Official mbed Real Time Operating System based on the RTX implementation of the CMSIS-RTOS API open standard.

Dependents:   denki-yohou_b TestY201 Network-RTOS NTPClient_HelloWorld ... more


This is the mbed 2 rtos library. mbed OS 5 integrates the mbed library with mbed-rtos. With this, we have provided thread safety for all mbed APIs. If you'd like to learn about using mbed OS 5, please see the docs.



File content as of revision 114:031a41d65add:

 *      CMSIS-RTOS  -  RTX
 *      Name:    rt_CMSIS.c
 *      Purpose: CMSIS RTOS API
 *      Rev.:    V4.80
 * Copyright (c) 1999-2009 KEIL, 2009-2015 ARM Germany GmbH
 * All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
 *  - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
 *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
 *  - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
 *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
 *    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
 *  - Neither the name of ARM  nor the names of its contributors may be used
 *    to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
 *    specific prior written permission.


#if defined (__CORTEX_M4) || defined (__CORTEX_M4F)
  #include "core_cm4.h"
#elif defined (__CORTEX_M7) || defined (__CORTEX_M7F)
  #include "core_cm7.h"
#elif defined (__CORTEX_M3)
  #include "core_cm3.h"
#elif defined (__CORTEX_M0)
  #include "core_cm0.h"
#elif defined (__CORTEX_M0PLUS)
  #include "core_cm0plus.h"
  #error "Missing __CORTEX_Mx definition"

// This affects cmsis_os only, as it's not used anywhere else. This was left by kernel team
// to suppress the warning in rt_tid2ptcb about incompatible pointer assignment.
#define os_thread_cb OS_TCB

#include "rt_TypeDef.h"
#include "RTX_Config.h"
#include "rt_System.h"
#include "rt_Task.h"
#include "rt_Event.h"
#include "rt_List.h"
#include "rt_Time.h"
#include "rt_Mutex.h"
#include "rt_Semaphore.h"
#include "rt_Mailbox.h"
#include "rt_MemBox.h"
#include "rt_Memory.h"
#include "rt_HAL_CM.h"

#include "cmsis_os.h"

#if (osFeature_Signals != 16)
#error Invalid "osFeature_Signals" value!
#if (osFeature_Semaphore > 65535)
#error Invalid "osFeature_Semaphore" value!
#if (osFeature_Wait != 0)
#error osWait not supported!

// ==== Enumeration, structures, defines ====

// Service Calls defines

#if defined (__CC_ARM)          /* ARM Compiler */

#define __NO_RETURN __declspec(noreturn)

#define osEvent_type       osEvent
#define osEvent_ret_status ret
#define osEvent_ret_value  ret
#define osEvent_ret_msg    ret
#define osEvent_ret_mail   ret

#define osCallback_type    osCallback
#define osCallback_ret     ret

#define SVC_0_1(f,t,...)                                                       \
__svc_indirect(0) t  _##f (t(*)());                                            \
                  t     f (void);                                              \
__attribute__((always_inline))                                                 \
static __inline   t __##f (void) {                                             \
  return _##f(f);                                                              \

#define SVC_1_0(f,t,t1,...)                                                    \
__svc_indirect(0) t  _##f (t(*)(t1),t1);                                       \
                  t     f (t1 a1);                                             \
__attribute__((always_inline))                                                 \
static __inline   t __##f (t1 a1) {                                            \
  _##f(f,a1);                                                                  \

#define SVC_1_1(f,t,t1,...)                                                    \
__svc_indirect(0) t  _##f (t(*)(t1),t1);                                       \
                  t     f (t1 a1);                                             \
__attribute__((always_inline))                                                 \
static __inline   t __##f (t1 a1) {                                            \
  return _##f(f,a1);                                                           \

#define SVC_2_1(f,t,t1,t2,...)                                                 \
__svc_indirect(0) t  _##f (t(*)(t1,t2),t1,t2);                                 \
                  t     f (t1 a1, t2 a2);                                      \
__attribute__((always_inline))                                                 \
static __inline   t __##f (t1 a1, t2 a2) {                                     \
  return _##f(f,a1,a2);                                                        \

#define SVC_3_1(f,t,t1,t2,t3,...)                                              \
__svc_indirect(0) t  _##f (t(*)(t1,t2,t3),t1,t2,t3);                           \
                  t     f (t1 a1, t2 a2, t3 a3);                               \
__attribute__((always_inline))                                                 \
static __inline   t __##f (t1 a1, t2 a2, t3 a3) {                              \
  return _##f(f,a1,a2,a3);                                                     \

#define SVC_4_1(f,t,t1,t2,t3,t4,...)                                           \
__svc_indirect(0) t  _##f (t(*)(t1,t2,t3,t4),t1,t2,t3,t4);                     \
                  t     f (t1 a1, t2 a2, t3 a3, t4 a4);                        \
__attribute__((always_inline))                                                 \
static __inline   t __##f (t1 a1, t2 a2, t3 a3, t4 a4) {                       \
  return _##f(f,a1,a2,a3,a4);                                                  \

#define SVC_1_2 SVC_1_1 
#define SVC_1_3 SVC_1_1 
#define SVC_2_3 SVC_2_1 

#elif defined (__GNUC__)        /* GNU Compiler */

#define __NO_RETURN __attribute__((noreturn))

typedef uint32_t __attribute__((vector_size(8)))  ret64;
typedef uint32_t __attribute__((vector_size(16))) ret128;

#define RET_pointer    __r0
#define RET_int32_t    __r0
#define RET_uint32_t   __r0
#define RET_osStatus   __r0
#define RET_osPriority __r0
#define RET_osEvent    {(osStatus)__r0, {(uint32_t)__r1}, {(void *)__r2}}
#define RET_osCallback {(void *)__r0, (void *)__r1}

#define osEvent_type       __attribute__((pcs("aapcs"))) ret128
#define osEvent_ret_status (ret128){ret.status}
#define osEvent_ret_value  (ret128){ret.status, ret.value.v}
#define osEvent_ret_msg    (ret128){ret.status, ret.value.v, (uint32_t)ret.def.message_id}
#define osEvent_ret_mail   (ret128){ret.status, ret.value.v, (uint32_t)ret.def.mail_id}

#define osCallback_type    __attribute__((pcs("aapcs"))) ret64
#define osCallback_ret     (ret64) {(uint32_t)ret.fp, (uint32_t)ret.arg}

#define SVC_ArgN(n) \
  register int __r##n __asm("r"#n);

#define SVC_ArgR(n,t,a) \
  register t   __r##n __asm("r"#n) = a;

#define SVC_Arg0()                                                             \
  SVC_ArgN(0)                                                                  \
  SVC_ArgN(1)                                                                  \
  SVC_ArgN(2)                                                                  \

#define SVC_Arg1(t1)                                                           \
  SVC_ArgR(0,t1,a1)                                                            \
  SVC_ArgN(1)                                                                  \
  SVC_ArgN(2)                                                                  \

