_t TxPinLevelInvert;      /*!< Specifies whether the TX pin active level is inverted.
                                       This parameter can be a value of @ref UART_Tx_Inv  */

  uint32_t RxPinLevelInvert;      /*!< Specifies whether the RX pin active level is inverted.
                                       This parameter can be a value of @ref UART_Rx_Inv  */

  uint32_t DataInvert;            /*!< Specifies whether data are inverted (positive/direct logic
                                       vs negative/inverted logic).
                                       This parameter can be a value of @ref UART_Data_Inv */

  uint32_t Swap;                  /*!< Specifies whether TX and RX pins are swapped.
                                       This parameter can be a value of @ref UART_Rx_Tx_Swap */

  uint32_t OverrunDisable;        /*!< Specifies whether the reception overrun detection is disabled.
                                       This parameter can be a value of @ref UART_Overrun_Disable */

  uint32_t DMADisableonRxError;   /*!< Specifies whether the DMA is disabled in case of reception error.
                                       This parameter can be a value of @ref UART_DMA_Disable_on_Rx_Error */

  uint32_t AutoBaudRateEnable;    /*!< Specifies whether auto Baud rate detection is enabled.
                                       This parameter can be a value of @ref UART_AutoBaudRate_Enable */

  uint32_t AutoBaudRateMode;      /*!< If auto Baud rate detection is enabled, specifies how the rate
                                       detection is carried out.
                                       This parameter can be a value of @ref UARTEx_AutoBaud_Rate_Mode */

  uint32_t MSBFirst;              /*!< Specifies whether MSB is sent first on UART line.
                                       This parameter can be a value of @ref UART_MSB_First */
} UART_AdvFeatureInitTypeDef;

  * @brief HAL UART State structures definition
typedef enum
  HAL_UART_STATE_RESET             = 0x00,    /*!< Peripheral is not initialized                      */
  HAL_UART_STATE_READY             = 0x01,    /*!< Peripheral Initialized and ready for use           */
  HAL_UART_STATE_BUSY              = 0x02,    /*!< an internal process is ongoing                     */
  HAL_UART_STATE_BUSY_TX           = 0x12,    /*!< Data Transmission process is ongoing               */
  HAL_UART_STATE_BUSY_RX           = 0x22,    /*!< Data Reception process is ongoing                  */
  HAL_UART_STATE_BUSY_TX_RX        = 0x32,    /*!< Data Transmission and Reception process is ongoing */
  HAL_UART_STATE_TIMEOUT           = 0x03,    /*!< Timeout state                                      */
  HAL_UART_STATE_ERROR             = 0x04     /*!< Error                                              */

  * @brief UART clock sources definition
typedef enum
  UART_CLOCKSOURCE_PCLK1     = 0x00, /*!< PCLK1 clock source     */
  UART_CLOCKSOURCE_HSI       = 0x02, /*!< HSI clock source       */
  UART_CLOCKSOURCE_SYSCLK    = 0x04, /*!< SYSCLK clock source    */
  UART_CLOCKSOURCE_LSE       = 0x08, /*!< LSE clock source       */
  UART_CLOCKSOURCE_UNDEFINED = 0x10  /*!< Undefined clock source */

  * @brief  UART handle Structure definition
typedef struct
  USART_TypeDef            *Instance;        /*!< UART registers base address        */

  UART_InitTypeDef         Init;             /*!< UART communication parameters      */

  UART_AdvFeatureInitTypeDef AdvancedInit;   /*!< UART Advanced Features initialization parameters */

  uint8_t                  *pTxBuffPtr;      /*!< Pointer to UART Tx transfer Buffer */

  uint16_t                 TxXferSize;       /*!< UART Tx Transfer size              */

  uint16_t                 TxXferCount;      /*!< UART Tx Transfer Counter           */

  uint8_t                  *pRxBuffPtr;      /*!< Pointer to UART Rx transfer Buffer */

  uint16_t                 RxXferSize;       /*!< UART Rx Transfer size              */

  uint16_t                 RxXferCount;      /*!< UART Rx Transfer Counter           */

  uint16_t                 Mask;             /*!< UART Rx RDR register mask          */

  DMA_HandleTypeDef        *hdmatx;          /*!< UART Tx DMA Handle parameters      */

  DMA_HandleTypeDef        *hdmarx;          /*!< UART Rx DMA Handle parameters      */

  HAL_LockTypeDef          Lock;             /*!< Locking object                     */

  __IO HAL_UART_StateTypeDef    State;       /*!< UART communication state           */

  __IO uint32_t             ErrorCode;       /*!< UART Error code                    */


  * @}

/* Exported constants --------------------------------------------------------*/
/** @defgroup UART_Exported_Constants UART Exported Constants
  * @{

/** @defgroup UART_Error UART Error
  * @{
#define HAL_UART_ERROR_NONE      ((uint32_t)0x00000000)    /*!< No error            */
#define HAL_UART_ERROR_PE        ((uint32_t)0x00000001)    /*!< Parity error        */
#define HAL_UART_ERROR_NE        ((uint32_t)0x00000002)    /*!< Noise error         */
#define HAL_UART_ERROR_FE        ((uint32_t)0x00000004)    /*!< frame error         */
#define HAL_UART_ERROR_ORE       ((uint32_t)0x00000008)    /*!< Overrun error       */
#define HAL_UART_ERROR_DMA       ((uint32_t)0x00000010)    /*!< DMA transfer error  */
  * @}

/** @defgroup UART_Stop_Bits   UART Number of Stop Bits
  * @{
#define UART_STOPBITS_1                     ((uint32_t)0x0000)
#define UART_STOPBITS_2                     ((uint32_t)USART_CR2_STOP_1)
#define UART_STOPBITS_1_5                   ((uint32_t)(USART_CR2_STOP_0 | USART_CR2_STOP_1))
  * @}

/** @defgroup UART_Parity  UART Parity
  * @{
#define UART_PARITY_NONE                    ((uint32_t)0x00000000)                         /*!< No parity   */
#define UART_PARITY_EVEN                    ((uint32_t)USART_CR1_PCE)                      /*!< Even parity */
#define UART_PARITY_ODD                     ((uint32_t)(USART_CR1_PCE | USART_CR1_PS))     /*!< Odd parity  */
  * @}