#define SVC_Arg2(t1,t2)                                                        \
  SVC_ArgR(0,t1,a1)                                                            \
  SVC_ArgR(1,t2,a2)                                                            \
  SVC_ArgN(2)                                                                  \

#define SVC_Arg3(t1,t2,t3)                                                     \
  SVC_ArgR(0,t1,a1)                                                            \
  SVC_ArgR(1,t2,a2)                                                            \
  SVC_ArgR(2,t3,a3)                                                            \

#define SVC_Arg4(t1,t2,t3,t4)                                                  \
  SVC_ArgR(0,t1,a1)                                                            \
  SVC_ArgR(1,t2,a2)                                                            \
  SVC_ArgR(2,t3,a3)                                                            \

#if (defined (__CORTEX_M0)) || defined (__CORTEX_M0PLUS)
#define SVC_Call(f)                                                            \
  __asm volatile                                                               \
  (                                                                            \
    "ldr r7,="#f"\n\t"                                                         \
    "mov r12,r7\n\t"                                                           \
    "svc 0"                                                                    \
    :               "=r" (__r0), "=r" (__r1), "=r" (__r2), "=r" (__r3)         \
    :                "r" (__r0),  "r" (__r1),  "r" (__r2),  "r" (__r3)         \
    : "r7", "r12", "lr", "cc"                                                  \
#define SVC_Call(f)                                                            \
  __asm volatile                                                               \
  (                                                                            \
    "ldr r12,="#f"\n\t"                                                        \
    "svc 0"                                                                    \
    :               "=r" (__r0), "=r" (__r1), "=r" (__r2), "=r" (__r3)         \
    :                "r" (__r0),  "r" (__r1),  "r" (__r2),  "r" (__r3)         \
    : "r12", "lr", "cc"                                                        \

#define SVC_0_1(f,t,rv)                                                        \
__attribute__((always_inline))                                                 \
static inline  t __##f (void) {                                                \
  SVC_Arg0();                                                                  \
  SVC_Call(f);                                                                 \
  return (t) rv;                                                               \

#define SVC_1_0(f,t,t1)                                                        \
__attribute__((always_inline))                                                 \
static inline  t __##f (t1 a1) {                                               \
  SVC_Arg1(t1);                                                                \
  SVC_Call(f);                                                                 \

#define SVC_1_1(f,t,t1,rv)                                                     \
__attribute__((always_inline))                                                 \
static inline  t __##f (t1 a1) {                                               \
  SVC_Arg1(t1);                                                                \
  SVC_Call(f);                                                                 \
  return (t) rv;                                                               \

#define SVC_2_1(f,t,t1,t2,rv)                                                  \
__attribute__((always_inline))                                                 \
static inline  t __##f (t1 a1, t2 a2) {                                        \
  SVC_Arg2(t1,t2);                                                             \
  SVC_Call(f);                                                                 \
  return (t) rv;                                                               \

#define SVC_3_1(f,t,t1,t2,t3,rv)                                               \
__attribute__((always_inline))                                                 \
static inline  t __##f (t1 a1, t2 a2, t3 a3) {                                 \
  SVC_Arg3(t1,t2,t3);                                                          \
  SVC_Call(f);                                                                 \
  return (t) rv;                                                               \

#define SVC_4_1(f,t,t1,t2,t3,t4,rv)                                            \
__attribute__((always_inline))                                                 \
static inline  t __##f (t1 a1, t2 a2, t3 a3, t4 a4) {                          \
  SVC_Arg4(t1,t2,t3,t4);                                                       \
  SVC_Call(f);                                                                 \
  return (t) rv;                                                               \

#define SVC_1_2 SVC_1_1 
#define SVC_1_3 SVC_1_1 
#define SVC_2_3 SVC_2_1 

#elif defined (__ICCARM__)      /* IAR Compiler */

#define __NO_RETURN __noreturn

#define osEvent_type       osEvent
#define osEvent_ret_status ret
#define osEvent_ret_value  ret
#define osEvent_ret_msg    ret
#define osEvent_ret_mail   ret

#define osCallback_type    osCallback
#define osCallback_ret     ret

#define RET_osEvent     osEvent
#define RET_osCallback  osCallback

#define SVC_Setup(f)                                                           \
  __asm(                                                                       \
    "mov r12,%0\n"                                                             \
    :: "r"(&f): "r12"                                                          \

#define SVC_Ret3()                                                             \
  __asm(                                                                       \
    "ldr r0,[sp,#0]\n"                                                         \
    "ldr r1,[sp,#4]\n"                                                         \
    "ldr r2,[sp,#8]\n"                                                         \

#define SVC_0_1(f,t,...)                                                       \
t f (void);                                                                    \
_Pragma("swi_number=0") __swi t _##f (void);                                   \
static inline t __##f (void) {                                                 \
  SVC_Setup(f);                                                                \
  return _##f();                                                               \

#define SVC_1_0(f,t,t1,...)                                                    \
t f (t1 a1);                                                                   \
_Pragma("swi_number=0") __swi t _##f (t1 a1);                                  \
static inline t __##f (t1 a1) {                                                \
  SVC_Setup(f);                                                                \
  _##f(a1);                                                                    \

#define SVC_1_1(f,t,t1,...)                                                    \
t f (t1 a1);                                                                   \
_Pragma("swi_number=0") __swi t _##f (t1 a1);                                  \
static inline t __##f (t1 a1) {                                                \
  SVC_Setup(f);                                                                \
  return _##f(a1);                                                             \

#define SVC_2_1(f,t,t1,t2,...)                                                 \
t f (t1 a1, t2 a2);                                                            \
_Pragma("swi_number=0") __swi t _##f (t1 a1, t2 a2);                           \
static inline t __##f (t1 a1, t2 a2) {                                         \
  SVC_Setup(f);                                                                \
  return _##f(a1,a2);                                                          \

#define SVC_3_1(f,t,t1,t2,t3,...)                                              \
t f (t1 a1, t2 a2, t3 a3);                                                     \
_Pragma("swi_number=0") __swi t _##f (t1 a1, t2 a2, t3 a3);                    \
static inline t __##f (t1 a1, t2 a2, t3 a3) {                                  \
  SVC_Setup(f);                                                                \
  return _##f(a1,a2,a3);                                                       \

#define SVC_4_1(f,t,t1,t2,t3,t4,...)                                           \
t f (t1 a1, t2 a2, t3 a3, t4 a4);                                              \
_Pragma("swi_number=0") __swi t _##f (t1 a1, t2 a2, t3 a3, t4 a4);             \
static inline t __##f (t1 a1, t2 a2, t3 a3, t4 a4) {                           \
  SVC_Setup(f);                                                                \
  return _##f(a1,a2,a3,a4);                                                    \

#define SVC_1_2 SVC_1_1
#define SVC_1_3 SVC_1_1
#define SVC_2_3 SVC_2_1


// Callback structure
typedef struct {
  void *fp;             // Function pointer
  void *arg;            // Function argument
} osCallback;

// OS Section definitions
extern const uint32_t  os_section_id$$Base;
extern const uint32_t  os_section_id$$Limit;

// OS Stack Memory for Threads definitions
extern       uint64_t  os_stack_mem[];
extern const uint32_t  os_stack_sz;

// OS Timers external resources
extern const osThreadDef_t   os_thread_def_osTimerThread;
extern       osThreadId      osThreadId_osTimerThread;
extern const osMessageQDef_t os_messageQ_def_osTimerMessageQ;
extern       osMessageQId    osMessageQId_osTimerMessageQ;

// ==== Helper Functions ====

/// Convert timeout in millisec to system ticks
static uint16_t rt_ms2tick (uint32_t millisec) {
  uint32_t tick;

  if (millisec == 0U) { return 0x0U; }                  // No timeout
  if (millisec == osWaitForever) { return 0xFFFFU; }    // Indefinite timeout
  if (millisec > 4000000U) { return 0xFFFEU; }          // Max ticks supported

  tick = ((1000U * millisec) + os_clockrate - 1U)  / os_clockrate;
  if (tick > 0xFFFEU) { return 0xFFFEU; }
  return (uint16_t)tick;

/// Convert Thread ID to TCB pointer
P_TCB rt_tid2ptcb (osThreadId thread_id) {
  P_TCB ptcb;

  if (thread_id == NULL) { return NULL; }

  if ((uint32_t)thread_id & 3U) { return NULL; }

  if ((os_section_id$$Base != 0U) && (os_section_id$$Limit != 0U)) {
    if (thread_id  < (osThreadId)os_section_id$$Base)  { return NULL; }
    if (thread_id >= (osThreadId)os_section_id$$Limit) { return NULL; }

  ptcb = thread_id;

  if (ptcb->cb_type != TCB) { return NULL; }

  return ptcb;

/// Convert ID pointer to Object pointer
static void *rt_id2obj (void *id) {

  if ((uint32_t)id & 3U) { return NULL; }

  if ((os_section_id$$Base != 0U) && (os_section_id$$Limit != 0U)) {
    if (id  < (void *)os_section_id$$Base)  { return NULL; }
    if (id >= (void *)os_section_id$$Limit) { return NULL; }

  return id;

// ==== Kernel Control ====

uint8_t os_initialized;                         // Kernel Initialized flag
uint8_t os_running;                             // Kernel Running flag

// Kernel Control Service Calls declarations
SVC_0_1(svcKernelInitialize, osStatus, RET_osStatus)
SVC_0_1(svcKernelStart,      osStatus, RET_osStatus)
SVC_0_1(svcKernelRunning,    int32_t,  RET_int32_t)
SVC_0_1(svcKernelSysTick,    uint32_t, RET_uint32_t)

static void  sysThreadError   (osStatus status);
osThreadId   svcThreadCreate  (const osThreadDef_t *thread_def, void *argument);
osMessageQId svcMessageCreate (const osMessageQDef_t *queue_def, osThreadId thread_id);

// Kernel Control Service Calls

/// Initialize the RTOS Kernel for creating objects
osStatus svcKernelInitialize (void) {
  if (!os_initialized) {
    rt_sys_init();                              // RTX System Initialization
  uint32_t ret;

  if (os_initialized == 0U) {

    // Init Thread Stack Memory (must be 8-byte aligned)
    if (((uint32_t)os_stack_mem & 7U) != 0U) { return osErrorNoMemory; }
    ret = rt_init_mem(os_stack_mem, os_stack_sz);
    if (ret != 0U) { return osErrorNoMemory; }

    rt_sys_init();                              // RTX System Initialization
#endif>prio = 255U;                      // Highest priority

  if (os_initialized == 0U) {
    // Create OS Timers resources (Message Queue & Thread)
    osMessageQId_osTimerMessageQ = svcMessageCreate (&os_messageQ_def_osTimerMessageQ, NULL);
    osThreadId_osTimerThread = svcThreadCreate(&os_thread_def_osTimerThread, NULL);


  os_initialized = 1U;
  os_running = 0U;

  return osOK;

/// Start the RTOS Kernel
osStatus svcKernelStart (void) {

  if (os_running) { return osOK; }

  rt_tsk_prio(0U,>prio_base);       // Restore priority
  if (>task_id == 0xFFU) {           // Idle Thread
    __set_PSP(>tsk_stack + (8U*4U)); // Setup PSP
  if (os_tsk.new_tsk == NULL) {                     // Force context switch
    os_tsk.new_tsk =; = NULL;


  os_running = 1U;

  return osOK;

/// Check if the RTOS kernel is already started
int32_t svcKernelRunning (void) {
  return (int32_t)os_running;

/// Get the RTOS kernel system timer counter
uint32_t svcKernelSysTick (void) {
  uint32_t tick, tick0;

  tick = os_tick_val();
  if (os_tick_ovf()) {
    tick0 = os_tick_val();
    if (tick0 < tick) { tick = tick0; }
    tick += (os_trv + 1U) * (os_time + 1U);
  } else {
    tick += (os_trv + 1U) *  os_time;

  return tick;

// Kernel Control Public API

/// Initialize the RTOS Kernel for creating objects
osStatus osKernelInitialize (void) {
  if (__get_IPSR() != 0U) {
    return osErrorISR;                          // Not allowed in ISR
  if ((__get_CONTROL() & 1U) == 0U) {           // Privileged mode
    return   svcKernelInitialize();
  } else {
    return __svcKernelInitialize();

/// Start the RTOS Kernel
osStatus osKernelStart (void) {
  uint32_t stack[8];

  if (__get_IPSR() != 0U) {
    return osErrorISR;                          // Not allowed in ISR
  switch (__get_CONTROL() & 0x03U) {
    case 0x00U:                                 // Privileged Thread mode & MSP
      __set_PSP((uint32_t)(stack + 8));         // Initial PSP
      if (os_flags & 1U) {                       
        __set_CONTROL(0x02U);                   // Set Privileged Thread mode & PSP
      } else {
        __set_CONTROL(0x03U);                   // Set Unprivileged Thread mode & PSP
    case 0x01U:                                 // Unprivileged Thread mode & MSP
      return osErrorOS;
    case 0x02U:                                 // Privileged Thread mode & PSP
      if ((os_flags & 1U) == 0U) {              // Unprivileged Thread mode requested
        __set_CONTROL(0x03U);                   // Set Unprivileged Thread mode & PSP
    case 0x03U:                                 // Unprivileged Thread mode & PSP
      if  (os_flags & 1U) { return osErrorOS; } // Privileged Thread mode requested
  return __svcKernelStart();

/// Check if the RTOS kernel is already started
int32_t osKernelRunning (void) {
  if ((__get_IPSR() != 0U) || ((__get_CONTROL() & 1U) == 0U)) {
    // in ISR or Privileged
    return (int32_t)os_running;
  } else {
    return __svcKernelRunning();

/// Get the RTOS kernel system timer counter
uint32_t osKernelSysTick (void) {
  if (__get_IPSR() != 0U) { return 0U; }        // Not allowed in ISR
  return __svcKernelSysTick();

// ==== Thread Management ====

/// Set Thread Error (for Create functions which return IDs)
static void sysThreadError (osStatus status) {
  // To Do