/** @defgroup UART_Hardware_Flow_Control UART Hardware Flow Control
  * @{
#define UART_HWCONTROL_NONE                  ((uint32_t)0x00000000)                           /*!< No hardware control       */
#define UART_HWCONTROL_RTS                   ((uint32_t)USART_CR3_RTSE)                       /*!< Request To Send           */
#define UART_HWCONTROL_CTS                   ((uint32_t)USART_CR3_CTSE)                       /*!< Clear To Send             */
#define UART_HWCONTROL_RTS_CTS               ((uint32_t)(USART_CR3_RTSE | USART_CR3_CTSE))    /*!< Request and Clear To Send */
  * @}

/** @defgroup UART_Mode UART Transfer Mode
  * @{
#define UART_MODE_RX                        ((uint32_t)USART_CR1_RE)                    /*!< RX mode        */ 
#define UART_MODE_TX                        ((uint32_t)USART_CR1_TE)                    /*!< TX mode        */ 
#define UART_MODE_TX_RX                     ((uint32_t)(USART_CR1_TE |USART_CR1_RE))    /*!< RX and TX mode */ 
  * @}

/** @defgroup UART_State  UART State
  * @{
#define UART_STATE_DISABLE                  ((uint32_t)0x00000000)          /*!< UART disabled  */
#define UART_STATE_ENABLE                   ((uint32_t)USART_CR1_UE)        /*!< UART enabled   */
  * @}

/** @defgroup UART_Over_Sampling UART Over Sampling
  * @{
#define UART_OVERSAMPLING_16                ((uint32_t)0x00000000)          /*!< Oversampling by 16 */
#define UART_OVERSAMPLING_8                 ((uint32_t)USART_CR1_OVER8)     /*!< Oversampling by 8  */
  * @}

/** @defgroup UART_OneBit_Sampling UART One Bit Sampling Method
  * @{
#define UART_ONE_BIT_SAMPLE_DISABLE         ((uint32_t)0x00000000)          /*!< One-bit sampling disable */
#define UART_ONE_BIT_SAMPLE_ENABLE          ((uint32_t)USART_CR3_ONEBIT)    /*!< One-bit sampling enable  */
  * @}

/** @defgroup UART_Receiver_TimeOut UART Receiver TimeOut
  * @{
#define UART_RECEIVER_TIMEOUT_DISABLE       ((uint32_t)0x00000000)                  /*!< UART receiver timeout disable */
#define UART_RECEIVER_TIMEOUT_ENABLE        ((uint32_t)USART_CR2_RTOEN)             /*!< UART receiver timeout enable  */
  * @}

/** @defgroup UART_DMA_Tx    UART DMA Tx
  * @{
#define UART_DMA_TX_DISABLE                 ((uint32_t)0x00000000)                /*!< UART DMA TX disabled */
#define UART_DMA_TX_ENABLE                  ((uint32_t)USART_CR3_DMAT)            /*!< UART DMA TX enabled  */
  * @}

/** @defgroup UART_DMA_Rx   UART DMA Rx
  * @{
#define UART_DMA_RX_DISABLE                 ((uint32_t)0x00000000)                  /*!< UART DMA RX disabled */
#define UART_DMA_RX_ENABLE                  ((uint32_t)USART_CR3_DMAR)              /*!< UART DMA RX enabled  */
  * @}

/** @defgroup UART_Half_Duplex_Selection  UART Half Duplex Selection
  * @{
#define UART_HALF_DUPLEX_DISABLE            ((uint32_t)0x00000000)                  /*!< UART half-duplex disabled */
#define UART_HALF_DUPLEX_ENABLE             ((uint32_t)USART_CR3_HDSEL)             /*!< UART half-duplex enabled  */
  * @}

/** @defgroup UART_WakeUp_Address_Length    UART WakeUp Address Length
  * @{
#define UART_ADDRESS_DETECT_4B              ((uint32_t)0x00000000)       /*!< 4-bit long wake-up address */
#define UART_ADDRESS_DETECT_7B              ((uint32_t)USART_CR2_ADDM7)  /*!< 7-bit long wake-up address */
  * @}

/** @defgroup UART_WakeUp_Methods   UART WakeUp Methods
  * @{
#define UART_WAKEUPMETHOD_IDLELINE          ((uint32_t)0x00000000)                  /*!< UART wake-up on idle line    */
#define UART_WAKEUPMETHOD_ADDRESSMARK       ((uint32_t)USART_CR1_WAKE)              /*!< UART wake-up on address mark */
  * @}

/** @defgroup UART_IT   UART IT 
  *       Elements values convention: 000000000XXYYYYYb
  *           - YYYYY  : Interrupt source position in the XX register (5bits)
  *           - XX  : Interrupt source register (2bits)
  *                 - 01: CR1 register
  *                 - 10: CR2 register
  *                 - 11: CR3 register
  * @{
#define UART_IT_ERR                         ((uint16_t)0x0060)

/**       Elements values convention: 0000ZZZZ00000000b
  *           - ZZZZ  : Flag position in the ISR register(4bits)
#define UART_IT_ORE                         ((uint16_t)0x0300)
#define UART_IT_NE                          ((uint16_t)0x0200)
#define UART_IT_FE                          ((uint16_t)0x0100)
  * @}

/** @defgroup UART_Advanced_Features_Initialization_Type  UART Advanced Feature Initialization Type
  * @{
#define UART_ADVFEATURE_NO_INIT                 ((uint32_t)0x00000000)          /*!< No advanced feature initialization       */
#define UART_ADVFEATURE_TXINVERT_INIT           ((uint32_t)0x00000001)          /*!< TX pin active level inversion            */
#define UART_ADVFEATURE_RXINVERT_INIT           ((uint32_t)0x00000002)          /*!< RX pin active level inversion            */
#define UART_ADVFEATURE_DATAINVERT_INIT         ((uint32_t)0x00000004)          /*!< Binary data inversion                    */
#define UART_ADVFEATURE_SWAP_INIT               ((uint32_t)0x00000008)          /*!< TX/RX pins swap                          */
#define UART_ADVFEATURE_RXOVERRUNDISABLE_INIT   ((uint32_t)0x00000010)          /*!< RX overrun disable                       */
#define UART_ADVFEATURE_DMADISABLEONERROR_INIT  ((uint32_t)0x00000020)          /*!< DMA disable on Reception Error           */
#define UART_ADVFEATURE_AUTOBAUDRATE_INIT       ((uint32_t)0x00000040)          /*!< Auto Baud rate detection initialization  */
#define UART_ADVFEATURE_MSBFIRST_INIT           ((uint32_t)0x00000080)          /*!< Most significant bit sent/received first */
  * @}