__NO_RETURN void osThreadExit (void);

// Thread Service Calls declarations
SVC_2_1(svcThreadCreate,      osThreadId, const osThreadDef_t *, void *,     RET_pointer)
SVC_0_1(svcThreadGetId,       osThreadId,                                    RET_pointer)
SVC_1_1(svcThreadTerminate,   osStatus,         osThreadId,                  RET_osStatus)
SVC_0_1(svcThreadYield,       osStatus,                                      RET_osStatus)
SVC_2_1(svcThreadSetPriority, osStatus,         osThreadId,      osPriority, RET_osStatus)
SVC_1_1(svcThreadGetPriority, osPriority,       osThreadId,                  RET_osPriority)

// Thread Service Calls

/// Create a thread and add it to Active Threads and set it to state READY
osThreadId svcThreadCreate (const osThreadDef_t *thread_def, void *argument) {
  P_TCB  ptcb;
  OS_TID tsk;
  void  *stk;

  if ((thread_def == NULL) ||
      (thread_def->pthread == NULL) ||
      (thread_def->tpriority < osPriorityIdle) ||
      (thread_def->tpriority > osPriorityRealtime)) {
    return NULL; 

  if (thread_def->stacksize != 0) {             // Custom stack size
    stk = (void *)thread_def->stack_pointer;
  } else {                                      // Default stack size
    stk = NULL;
  if (thread_def->stacksize != 0) {             // Custom stack size
    stk = rt_alloc_mem(                         // Allocate stack
    if (stk == NULL) { 
      sysThreadError(osErrorNoMemory);          // Out of memory
      return NULL;
  } else {                                      // Default stack size
    stk = NULL;

  tsk = rt_tsk_create(                          // Create task
    (FUNCP)thread_def->pthread,                 // Task function pointer
    (thread_def->tpriority-osPriorityIdle+1) |  // Task priority
    (thread_def->stacksize << 8),               // Task stack size in bytes
    stk,                                        // Pointer to task's stack
    argument                                    // Argument to the task

  if (tsk == 0U) {                              // Invalid task ID
    if (stk != NULL) {
      rt_free_mem(os_stack_mem, stk);           // Free allocated stack
    sysThreadError(osErrorNoMemory);            // Create task failed (Out of memory)
    return NULL;

  ptcb = (P_TCB)os_active_TCB[tsk - 1U];        // TCB pointer

  *((uint32_t *)ptcb->tsk_stack + 13) = (uint32_t)osThreadExit;

  return ptcb;

/// Return the thread ID of the current running thread
osThreadId svcThreadGetId (void) {
  OS_TID tsk;

  tsk = rt_tsk_self();
  if (tsk == 0U) { return NULL; }
  return (P_TCB)os_active_TCB[tsk - 1U];

/// Terminate execution of a thread and remove it from ActiveThreads
osStatus svcThreadTerminate (osThreadId thread_id) {
  OS_RESULT res;
  P_TCB     ptcb;
  void     *stk;

  ptcb = rt_tid2ptcb(thread_id);                // Get TCB pointer
  if (ptcb == NULL) { 
    return osErrorParameter;

  stk = ptcb->priv_stack ? ptcb->stack : NULL;  // Private stack

  res = rt_tsk_delete(ptcb->task_id);           // Delete task

  if (res == OS_R_NOK) {
    return osErrorResource;                     // Delete task failed

  if (stk != NULL) {                            
    rt_free_mem(os_stack_mem, stk);             // Free private stack

  return osOK;

/// Pass control to next thread that is in state READY
osStatus svcThreadYield (void) {
  rt_tsk_pass();                                // Pass control to next task
  return osOK;

/// Change priority of an active thread
osStatus svcThreadSetPriority (osThreadId thread_id, osPriority priority) {
  OS_RESULT res;
  P_TCB     ptcb;

  ptcb = rt_tid2ptcb(thread_id);                // Get TCB pointer
  if (ptcb == NULL) { 
    return osErrorParameter; 

  if ((priority < osPriorityIdle) || (priority > osPriorityRealtime)) {
    return osErrorValue;

  res = rt_tsk_prio(                            // Change task priority
    ptcb->task_id,                              // Task ID
    (uint8_t)(priority - osPriorityIdle + 1)    // New task priority

  if (res == OS_R_NOK) {
    return osErrorResource;                     // Change task priority failed

  return osOK;

/// Get current priority of an active thread
osPriority svcThreadGetPriority (osThreadId thread_id) {
  P_TCB ptcb;

  ptcb = rt_tid2ptcb(thread_id);                // Get TCB pointer
  if (ptcb == NULL) {
    return osPriorityError;

  return (osPriority)(ptcb->prio - 1 + osPriorityIdle); 

// Thread Public API

/// Create a thread and add it to Active Threads and set it to state READY
osThreadId osThreadCreate (const osThreadDef_t *thread_def, void *argument) {
  if (__get_IPSR() != 0U) { 
    return NULL;                                // Not allowed in ISR
  if (((__get_CONTROL() & 1U) == 0U) && (os_running == 0U)) {
    // Privileged and not running
    return   svcThreadCreate(thread_def, argument);
  } else {
    return __svcThreadCreate(thread_def, argument);

/// Return the thread ID of the current running thread
osThreadId osThreadGetId (void) {
  if (__get_IPSR() != 0U) {
    return NULL;                                // Not allowed in ISR
  return __svcThreadGetId();

/// Terminate execution of a thread and remove it from ActiveThreads
osStatus osThreadTerminate (osThreadId thread_id) {
  if (__get_IPSR() != 0U) { 
    return osErrorISR;                          // Not allowed in ISR
  return __svcThreadTerminate(thread_id);

/// Pass control to next thread that is in state READY
osStatus osThreadYield (void) {
  if (__get_IPSR() != 0U) {
    return osErrorISR;                          // Not allowed in ISR
  return __svcThreadYield();

/// Change priority of an active thread
osStatus osThreadSetPriority (osThreadId thread_id, osPriority priority) {
  if (__get_IPSR() != 0U) {
    return osErrorISR;                          // Not allowed in ISR
  return __svcThreadSetPriority(thread_id, priority);

/// Get current priority of an active thread
osPriority osThreadGetPriority (osThreadId thread_id) {
  if (__get_IPSR() != 0U) {
    return osPriorityError;                     // Not allowed in ISR
  return __svcThreadGetPriority(thread_id);

/// INTERNAL - Not Public
/// Auto Terminate Thread on exit (used implicitly when thread exists)
__NO_RETURN void osThreadExit (void) { 
  for (;;);                                     // Should never come here

/// Get current thread state
uint8_t osThreadGetState (osThreadId thread_id) {
  P_TCB ptcb;

  if (__get_IPSR() != 0U) return osErrorISR;     // Not allowed in ISR

  ptcb = rt_tid2ptcb(thread_id);                // Get TCB pointer
  if (ptcb == NULL) return osErrorParameter;

  return ptcb->state;