/** @defgroup UART_Tx_Inv UART Advanced Feature TX Pin Active Level Inversion
  * @{
#define UART_ADVFEATURE_TXINV_DISABLE       ((uint32_t)0x00000000)              /*!< TX pin active level inversion disable */
#define UART_ADVFEATURE_TXINV_ENABLE        ((uint32_t)USART_CR2_TXINV)         /*!< TX pin active level inversion enable  */
  * @}

/** @defgroup UART_Rx_Inv UART Advanced Feature RX Pin Active Level Inversion
  * @{
#define UART_ADVFEATURE_RXINV_DISABLE       ((uint32_t)0x00000000)              /*!< RX pin active level inversion disable */ 
#define UART_ADVFEATURE_RXINV_ENABLE        ((uint32_t)USART_CR2_RXINV)         /*!< RX pin active level inversion enable  */ 
  * @}

/** @defgroup UART_Data_Inv  UART Advanced Feature Binary Data Inversion
  * @{
#define UART_ADVFEATURE_DATAINV_DISABLE     ((uint32_t)0x00000000)              /*!< Binary data inversion disable */
#define UART_ADVFEATURE_DATAINV_ENABLE      ((uint32_t)USART_CR2_DATAINV)       /*!< Binary data inversion enable  */
  * @}

/** @defgroup UART_Rx_Tx_Swap UART Advanced Feature RX TX Pins Swap
  * @{
#define UART_ADVFEATURE_SWAP_DISABLE        ((uint32_t)0x00000000)              /*!< TX/RX pins swap disable */
#define UART_ADVFEATURE_SWAP_ENABLE         ((uint32_t)USART_CR2_SWAP)          /*!< TX/RX pins swap enable  */
  * @}

/** @defgroup UART_Overrun_Disable  UART Advanced Feature Overrun Disable
  * @{
#define UART_ADVFEATURE_OVERRUN_ENABLE      ((uint32_t)0x00000000)              /*!< RX overrun enable  */ 
#define UART_ADVFEATURE_OVERRUN_DISABLE     ((uint32_t)USART_CR3_OVRDIS)        /*!< RX overrun disable */ 
  * @}

/** @defgroup UART_AutoBaudRate_Enable  UART Advanced Feature Auto BaudRate Enable
  * @{
#define UART_ADVFEATURE_AUTOBAUDRATE_DISABLE   ((uint32_t)0x00000000)           /*!< RX Auto Baud rate detection enable  */ 
#define UART_ADVFEATURE_AUTOBAUDRATE_ENABLE    ((uint32_t)USART_CR2_ABREN)      /*!< RX Auto Baud rate detection disable */ 
  * @}

/** @defgroup UART_DMA_Disable_on_Rx_Error   UART Advanced Feature DMA Disable On Rx Error
  * @{
#define UART_ADVFEATURE_DMA_ENABLEONRXERROR    ((uint32_t)0x00000000)           /*!< DMA enable on Reception Error  */
#define UART_ADVFEATURE_DMA_DISABLEONRXERROR   ((uint32_t)USART_CR3_DDRE)       /*!< DMA disable on Reception Error */
  * @}

/** @defgroup UART_MSB_First   UART Advanced Feature MSB First
  * @{
#define UART_ADVFEATURE_MSBFIRST_DISABLE    ((uint32_t)0x00000000)              /*!< Most significant bit sent/received first disable */
#define UART_ADVFEATURE_MSBFIRST_ENABLE     ((uint32_t)USART_CR2_MSBFIRST)      /*!< Most significant bit sent/received first enable  */
  * @}

/** @defgroup UART_Mute_Mode   UART Advanced Feature Mute Mode Enable
  * @{
#define UART_ADVFEATURE_MUTEMODE_DISABLE    ((uint32_t)0x00000000)              /*!< UART mute mode disable */
#define UART_ADVFEATURE_MUTEMODE_ENABLE     ((uint32_t)USART_CR1_MME)           /*!< UART mute mode enable  */
  * @}

/** @defgroup UART_CR2_ADDRESS_LSB_POS    UART Address-matching LSB Position In CR2 Register
  * @{
#define UART_CR2_ADDRESS_LSB_POS            ((uint32_t) 24)
  * @}

/** @defgroup UART_DriverEnable_Polarity      UART DriverEnable Polarity
  * @{
#define UART_DE_POLARITY_HIGH               ((uint32_t)0x00000000)              /*!< Driver enable signal is active high */
#define UART_DE_POLARITY_LOW                ((uint32_t)USART_CR3_DEP)           /*!< Driver enable signal is active low  */
  * @}

/** @defgroup UART_CR1_DEAT_ADDRESS_LSB_POS    UART Driver Enable Assertion Time LSB Position In CR1 Register
  * @{
#define UART_CR1_DEAT_ADDRESS_LSB_POS       ((uint32_t) 21)
  * @}

/** @defgroup UART_CR1_DEDT_ADDRESS_LSB_POS    UART Driver Enable DeAssertion Time LSB Position In CR1 Register
  * @{
#define UART_CR1_DEDT_ADDRESS_LSB_POS       ((uint32_t) 16)
  * @}

/** @defgroup UART_Interruption_Mask    UART Interruptions Flag Mask
  * @{
#define UART_IT_MASK                        ((uint32_t)0x001F)
  * @}

/** @defgroup UART_TimeOut_Value    UART polling-based communications time-out value
  * @{
#define HAL_UART_TIMEOUT_VALUE              0x1FFFFFF  
  * @}

  * @}

/* Exported macros -----------------------------------------------------------*/
/** @defgroup UART_Exported_Macros UART Exported Macros
  * @{

/** @brief Reset UART handle state.
  * @param  __HANDLE__: UART handle.
  * @retval None

/** @brief  Clear the specified UART pending flag.
  * @param  __HANDLE__: specifies the UART Handle.
  * @param  __FLAG__: specifies the flag to check.
  *          This parameter can be any combination of the following values:
  *            @arg UART_CLEAR_PEF,      Parity Error Clear Flag           
  *            @arg UART_CLEAR_FEF,      Framing Error Clear Flag          
  *            @arg UART_CLEAR_NEF,      Noise detected Clear Flag         
  *            @arg UART_CLEAR_OREF,     OverRun Error Clear Flag          
  *            @arg UART_CLEAR_IDLEF,    IDLE line detected Clear Flag     
  *            @arg UART_CLEAR_TCF,      Transmission Complete Clear Flag  
  *            @arg UART_CLEAR_LBDF,     LIN Break Detection Clear Flag  (not available on all devices)   
  *            @arg UART_CLEAR_CTSF,     CTS Interrupt Clear Flag          
  *            @arg UART_CLEAR_RTOF,     Receiver Time Out Clear Flag      
  *            @arg UART_CLEAR_EOBF,     End Of Block Clear Flag (not available on all devices)
  *            @arg UART_CLEAR_CMF,      Character Match Clear Flag        
  *            @arg UART_CLEAR_WUF,      Wake Up from stop mode Clear Flag (not available on all devices)
  * @retval None
#define __HAL_UART_CLEAR_FLAG(__HANDLE__, __FLAG__) ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->ICR = (__FLAG__))

/** @brief  Clear the UART PE pending flag.
  * @param  __HANDLE__: specifies the UART Handle.
  * @retval None

/** @brief  Clear the UART FE pending flag.
  * @param  __HANDLE__: specifies the UART Handle.
  * @retval None

/** @brief  Clear the UART NE pending flag.
  * @param  __HANDLE__: specifies the UART Handle.
  * @retval None

/** @brief  Clear the UART ORE pending flag.
  * @param  __HANDLE__: specifies the UART Handle.
  * @retval None

/** @brief  Clear the UART IDLE pending flag.
  * @param  __HANDLE__: specifies the UART Handle.
  * @retval None

/** @brief  Check whether the specified UART flag is set or not.
  * @param  __HANDLE__: specifies the UART Handle.
  *         This parameter can be UARTx where x: 1, 2, 3 or 4 to select the USART or 
  *         UART peripheral (datasheet: up to four USART/UARTs)
  * @param  __FLAG__: specifies the flag to check.
  *        This parameter can be one of the following values:
  *            @arg UART_FLAG_REACK: Receive enable acknowledge flag
  *            @arg UART_FLAG_TEACK: Transmit enable acknowledge flag
  *            @arg UART_FLAG_WUF:   Wake up from stop mode flag (not available on F030xx devices)
  *            @arg UART_FLAG_RWU:   Receiver wake up flag (not available on F030xx devices)
  *            @arg UART_FLAG_SBKF:  Send Break flag
  *            @arg UART_FLAG_CMF:   Character match flag
  *            @arg UART_FLAG_BUSY:  Busy flag
  *            @arg UART_FLAG_ABRF:  Auto Baud rate detection flag
  *            @arg UART_FLAG_ABRE:  Auto Baud rate detection error flag
  *            @arg UART_FLAG_EOBF:  End of block flag (not available on F030xx devices) 
  *            @arg UART_FLAG_RTOF:  Receiver timeout flag
  *            @arg UART_FLAG_CTS:   CTS Change flag
  *            @arg UART_FLAG_LBD:   LIN Break detection flag (not available on F030xx devices)
  *            @arg UART_FLAG_TXE:   Transmit data register empty flag
  *            @arg UART_FLAG_TC:    Transmission Complete flag
  *            @arg UART_FLAG_RXNE:  Receive data register not empty flag
  *            @arg UART_FLAG_IDLE:  Idle Line detection flag
  *            @arg UART_FLAG_ORE:   OverRun Error flag
  *            @arg UART_FLAG_NE:    Noise Error flag
  *            @arg UART_FLAG_FE:    Framing Error flag
  *            @arg UART_FLAG_PE:    Parity Error flag
  * @retval The new state of __FLAG__ (TRUE or FALSE).
#define __HAL_UART_GET_FLAG(__HANDLE__, __FLAG__) (((__HANDLE__)->Instance->ISR & (__FLAG__)) == (__FLAG__))

/** @brief  Enable the specified UART interrupt.
  * @param  __HANDLE__: specifies the UART Handle.
  *         This parameter can be UARTx where x: 1, 2, 3 or 4 to select the USART or 
  *         UART peripheral. (datasheet: up to four USART/UARTs)
  * @param  __INTERRUPT__: specifies the UART interrupt source to enable.
  *          This parameter can be one of the following values:
  *            @arg UART_IT_WUF:  Wakeup from stop mode interrupt (not available on F030xx devices)
  *            @arg UART_IT_CM:   Character match interrupt
  *            @arg UART_IT_CTS:  CTS change interrupt
  *            @arg UART_IT_LBD:  LIN Break detection interrupt (not available on F030xx devices)
  *            @arg UART_IT_TXE:  Transmit Data Register empty interrupt
  *            @arg UART_IT_TC:   Transmission complete interrupt
  *            @arg UART_IT_RXNE: Receive Data register not empty interrupt
  *            @arg UART_IT_IDLE: Idle line detection interrupt
  *            @arg UART_IT_PE:   Parity Error interrupt
  *            @arg UART_IT_ERR:  Error interrupt(Frame error, noise error, overrun error)
  * @retval None
#define __HAL_UART_ENABLE_IT(__HANDLE__, __INTERRUPT__)   (((((uint8_t)(__INTERRUPT__)) >> 5U) == 1)? ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->CR1 |= (1U << ((__INTERRUPT__) & UART_IT_MASK))): \
                                                           ((((uint8_t)(__INTERRUPT__)) >> 5U) == 2)? ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->CR2 |= (1U << ((__INTERRUPT__) & UART_IT_MASK))): \
                                                           ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->CR3 |= (1U << ((__INTERRUPT__) & UART_IT_MASK))))

/** @brief  Disable the specified UART interrupt.
  * @param  __HANDLE__: specifies the UART Handle.
  *         This parameter can be UARTx where x: 1, 2, 3 or 4 to select the USART or 
  *         UART peripheral. (datasheet: up to four USART/UARTs)
  * @param  __INTERRUPT__: specifies the UART interrupt source to disable.
  *          This parameter can be one of the following values:
  *            @arg UART_IT_WUF:  Wakeup from stop mode interrupt (not available on F030xx devices)
  *            @arg UART_IT_CM:   Character match interrupt
  *            @arg UART_IT_CTS:  CTS change interrupt
  *            @arg UART_IT_LBD:  LIN Break detection interrupt (not available on F030xx devices)
  *            @arg UART_IT_TXE:  Transmit Data Register empty interrupt
  *            @arg UART_IT_TC:   Transmission complete interrupt
  *            @arg UART_IT_RXNE: Receive Data register not empty interrupt
  *            @arg UART_IT_IDLE: Idle line detection interrupt
  *            @arg UART_IT_PE:   Parity Error interrupt
  *            @arg UART_IT_ERR:  Error interrupt (Frame error, noise error, overrun error)
  * @retval None
#define __HAL_UART_DISABLE_IT(__HANDLE__, __INTERRUPT__)  (((((uint8_t)(__INTERRUPT__)) >> 5U) == 1)? ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->CR1 &= ~ (1U << ((__INTERRUPT__) & UART_IT_MASK))): \
                                                           ((((uint8_t)(__INTERRUPT__)) >> 5U) == 2)? ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->CR2 &= ~ (1U << ((__INTERRUPT__) & UART_IT_MASK))): \
                                                           ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->CR3 &= ~ (1U << ((__INTERRUPT__) & UART_IT_MASK))))