// ==== Generic Wait Functions ====

// Generic Wait Service Calls declarations
SVC_1_1(svcDelay,           osStatus, uint32_t, RET_osStatus)
#if osFeature_Wait != 0
SVC_1_3(svcWait,  os_InRegs osEvent,  uint32_t, RET_osEvent)

// Generic Wait Service Calls

/// Wait for Timeout (Time Delay)
osStatus svcDelay (uint32_t millisec) {
  if (millisec == 0U) { return osOK; }
  return osEventTimeout;

/// Wait for Signal, Message, Mail, or Timeout
#if osFeature_Wait != 0
os_InRegs osEvent_type svcWait (uint32_t millisec) {
  osEvent ret;

  if (millisec == 0U) {
    ret.status = osOK;
    return osEvent_ret_status;

  /* To Do: osEventSignal, osEventMessage, osEventMail */
  ret.status = osEventTimeout;

  return osEvent_ret_status;

// Generic Wait API

/// Wait for Timeout (Time Delay)
osStatus osDelay (uint32_t millisec) {
  if (__get_IPSR() != 0U) {
    return osErrorISR;                          // Not allowed in ISR
  return __svcDelay(millisec);

/// Wait for Signal, Message, Mail, or Timeout
os_InRegs osEvent osWait (uint32_t millisec) {
  osEvent ret;

#if osFeature_Wait == 0
  ret.status = osErrorOS;
  return ret;
  if (__get_IPSR() != 0U) {                     // Not allowed in ISR
    ret.status = osErrorISR;
    return ret;
  return __svcWait(millisec);

// ==== Timer Management ====

// Timer definitions
#define osTimerInvalid  0U
#define osTimerStopped  1U
#define osTimerRunning  2U

// Timer structures 

typedef struct os_timer_cb_ {                   // Timer Control Block
  struct os_timer_cb_ *next;                    // Pointer to next active Timer
  uint8_t             state;                    // Timer State
  uint8_t              type;                    // Timer Type (Periodic/One-shot)
  uint16_t         reserved;                    // Reserved
  uint32_t             tcnt;                    // Timer Delay Count
  uint32_t             icnt;                    // Timer Initial Count 
  void                 *arg;                    // Timer Function Argument
  const osTimerDef_t *timer;                    // Pointer to Timer definition
} os_timer_cb;

// Timer variables
os_timer_cb *os_timer_head;                     // Pointer to first active Timer

// Timer Helper Functions

// Insert Timer into the list sorted by time
static void rt_timer_insert (os_timer_cb *pt, uint32_t tcnt) {
  os_timer_cb *p, *prev;

  prev = NULL;
  p = os_timer_head;
  while (p != NULL) {
    if (tcnt < p->tcnt) { break; }
    tcnt -= p->tcnt;
    prev = p;
    p = p->next;
  pt->next = p;
  pt->tcnt = tcnt;
  if (p != NULL) {
    p->tcnt -= pt->tcnt;
  if (prev != NULL) {
    prev->next = pt;
  } else {
    os_timer_head = pt;

// Remove Timer from the list
static int32_t rt_timer_remove (os_timer_cb *pt) {
  os_timer_cb *p, *prev;

  prev = NULL;
  p = os_timer_head;
  while (p != NULL) {
    if (p == pt) { break; }
    prev = p;
    p = p->next;
  if (p == NULL) { return -1; }
  if (prev != NULL) {
    prev->next = pt->next;
  } else {
    os_timer_head = pt->next;
  if (pt->next != NULL) {
    pt->next->tcnt += pt->tcnt;

  return 0;

// Timer Service Calls declarations
SVC_3_1(svcTimerCreate,           osTimerId,  const osTimerDef_t *, os_timer_type, void *, RET_pointer)
SVC_2_1(svcTimerStart,            osStatus,         osTimerId,      uint32_t,              RET_osStatus)
SVC_1_1(svcTimerStop,             osStatus,         osTimerId,                             RET_osStatus)
SVC_1_1(svcTimerDelete,           osStatus,         osTimerId,                             RET_osStatus)
SVC_1_2(svcTimerCall,   os_InRegs osCallback,       osTimerId,                             RET_osCallback)

// Timer Management Service Calls

/// Create timer
osTimerId svcTimerCreate (const osTimerDef_t *timer_def, os_timer_type type, void *argument) {
  os_timer_cb *pt;

  if ((timer_def == NULL) || (timer_def->ptimer == NULL)) {
    return NULL;

  pt = timer_def->timer;
  if (pt == NULL) {
    return NULL;

  if ((type != osTimerOnce) && (type != osTimerPeriodic)) {
    return NULL;

  if (osThreadId_osTimerThread == NULL) {
    return NULL;

  if (pt->state != osTimerInvalid){
    return NULL;

  pt->next  = NULL;
  pt->state = osTimerStopped;
  pt->type  =  (uint8_t)type;
  pt->arg   = argument;
  pt->timer = timer_def;

  return (osTimerId)pt;

/// Start or restart timer
osStatus svcTimerStart (osTimerId timer_id, uint32_t millisec) {
  os_timer_cb *pt;
  uint32_t     tcnt;

  pt = rt_id2obj(timer_id);
  if (pt == NULL) {
    return osErrorParameter;

  if (millisec == 0U) { return osErrorValue; }

  tcnt = (uint32_t)(((1000U * (uint64_t)millisec) + os_clockrate - 1U)  / os_clockrate);

  switch (pt->state) {
    case osTimerRunning:
      if (rt_timer_remove(pt) != 0) {
        return osErrorResource;
    case osTimerStopped:
      pt->state = osTimerRunning;
      pt->icnt  = tcnt;
      return osErrorResource;
  rt_timer_insert(pt, tcnt);

  return osOK;

/// Stop timer
osStatus svcTimerStop (osTimerId timer_id) {
  os_timer_cb *pt;

  pt = rt_id2obj(timer_id);
  if (pt == NULL) {
    return osErrorParameter;

  if (pt->state != osTimerRunning) { return osErrorResource; }

  pt->state = osTimerStopped;

  if (rt_timer_remove(pt) != 0) {
    return osErrorResource;

  return osOK;

/// Delete timer
osStatus svcTimerDelete (osTimerId timer_id) {
  os_timer_cb *pt;

  pt = rt_id2obj(timer_id);
  if (pt == NULL) {
    return osErrorParameter;

  switch (pt->state) {
    case osTimerRunning:
    case osTimerStopped:
      return osErrorResource;

  pt->state = osTimerInvalid;

  return osOK;

/// Get timer callback parameters
os_InRegs osCallback_type svcTimerCall (osTimerId timer_id) {
  os_timer_cb *pt;
  osCallback   ret;

  pt = rt_id2obj(timer_id);
  if (pt == NULL) {
    ret.fp  = NULL;
    ret.arg = NULL;
    return osCallback_ret;

  ret.fp  = (void *)pt->timer->ptimer;
  ret.arg = pt->arg;

  return osCallback_ret;

osStatus isrMessagePut (osMessageQId queue_id, uint32_t info, uint32_t millisec);