/** @brief  Check whether the specified UART interrupt has occurred or not.
  * @param  __HANDLE__: specifies the UART Handle.
  *         This parameter can be UARTx where x: 1, 2, 3 or 4 to select the USART or 
  *         UART peripheral. (datasheet: up to four USART/UARTs)
  * @param  __IT__: specifies the UART interrupt to check.
  *          This parameter can be one of the following values:
  *            @arg UART_IT_WUF:  Wakeup from stop mode interrupt (not available on F030xx devices)
  *            @arg UART_IT_CM:   Character match interrupt
  *            @arg UART_IT_CTS:  CTS change interrupt
  *            @arg UART_IT_LBD:  LIN Break detection interrupt (not available on F030xx devices)
  *            @arg UART_IT_TXE:  Transmit Data Register empty interrupt
  *            @arg UART_IT_TC:   Transmission complete interrupt
  *            @arg UART_IT_RXNE: Receive Data register not empty interrupt
  *            @arg UART_IT_IDLE: Idle line detection interrupt
  *            @arg UART_IT_ORE:  OverRun Error interrupt
  *            @arg UART_IT_NE:   Noise Error interrupt
  *            @arg UART_IT_FE:   Framing Error interrupt
  *            @arg UART_IT_PE:   Parity Error interrupt
  * @retval The new state of __IT__ (TRUE or FALSE).
#define __HAL_UART_GET_IT(__HANDLE__, __IT__) ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->ISR & ((uint32_t)1 << ((__IT__)>> 0x08)))

/** @brief  Check whether the specified UART interrupt source is enabled or not.
  * @param  __HANDLE__: specifies the UART Handle.
  *         This parameter can be UARTx where x: 1, 2, 3 or 4 to select the USART or 
  *         UART peripheral. (datasheet: up to four USART/UARTs)
  * @param  __IT__: specifies the UART interrupt source to check.
  *          This parameter can be one of the following values:
  *            @arg UART_IT_WUF:  Wakeup from stop mode interrupt (not available on F030xx devices)
  *            @arg UART_IT_CM:   Character match interrupt              
  *            @arg UART_IT_CTS: CTS change interrupt
  *            @arg UART_IT_LBD: LIN Break detection interrupt (not available on F030xx devices)
  *            @arg UART_IT_TXE: Transmit Data Register empty interrupt
  *            @arg UART_IT_TC:  Transmission complete interrupt
  *            @arg UART_IT_RXNE: Receive Data register not empty interrupt
  *            @arg UART_IT_IDLE: Idle line detection interrupt
  *            @arg UART_IT_ORE: OverRun Error interrupt
  *            @arg UART_IT_NE: Noise Error interrupt
  *            @arg UART_IT_FE: Framing Error interrupt
  *            @arg UART_IT_PE: Parity Error interrupt
  * @retval The new state of __IT__ (TRUE or FALSE).
#define __HAL_UART_GET_IT_SOURCE(__HANDLE__, __IT__) ((((((uint8_t)(__IT__)) >> 5U) == 1)? (__HANDLE__)->Instance->CR1:(((((uint8_t)(__IT__)) >> 5U) == 2)? \
                                                       (__HANDLE__)->Instance->CR2 : (__HANDLE__)->Instance->CR3)) & ((uint32_t)1 << (((uint16_t)(__IT__)) & UART_IT_MASK)))

/** @brief  Clear the specified UART ISR flag, in setting the proper ICR register flag.
  * @param  __HANDLE__: specifies the UART Handle.
  *         This parameter can be UARTx where x: 1, 2, 3 or 4 to select the USART or 
  *         UART peripheral. (datasheet: up to four USART/UARTs)
  * @param  __IT_CLEAR__: specifies the interrupt clear register flag that needs to be set
  *                       to clear the corresponding interrupt
  *          This parameter can be one of the following values:
  *            @arg UART_CLEAR_PEF: Parity Error Clear Flag
  *            @arg UART_CLEAR_FEF: Framing Error Clear Flag
  *            @arg UART_CLEAR_NEF: Noise detected Clear Flag
  *            @arg UART_CLEAR_OREF: OverRun Error Clear Flag
  *            @arg UART_CLEAR_IDLEF: IDLE line detected Clear Flag
  *            @arg UART_CLEAR_TCF: Transmission Complete Clear Flag
  *            @arg UART_CLEAR_LBDF: LIN Break Detection Clear Flag (not available on F030xx devices)   
  *            @arg UART_CLEAR_CTSF: CTS Interrupt Clear Flag
  *            @arg UART_CLEAR_RTOF: Receiver Time Out Clear Flag
  *            @arg UART_CLEAR_EOBF: End Of Block Clear Flag (not available on F030xx devices)      
  *            @arg UART_CLEAR_CMF: Character Match Clear Flag
  *            @arg UART_CLEAR_WUF:  Wake Up from stop mode Clear Flag (not available on F030xx devices) 
  * @retval None
#define __HAL_UART_CLEAR_IT(__HANDLE__, __IT_CLEAR__) ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->ICR = (uint32_t)(__IT_CLEAR__))

/** @brief  Set a specific UART request flag.
  * @param  __HANDLE__: specifies the UART Handle.
  *         This parameter can be UARTx where x: 1, 2, 3 or 4 to select the USART or 
  *         UART peripheral. (datasheet: up to four USART/UARTs)
  * @param  __REQ__: specifies the request flag to set
  *          This parameter can be one of the following values:
  *            @arg UART_AUTOBAUD_REQUEST: Auto-Baud Rate Request
  *            @arg UART_SENDBREAK_REQUEST: Send Break Request
  *            @arg UART_MUTE_MODE_REQUEST: Mute Mode Request
  *            @arg UART_RXDATA_FLUSH_REQUEST: Receive Data flush Request
  *            @arg UART_TXDATA_FLUSH_REQUEST: Transmit data flush Request (not available on F030xx devices)
  * @retval None
#define __HAL_UART_SEND_REQ(__HANDLE__, __REQ__) ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->RQR |= (uint16_t)(__REQ__))