/// Timer Tick (called each SysTick)
void sysTimerTick (void) {
  os_timer_cb *pt, *p;
  osStatus     status;

  p = os_timer_head;
  if (p == NULL) { return; }

  while ((p != NULL) && (p->tcnt == 0U)) {
    pt = p;
    p = p->next;
    os_timer_head = p;
    status = isrMessagePut(osMessageQId_osTimerMessageQ, (uint32_t)pt, 0U);
    if (status != osOK) {
    if (pt->type == (uint8_t)osTimerPeriodic) {
      rt_timer_insert(pt, pt->icnt);
    } else {
      pt->state = osTimerStopped;

/// Get user timers wake-up time 
uint32_t sysUserTimerWakeupTime (void) {

  if (os_timer_head) {
    return os_timer_head->tcnt;
  return 0xFFFFFFFFU;

/// Update user timers on resume
void sysUserTimerUpdate (uint32_t sleep_time) {

  while ((os_timer_head != NULL) && (sleep_time != 0U)) {
    if (sleep_time >= os_timer_head->tcnt) {
      sleep_time -= os_timer_head->tcnt;
      os_timer_head->tcnt = 1U;
    } else {
      os_timer_head->tcnt -= sleep_time;

// Timer Management Public API

/// Create timer
osTimerId osTimerCreate (const osTimerDef_t *timer_def, os_timer_type type, void *argument) {
  if (__get_IPSR() != 0U) {
    return NULL;                                // Not allowed in ISR
  if (((__get_CONTROL() & 1U) == 0U) && (os_running == 0U)) {
    // Privileged and not running
    return   svcTimerCreate(timer_def, type, argument);
  } else {
    return __svcTimerCreate(timer_def, type, argument);

/// Start or restart timer
osStatus osTimerStart (osTimerId timer_id, uint32_t millisec) {
  if (__get_IPSR() != 0U) {
    return osErrorISR;                          // Not allowed in ISR
  return __svcTimerStart(timer_id, millisec);

/// Stop timer
osStatus osTimerStop (osTimerId timer_id) {
  if (__get_IPSR() != 0U) {
    return osErrorISR;                          // Not allowed in ISR
  return __svcTimerStop(timer_id);

/// Delete timer
osStatus osTimerDelete (osTimerId timer_id) {
  if (__get_IPSR() != 0U) {
    return osErrorISR;                          // Not allowed in ISR
  return __svcTimerDelete(timer_id);

/// INTERNAL - Not Public
/// Get timer callback parameters (used by OS Timer Thread)
os_InRegs osCallback osTimerCall (osTimerId timer_id) { 
  return __svcTimerCall(timer_id); 

// Timer Thread
__NO_RETURN void osTimerThread (void const *argument) {
  osCallback cb;
  osEvent    evt;

  for (;;) {
    evt = osMessageGet(osMessageQId_osTimerMessageQ, osWaitForever);
    if (evt.status == osEventMessage) {
      cb = osTimerCall(evt.value.p);
      if (cb.fp != NULL) {

// ==== Signal Management ====

// Signal Service Calls declarations
SVC_2_1(svcSignalSet,             int32_t, osThreadId, int32_t,  RET_int32_t)
SVC_2_1(svcSignalClear,           int32_t, osThreadId, int32_t,  RET_int32_t)
SVC_2_3(svcSignalWait,  os_InRegs osEvent, int32_t,    uint32_t, RET_osEvent)

// Signal Service Calls

/// Set the specified Signal Flags of an active thread
int32_t svcSignalSet (osThreadId thread_id, int32_t signals) {
  P_TCB   ptcb;
  int32_t sig;

  ptcb = rt_tid2ptcb(thread_id);                // Get TCB pointer
  if (ptcb == NULL) {
    return (int32_t)0x80000000U;

  if ((uint32_t)signals & (0xFFFFFFFFU << osFeature_Signals)) {
    return (int32_t)0x80000000U;

  sig = (int32_t)ptcb->events;                  // Previous signal flags

  rt_evt_set((uint16_t)signals, ptcb->task_id); // Set event flags

  return sig;

/// Clear the specified Signal Flags of an active thread
int32_t svcSignalClear (osThreadId thread_id, int32_t signals) {
  P_TCB   ptcb;
  int32_t sig;

  ptcb = rt_tid2ptcb(thread_id);                // Get TCB pointer
  if (ptcb == NULL) {
    return (int32_t)0x80000000U;

  if ((uint32_t)signals & (0xFFFFFFFFU << osFeature_Signals)) {
    return (int32_t)0x80000000U;

  sig = (int32_t)ptcb->events;                  // Previous signal flags

  rt_evt_clr((uint16_t)signals, ptcb->task_id); // Clear event flags

  return sig;

/// Wait for one or more Signal Flags to become signaled for the current RUNNING thread
os_InRegs osEvent_type svcSignalWait (int32_t signals, uint32_t millisec) {
  OS_RESULT res;
  osEvent   ret;

  if ((uint32_t)signals & (0xFFFFFFFFU << osFeature_Signals)) {
    ret.status = osErrorValue;
    return osEvent_ret_status;

  if (signals != 0) {                           // Wait for all specified signals
    res = rt_evt_wait((uint16_t)signals, rt_ms2tick(millisec), __TRUE);
  } else {                                      // Wait for any signal
    res = rt_evt_wait(0xFFFFU,           rt_ms2tick(millisec), __FALSE);

  if (res == OS_R_EVT) {
    ret.status = osEventSignal;
    ret.value.signals = (signals != 0) ? signals : (int32_t)>waits;
  } else {
    ret.status = (millisec != 0U) ? osEventTimeout : osOK;
    ret.value.signals = 0;

  return osEvent_ret_value;

// Signal ISR Calls

/// Set the specified Signal Flags of an active thread
int32_t isrSignalSet (osThreadId thread_id, int32_t signals) {
  P_TCB   ptcb;
  int32_t sig;

  ptcb = rt_tid2ptcb(thread_id);                // Get TCB pointer
  if (ptcb == NULL) {
    return (int32_t)0x80000000U;

  if ((uint32_t)signals & (0xFFFFFFFFU << osFeature_Signals)) {
    return (int32_t)0x80000000U;

  sig = (int32_t)ptcb->events;                  // Previous signal flags

  isr_evt_set((uint16_t)signals, ptcb->task_id);// Set event flags

  return sig;

// Signal Public API

/// Set the specified Signal Flags of an active thread
int32_t osSignalSet (osThreadId thread_id, int32_t signals) {
  if (__get_IPSR() != 0U) {                     // in ISR
    return   isrSignalSet(thread_id, signals); 
  } else {                                      // in Thread
    return __svcSignalSet(thread_id, signals);

/// Clear the specified Signal Flags of an active thread
int32_t osSignalClear (osThreadId thread_id, int32_t signals) {
  if (__get_IPSR() != 0U) {
    return (int32_t)0x80000000U;                // Not allowed in ISR
  return __svcSignalClear(thread_id, signals);

/// Wait for one or more Signal Flags to become signaled for the current RUNNING thread
os_InRegs osEvent osSignalWait (int32_t signals, uint32_t millisec) {
  osEvent ret;

  if (__get_IPSR() != 0U) {                     // Not allowed in ISR
    ret.status = osErrorISR;
    return ret;
  return __svcSignalWait(signals, millisec);

// ==== Mutex Management ====

// Mutex Service Calls declarations
SVC_1_1(svcMutexCreate,  osMutexId, const osMutexDef_t *,           RET_pointer)
SVC_2_1(svcMutexWait,    osStatus,        osMutexId,      uint32_t, RET_osStatus)
SVC_1_1(svcMutexRelease, osStatus,        osMutexId,                RET_osStatus)
SVC_1_1(svcMutexDelete,  osStatus,        osMutexId,                RET_osStatus)

// Mutex Service Calls

/// Create and Initialize a Mutex object
osMutexId svcMutexCreate (const osMutexDef_t *mutex_def) {
  OS_ID mut;

  if (mutex_def == NULL) {
    return NULL;

  mut = mutex_def->mutex;
  if (mut == NULL) {
    return NULL;

  if (((P_MUCB)mut)->cb_type != 0U) {
    return NULL;

  rt_mut_init(mut);                             // Initialize Mutex

  return mut;

/// Wait until a Mutex becomes available
osStatus svcMutexWait (osMutexId mutex_id, uint32_t millisec) {
  OS_ID     mut;
  OS_RESULT res;

  mut = rt_id2obj(mutex_id);
  if (mut == NULL) {
    return osErrorParameter;

  if (((P_MUCB)mut)->cb_type != MUCB) {
    return osErrorParameter;

  res = rt_mut_wait(mut, rt_ms2tick(millisec)); // Wait for Mutex

  if (res == OS_R_TMO) {
    return ((millisec != 0U) ? osErrorTimeoutResource : osErrorResource);

  return osOK;

/// Release a Mutex that was obtained with osMutexWait
osStatus svcMutexRelease (osMutexId mutex_id) {
  OS_ID     mut;
  OS_RESULT res;

  mut = rt_id2obj(mutex_id);
  if (mut == NULL) {
    return osErrorParameter;

  if (((P_MUCB)mut)->cb_type != MUCB) {
    return osErrorParameter;

  res = rt_mut_release(mut);                    // Release Mutex

  if (res == OS_R_NOK) {
    return osErrorResource;                     // Thread not owner or Zero Counter

  return osOK;

/// Delete a Mutex that was created by osMutexCreate
osStatus svcMutexDelete (osMutexId mutex_id) {
  OS_ID mut;

  mut = rt_id2obj(mutex_id);
  if (mut == NULL) {
    return osErrorParameter;

  if (((P_MUCB)mut)->cb_type != MUCB) {
    return osErrorParameter;

  rt_mut_delete(mut);                           // Release Mutex

  return osOK;

// Mutex Public API

/// Create and Initialize a Mutex object
osMutexId osMutexCreate (const osMutexDef_t *mutex_def) {
  if (__get_IPSR() != 0U) {
    return NULL;                                // Not allowed in ISR
  if (((__get_CONTROL() & 1U) == 0U) && (os_running == 0U)) {
    // Privileged and not running
    return    svcMutexCreate(mutex_def);
  } else {
    return __svcMutexCreate(mutex_def);

/// Wait until a Mutex becomes available
osStatus osMutexWait (osMutexId mutex_id, uint32_t millisec) {
  if (__get_IPSR() != 0U) {
    return osErrorISR;                          // Not allowed in ISR
  return __svcMutexWait(mutex_id, millisec);

/// Release a Mutex that was obtained with osMutexWait
osStatus osMutexRelease (osMutexId mutex_id) {
  if (__get_IPSR() != 0U) {
    return osErrorISR;                          // Not allowed in ISR
  return __svcMutexRelease(mutex_id);

/// Delete a Mutex that was created by osMutexCreate
osStatus osMutexDelete (osMutexId mutex_id) {
  if (__get_IPSR() != 0U) {
    return osErrorISR;                          // Not allowed in ISR
  return __svcMutexDelete(mutex_id);

// ==== Semaphore Management ====

// Semaphore Service Calls declarations
SVC_2_1(svcSemaphoreCreate,  osSemaphoreId, const osSemaphoreDef_t *,  int32_t, RET_pointer)
SVC_2_1(svcSemaphoreWait,    int32_t,             osSemaphoreId,      uint32_t, RET_int32_t)
SVC_1_1(svcSemaphoreRelease, osStatus,            osSemaphoreId,                RET_osStatus)
SVC_1_1(svcSemaphoreDelete,  osStatus,            osSemaphoreId,                RET_osStatus)

// Semaphore Service Calls

/// Create and Initialize a Semaphore object
osSemaphoreId svcSemaphoreCreate (const osSemaphoreDef_t *semaphore_def, int32_t count) {
  OS_ID sem;

  if (semaphore_def == NULL) {
    return NULL;

  sem = semaphore_def->semaphore;
  if (sem == NULL) {
    return NULL;

  if (((P_SCB)sem)->cb_type != 0U) {
    return NULL;

  if (count > osFeature_Semaphore) {
    return NULL;

  rt_sem_init(sem, (uint16_t)count);            // Initialize Semaphore
  return sem;

/// Wait until a Semaphore becomes available
int32_t svcSemaphoreWait (osSemaphoreId semaphore_id, uint32_t millisec) {
  OS_ID     sem;
  OS_RESULT res;

  sem = rt_id2obj(semaphore_id);
  if (sem == NULL) {
    return -1;

  if (((P_SCB)sem)->cb_type != SCB) {
    return -1;

  res = rt_sem_wait(sem, rt_ms2tick(millisec)); // Wait for Semaphore

  if (res == OS_R_TMO) { return 0; }            // Timeout

  return (int32_t)(((P_SCB)sem)->tokens + 1U);

/// Release a Semaphore
osStatus svcSemaphoreRelease (osSemaphoreId semaphore_id) {
  OS_ID sem;

  sem = rt_id2obj(semaphore_id);
  if (sem == NULL) {
    return osErrorParameter;

  if (((P_SCB)sem)->cb_type != SCB) {
    return osErrorParameter;

  if ((int32_t)((P_SCB)sem)->tokens == osFeature_Semaphore) {
    return osErrorResource;
  rt_sem_send(sem);                             // Release Semaphore

  return osOK;

/// Delete a Semaphore that was created by osSemaphoreCreate
osStatus svcSemaphoreDelete (osSemaphoreId semaphore_id) {
  OS_ID sem;

  sem = rt_id2obj(semaphore_id);
  if (sem == NULL) {
    return osErrorParameter;

  if (((P_SCB)sem)->cb_type != SCB) {
    return osErrorParameter;

  rt_sem_delete(sem);                           // Delete Semaphore

  return osOK;