/** @brief  Enable the UART one bit sample method.
  * @param  __HANDLE__: specifies the UART Handle.  
  * @retval None

/** @brief  Disable the UART one bit sample method.
  * @param  __HANDLE__: specifies the UART Handle.  
  * @retval None
#define __HAL_UART_ONE_BIT_SAMPLE_DISABLE(__HANDLE__) ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->CR3 &= (uint32_t)~((uint32_t)USART_CR3_ONEBIT))

/** @brief  Enable UART.
  * @param  __HANDLE__: specifies the UART Handle.
  *         The Handle Instance can be UARTx where x: 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 to select the UART peripheral
  * @retval None
#define __HAL_UART_ENABLE(__HANDLE__)                   ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->CR1 |=  USART_CR1_UE)

/** @brief  Disable UART.
  * @param  __HANDLE__: specifies the UART Handle.
  *         The Handle Instance can be UARTx where x: 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 to select the UART peripheral
  * @retval None
#define __HAL_UART_DISABLE(__HANDLE__)                  ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->CR1 &=  ~USART_CR1_UE)

/** @brief  Enable CTS flow control.
  * @note   This macro allows to enable CTS hardware flow control for a given UART instance, 
  *         without need to call HAL_UART_Init() function.
  *         As involving direct access to UART registers, usage of this macro should be fully endorsed by user.
  * @note   As macro is expected to be used for modifying CTS Hw flow control feature activation, without need
  *         for USART instance Deinit/Init, following conditions for macro call should be fulfilled :
  *           - UART instance should have already been initialised (through call of HAL_UART_Init() )
  *           - macro could only be called when corresponding UART instance is disabled (i.e. __HAL_UART_DISABLE(__HANDLE__))
  *             and should be followed by an Enable macro (i.e. __HAL_UART_ENABLE(__HANDLE__)).                                                                                                                  
  * @param  __HANDLE__: specifies the UART Handle.
  * @retval None
  do{                                                      \
    SET_BIT((__HANDLE__)->Instance->CR3, USART_CR3_CTSE);  \
    (__HANDLE__)->Init.HwFlowCtl |= USART_CR3_CTSE;        \
  } while(0)

/** @brief  Disable CTS flow control.
  * @note   This macro allows to disable CTS hardware flow control for a given UART instance, 
  *         without need to call HAL_UART_Init() function.
  *         As involving direct access to UART registers, usage of this macro should be fully endorsed by user.
  * @note   As macro is expected to be used for modifying CTS Hw flow control feature activation, without need
  *         for USART instance Deinit/Init, following conditions for macro call should be fulfilled :
  *           - UART instance should have already been initialised (through call of HAL_UART_Init() )
  *           - macro could only be called when corresponding UART instance is disabled (i.e. __HAL_UART_DISABLE(__HANDLE__))
  *             and should be followed by an Enable macro (i.e. __HAL_UART_ENABLE(__HANDLE__)). 
  * @param  __HANDLE__: specifies the UART Handle.
  * @retval None
  do{                                                       \
    CLEAR_BIT((__HANDLE__)->Instance->CR3, USART_CR3_CTSE); \
    (__HANDLE__)->Init.HwFlowCtl &= ~(USART_CR3_CTSE);      \
  } while(0)

/** @brief  Enable RTS flow control.
  * @note   This macro allows to enable RTS hardware flow control for a given UART instance, 
  *         without need to call HAL_UART_Init() function.
  *         As involving direct access to UART registers, usage of this macro should be fully endorsed by user.
  * @note   As macro is expected to be used for modifying RTS Hw flow control feature activation, without need
  *         for USART instance Deinit/Init, following conditions for macro call should be fulfilled :
  *           - UART instance should have already been initialised (through call of HAL_UART_Init() )
  *           - macro could only be called when corresponding UART instance is disabled (i.e. __HAL_UART_DISABLE(__HANDLE__))
  *             and should be followed by an Enable macro (i.e. __HAL_UART_ENABLE(__HANDLE__)). 
  * @param  __HANDLE__: specifies the UART Handle.
  * @retval None
  do{                                                     \
    SET_BIT((__HANDLE__)->Instance->CR3, USART_CR3_RTSE); \
    (__HANDLE__)->Init.HwFlowCtl |= USART_CR3_RTSE;       \
  } while(0)

/** @brief  Disable RTS flow control.
  * @note   This macro allows to disable RTS hardware flow control for a given UART instance, 
  *         without need to call HAL_UART_Init() function.
  *         As involving direct access to UART registers, usage of this macro should be fully endorsed by user.
  * @note   As macro is expected to be used for modifying RTS Hw flow control feature activation, without need
  *         for USART instance Deinit/Init, following conditions for macro call should be fulfilled :
  *           - UART instance should have already been initialised (through call of HAL_UART_Init() )
  *           - macro could only be called when corresponding UART instance is disabled (i.e. __HAL_UART_DISABLE(__HANDLE__))
  *             and should be followed by an Enable macro (i.e. __HAL_UART_ENABLE(__HANDLE__)). 
  * @param  __HANDLE__: specifies the UART Handle.
  * @retval None
  do{                                                      \
    CLEAR_BIT((__HANDLE__)->Instance->CR3, USART_CR3_RTSE);\
    (__HANDLE__)->Init.HwFlowCtl &= ~(USART_CR3_RTSE);     \
  } while(0)

  * @}

/* Private macros --------------------------------------------------------*/
/** @defgroup UART_Private_Macros   UART Private Macros
  * @{

/** @brief  BRR division operation to set BRR register in 8-bit oversampling mode.
  * @param  __PCLK__: UART clock.
  * @param  __BAUD__: Baud rate set by the user.
  * @retval Division result
#define UART_DIV_SAMPLING8(__PCLK__, __BAUD__)             (((__PCLK__)*2)/((__BAUD__)))

/** @brief  BRR division operation to set BRR register in 16-bit oversampling mode.
  * @param  __PCLK__: UART clock.
  * @param  __BAUD__: Baud rate set by the user.
  * @retval Division result
#define UART_DIV_SAMPLING16(__PCLK__, __BAUD__)            (((__PCLK__))/((__BAUD__)))

/** @brief  Check UART Baud rate
  * @param  __BAUDRATE__: Baudrate specified by the user.
  *         The maximum Baud Rate is derived from the maximum clock on F0 (i.e. 48 MHz) 
  *         divided by the smallest oversampling used on the USART (i.e. 8) 
  * @retval SET (__BAUDRATE__ is valid) or RESET (__BAUDRATE__ is invalid)
#define IS_UART_BAUDRATE(__BAUDRATE__) ((__BAUDRATE__) < 9000001)

/** @brief  Check UART assertion time.
  * @param  __TIME__: 5-bit value assertion time.
  * @retval Test result (TRUE or FALSE).
#define IS_UART_ASSERTIONTIME(__TIME__)    ((__TIME__) <= 0x1F)

/** @brief  Check UART deassertion time.
  * @param  __TIME__: 5-bit value deassertion time.
  * @retval Test result (TRUE or FALSE).
#define IS_UART_DEASSERTIONTIME(__TIME__) ((__TIME__) <= 0x1F)

  * @brief Ensure that UART frame number of stop bits is valid.
  * @param __STOPBITS__: UART frame number of stop bits. 
  * @retval SET (__STOPBITS__ is valid) or RESET (__STOPBITS__ is invalid)  UART_STOPBITS_1_5
                                       ((__STOPBITS__) == UART_STOPBITS_2) || \
                                       ((__STOPBITS__) == UART_STOPBITS_1_5))

  * @brief Ensure that UART frame parity is valid.
  * @param __PARITY__: UART frame parity. 
  * @retval SET (__PARITY__ is valid) or RESET (__PARITY__ is invalid)
                                    ((__PARITY__) == UART_PARITY_EVEN) || \
                                    ((__PARITY__) == UART_PARITY_ODD))

  * @brief Ensure that UART hardware flow control is valid.
  * @param __CONTROL__: UART hardware flow control. 
  * @retval SET (__CONTROL__ is valid) or RESET (__CONTROL__ is invalid)
                                   (((__CONTROL__) == UART_HWCONTROL_NONE) || \
                                    ((__CONTROL__) == UART_HWCONTROL_RTS)  || \
                                    ((__CONTROL__) == UART_HWCONTROL_CTS)  || \
                                    ((__CONTROL__) == UART_HWCONTROL_RTS_CTS))

  * @brief Ensure that UART communication mode is valid.
  * @param __MODE__: UART communication mode. 
  * @retval SET (__MODE__ is valid) or RESET (__MODE__ is invalid)
#define IS_UART_MODE(__MODE__) ((((__MODE__) & (~((uint32_t)(UART_MODE_TX_RX)))) == (uint32_t)0x00) && ((__MODE__) != (uint32_t)0x00))

  * @brief Ensure that UART state is valid.
  * @param __STATE__: UART state. 
  * @retval SET (__STATE__ is valid) or RESET (__STATE__ is invalid)
#define IS_UART_STATE(__STATE__) (((__STATE__) == UART_STATE_DISABLE) || \
                                  ((__STATE__) == UART_STATE_ENABLE))

  * @brief Ensure that UART oversampling is valid.
  * @param __SAMPLING__: UART oversampling. 
  * @retval SET (__SAMPLING__ is valid) or RESET (__SAMPLING__ is invalid)
                                            ((__SAMPLING__) == UART_OVERSAMPLING_8))

  * @brief Ensure that UART frame sampling is valid.
  * @param __ONEBIT__: UART frame sampling. 
  * @retval SET (__ONEBIT__ is valid) or RESET (__ONEBIT__ is invalid)
                                            ((__ONEBIT__) == UART_ONE_BIT_SAMPLE_ENABLE))

  * @brief Ensure that Address Length detection parameter is valid.
  * @param __ADDRESS__: UART Adress length value. 
  * @retval SET (__ADDRESS__ is valid) or RESET (__ADDRESS__ is invalid)
                                                   ((__ADDRESS__) == UART_ADDRESS_DETECT_7B))

  * @brief Ensure that UART receiver timeout setting is valid.
  * @param __TIMEOUT__: UART receiver timeout setting. 
  * @retval SET (__TIMEOUT__ is valid) or RESET (__TIMEOUT__ is invalid)
                                               ((__TIMEOUT__) == UART_RECEIVER_TIMEOUT_ENABLE))

  * @brief Ensure that UART DMA TX state is valid.
  * @param __DMATX__: UART DMA TX state. 
  * @retval SET (__DMATX__ is valid) or RESET (__DMATX__ is invalid)
#define IS_UART_DMA_TX(__DMATX__)     (((__DMATX__) == UART_DMA_TX_DISABLE) || \
                                       ((__DMATX__) == UART_DMA_TX_ENABLE))

  * @brief Ensure that UART DMA RX state is valid.
  * @param __DMARX__: UART DMA RX state. 
  * @retval SET (__DMARX__ is valid) or RESET (__DMARX__ is invalid)
#define IS_UART_DMA_RX(__DMARX__)     (((__DMARX__) == UART_DMA_RX_DISABLE) || \
                                       ((__DMARX__) == UART_DMA_RX_ENABLE))

  * @brief Ensure that UART half-duplex state is valid.
  * @param __HDSEL__: UART half-duplex state. 
  * @retval SET (__HDSEL__ is valid) or RESET (__HDSEL__ is invalid)
                                            ((__HDSEL__) == UART_HALF_DUPLEX_ENABLE))

  * @brief Ensure that UART wake-up method is valid.
  * @param __WAKEUP__: UART wake-up method . 
  * @retval SET (__WAKEUP__ is valid) or RESET (__WAKEUP__ is invalid)
                                          ((__WAKEUP__) == UART_WAKEUPMETHOD_ADDRESSMARK))

  * @brief Ensure that UART advanced features initialization is valid.
  * @param __INIT__: UART advanced features initialization. 
  * @retval SET (__INIT__ is valid) or RESET (__INIT__ is invalid)
#define IS_UART_ADVFEATURE_INIT(__INIT__)   ((__INIT__) <= (UART_ADVFEATURE_NO_INIT                | \
                                                            UART_ADVFEATURE_TXINVERT_INIT          | \
                                                            UART_ADVFEATURE_RXINVERT_INIT          | \
                                                            UART_ADVFEATURE_DATAINVERT_INIT        | \
                                                            UART_ADVFEATURE_SWAP_INIT              | \
                                                            UART_ADVFEATURE_RXOVERRUNDISABLE_INIT  | \
                                                            UART_ADVFEATURE_DMADISABLEONERROR_INIT | \
                                                            UART_ADVFEATURE_AUTOBAUDRATE_INIT      | \

  * @brief Ensure that UART frame TX inversion setting is valid.
  * @param __TXINV__: UART frame TX inversion setting. 
  * @retval SET (__TXINV__ is valid) or RESET (__TXINV__ is invalid)
                                             ((__TXINV__) == UART_ADVFEATURE_TXINV_ENABLE))

  * @brief Ensure that UART frame RX inversion setting is valid.
  * @param __RXINV__: UART frame RX inversion setting. 
  * @retval SET (__RXINV__ is valid) or RESET (__RXINV__ is invalid)
                                             ((__RXINV__) == UART_ADVFEATURE_RXINV_ENABLE))

  * @brief Ensure that UART frame data inversion setting is valid.
  * @param __DATAINV__: UART frame data inversion setting. 
  * @retval SET (__DATAINV__ is valid) or RESET (__DATAINV__ is invalid)
                                                 ((__DATAINV__) == UART_ADVFEATURE_DATAINV_ENABLE))

  * @brief Ensure that UART frame RX/TX pins swap setting is valid.
  * @param __SWAP__: UART frame RX/TX pins swap setting. 
  * @retval SET (__SWAP__ is valid) or RESET (__SWAP__ is invalid)
                                           ((__SWAP__) == UART_ADVFEATURE_SWAP_ENABLE))

  * @brief Ensure that UART frame overrun setting is valid.
  * @param __OVERRUN__: UART frame overrun setting. 
  * @retval SET (__OVERRUN__ is valid) or RESET (__OVERRUN__ is invalid)
                                          ((__OVERRUN__) == UART_ADVFEATURE_OVERRUN_DISABLE))

  * @brief Ensure that UART auto Baud rate state is valid.
  * @param __AUTOBAUDRATE__: UART auto Baud rate state. 
  * @retval SET (__AUTOBAUDRATE__ is valid) or RESET (__AUTOBAUDRATE__ is invalid)
                                                            ((__AUTOBAUDRATE__) == UART_ADVFEATURE_AUTOBAUDRATE_ENABLE))

  * @brief Ensure that UART DMA enabling or disabling on error setting is valid.
  * @param __DMA__: UART DMA enabling or disabling on error setting. 
  * @retval SET (__DMA__ is valid) or RESET (__DMA__ is invalid)
                                                   ((__DMA__) == UART_ADVFEATURE_DMA_DISABLEONRXERROR))

  * @brief Ensure that UART frame MSB first setting is valid.
  * @param __MSBFIRST__: UART frame MSB first setting. 
  * @retval SET (__MSBFIRST__ is valid) or RESET (__MSBFIRST__ is invalid)
                                                   ((__MSBFIRST__) == UART_ADVFEATURE_MSBFIRST_ENABLE))

  * @brief Ensure that UART mute mode state is valid.
  * @param __MUTE__: UART mute mode state. 
  * @retval SET (__MUTE__ is valid) or RESET (__MUTE__ is invalid)
                                           ((__MUTE__) == UART_ADVFEATURE_MUTEMODE_ENABLE))

  * @brief Ensure that UART driver enable polarity is valid.
  * @param __POLARITY__: UART driver enable polarity. 
  * @retval SET (__POLARITY__ is valid) or RESET (__POLARITY__ is invalid)
                                              ((__POLARITY__) == UART_DE_POLARITY_LOW))

  * @}

/* Include UART HAL Extension module */
#include "stm32f0xx_hal_uart_ex.h"

/* Exported functions --------------------------------------------------------*/
/** @addtogroup UART_Exported_Functions UART Exported Functions
  * @{

/** @addtogroup UART_Exported_Functions_Group1 Initialization and de-initialization functions
  * @{

/* Initialization and de-initialization functions  ****************************/
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_UART_Init(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart);
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HalfDuplex_Init(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart);
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_MultiProcessor_Init(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart, uint8_t Address, uint32_t WakeUpMethod);
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_UART_DeInit (UART_HandleTypeDef *huart);
void HAL_UART_MspInit(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart);
void HAL_UART_MspDeInit(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart);

  * @}

/** @addtogroup UART_Exported_Functions_Group2 IO operation functions
  * @{

/* IO operation functions *****************************************************/
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_UART_Transmit(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart, uint8_t *pData, uint16_t Size, uint32_t Timeout);
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_UART_Receive(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart, uint8_t *pData, uint16_t Size, uint32_t Timeout);
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_UART_Transmit_IT(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart, uint8_t *pData, uint16_t Size);
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_UART_Receive_IT(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart, uint8_t *pData, uint16_t Size);
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_UART_Transmit_DMA(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart, uint8_t *pData, uint16_t Size);
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_UART_Receive_DMA(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart, uint8_t *pData, uint16_t Size);
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_UART_DMAPause(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart);
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_UART_DMAResume(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart);
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_UART_DMAStop(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart);
void HAL_UART_IRQHandler(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart);
void HAL_UART_TxCpltCallback(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart);
void HAL_UART_TxHalfCpltCallback(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart);
void HAL_UART_RxCpltCallback(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart);
void HAL_UART_RxHalfCpltCallback(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart);
void HAL_UART_ErrorCallback(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart);

  * @}

/** @addtogroup UART_Exported_Functions_Group3 Peripheral Control functions
  * @{

/* Peripheral Control functions  ************************************************/
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_MultiProcessor_EnableMuteMode(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart);
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_MultiProcessor_DisableMuteMode(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart);
void HAL_MultiProcessor_EnterMuteMode(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart);
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HalfDuplex_EnableTransmitter(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart);
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HalfDuplex_EnableReceiver(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart);

  * @}

/** @addtogroup UART_Exported_Functions_Group4 Peripheral State and Error functions
  * @{

/* Peripheral State and Errors functions  **************************************************/
HAL_UART_StateTypeDef HAL_UART_GetState(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart);
uint32_t              HAL_UART_GetError(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart);

  * @}

  * @}

/* Private functions -----------------------------------------------------------*/
/** @addtogroup UART_Private_Functions
  * @{
void UART_AdvFeatureConfig(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart);
HAL_StatusTypeDef UART_CheckIdleState(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart);
HAL_StatusTypeDef UART_SetConfig(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart);
HAL_StatusTypeDef UART_Transmit_IT(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart);
HAL_StatusTypeDef UART_EndTransmit_IT(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart);
HAL_StatusTypeDef UART_Receive_IT(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart);
HAL_StatusTypeDef UART_WaitOnFlagUntilTimeout(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart, uint32_t Flag, FlagStatus Status, uint32_t Timeout);
  * @}

  * @}

  * @}

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* __STM32F0xx_HAL_UART_H */

/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/