// Semaphore ISR Calls

/// Release a Semaphore
osStatus isrSemaphoreRelease (osSemaphoreId semaphore_id) {
  OS_ID sem;

  sem = rt_id2obj(semaphore_id);
  if (sem == NULL) {
    return osErrorParameter;

  if (((P_SCB)sem)->cb_type != SCB) {
    return osErrorParameter;

  if ((int32_t)((P_SCB)sem)->tokens == osFeature_Semaphore) {
    return osErrorResource;

  isr_sem_send(sem);                            // Release Semaphore

  return osOK;

// Semaphore Public API

/// Create and Initialize a Semaphore object
osSemaphoreId osSemaphoreCreate (const osSemaphoreDef_t *semaphore_def, int32_t count) {
  if (__get_IPSR() != 0U) {
    return NULL;                                // Not allowed in ISR
  if (((__get_CONTROL() & 1U) == 0U) && (os_running == 0U)) {
    // Privileged and not running
    return   svcSemaphoreCreate(semaphore_def, count);
  } else {
    return __svcSemaphoreCreate(semaphore_def, count);

/// Wait until a Semaphore becomes available
int32_t osSemaphoreWait (osSemaphoreId semaphore_id, uint32_t millisec) {
  if (__get_IPSR() != 0U) {
    return -1;                                  // Not allowed in ISR
  return __svcSemaphoreWait(semaphore_id, millisec);

/// Release a Semaphore
osStatus osSemaphoreRelease (osSemaphoreId semaphore_id) {
  if (__get_IPSR() != 0U) {                     // in ISR
    return   isrSemaphoreRelease(semaphore_id);
  } else {                                      // in Thread
    return __svcSemaphoreRelease(semaphore_id);

/// Delete a Semaphore that was created by osSemaphoreCreate
osStatus osSemaphoreDelete (osSemaphoreId semaphore_id) {
  if (__get_IPSR() != 0U) {
    return osErrorISR;                          // Not allowed in ISR
  return __svcSemaphoreDelete(semaphore_id);

// ==== Memory Management Functions ====

// Memory Management Helper Functions

// Clear Memory Box (Zero init)
static void rt_clr_box (void *box_mem, void *box) {
  uint32_t *p, n;

  if ((box_mem != NULL) && (box != NULL)) {
    p = box;
    for (n = ((P_BM)box_mem)->blk_size; n; n -= 4U) {
      *p++ = 0U;

// Memory Management Service Calls declarations
SVC_1_1(svcPoolCreate, osPoolId, const osPoolDef_t *,         RET_pointer)
SVC_1_1(sysPoolAlloc,  void *,         osPoolId,              RET_pointer)
SVC_2_1(sysPoolFree,   osStatus,       osPoolId,      void *, RET_osStatus)

// Memory Management Service & ISR Calls

/// Create and Initialize memory pool
osPoolId svcPoolCreate (const osPoolDef_t *pool_def) {
  uint32_t blk_sz;

  if ((pool_def == NULL) ||
      (pool_def->pool_sz == 0U) ||
      (pool_def->item_sz == 0U) ||
      (pool_def->pool == NULL)) {
    return NULL;

  blk_sz = (pool_def->item_sz + 3U) & (uint32_t)~3U;

  _init_box(pool_def->pool, sizeof(struct OS_BM) + (pool_def->pool_sz * blk_sz), blk_sz);

  return pool_def->pool;

/// Allocate a memory block from a memory pool
void *sysPoolAlloc (osPoolId pool_id) {
  void *mem;

  if (pool_id == NULL) {
    return NULL;

  mem = rt_alloc_box(pool_id);

  return mem;

/// Return an allocated memory block back to a specific memory pool
osStatus sysPoolFree (osPoolId pool_id, void *block) {
  uint32_t res;
  if (pool_id == NULL) {
    return osErrorParameter;

  res = rt_free_box(pool_id, block);
  if (res != 0) {
    return osErrorValue;

  return osOK;

// Memory Management Public API

/// Create and Initialize memory pool
osPoolId osPoolCreate (const osPoolDef_t *pool_def) {
  if (__get_IPSR() != 0U) {
    return NULL;                                // Not allowed in ISR
  if (((__get_CONTROL() & 1U) == 0U) && (os_running == 0U)) {
    // Privileged and not running
    return   svcPoolCreate(pool_def);
  } else {
    return __svcPoolCreate(pool_def);

/// Allocate a memory block from a memory pool
void *osPoolAlloc (osPoolId pool_id) {
  if ((__get_IPSR() != 0U) || ((__get_CONTROL() & 1U) == 0U)) {     // in ISR or Privileged
    return   sysPoolAlloc(pool_id);
  } else {                                      // in Thread
    return __sysPoolAlloc(pool_id);

/// Allocate a memory block from a memory pool and set memory block to zero
void *osPoolCAlloc (osPoolId pool_id) {
  void *mem;

  if ((__get_IPSR() != 0U) || ((__get_CONTROL() & 1U) == 0U)) {     // in ISR or Privileged
    mem =   sysPoolAlloc(pool_id);
  } else {                                      // in Thread
    mem = __sysPoolAlloc(pool_id);

  rt_clr_box(pool_id, mem);

  return mem;

/// Return an allocated memory block back to a specific memory pool
osStatus osPoolFree (osPoolId pool_id, void *block) {
  if ((__get_IPSR() != 0U) || ((__get_CONTROL() & 1U) == 0U)) {     // in ISR or Privileged
    return   sysPoolFree(pool_id, block);
  } else {                                      // in Thread
    return __sysPoolFree(pool_id, block);

// ==== Message Queue Management Functions ====

// Message Queue Management Service Calls declarations
SVC_2_1(svcMessageCreate,        osMessageQId, const osMessageQDef_t *, osThreadId,           RET_pointer)
SVC_3_1(svcMessagePut,           osStatus,           osMessageQId,      uint32_t,   uint32_t, RET_osStatus)
SVC_2_3(svcMessageGet, os_InRegs osEvent,            osMessageQId,      uint32_t,             RET_osEvent)

// Message Queue Service Calls

/// Create and Initialize Message Queue
osMessageQId svcMessageCreate (const osMessageQDef_t *queue_def, osThreadId thread_id) {

  if ((queue_def == NULL) ||
      (queue_def->queue_sz == 0U) ||
      (queue_def->pool == NULL)) {
    return NULL;
  if (((P_MCB)queue_def->pool)->cb_type != 0U) {
    return NULL;

  rt_mbx_init(queue_def->pool, (uint16_t)(4U*(queue_def->queue_sz + 4U)));

  return queue_def->pool;

/// Put a Message to a Queue
osStatus svcMessagePut (osMessageQId queue_id, uint32_t info, uint32_t millisec) {
  OS_RESULT res;

  if (queue_id == NULL) {
    return osErrorParameter;

  if (((P_MCB)queue_id)->cb_type != MCB) {
    return osErrorParameter;

  res = rt_mbx_send(queue_id, (void *)info, rt_ms2tick(millisec));

  if (res == OS_R_TMO) {
    return ((millisec != 0U) ? osErrorTimeoutResource : osErrorResource);

  return osOK;

/// Get a Message or Wait for a Message from a Queue
os_InRegs osEvent_type svcMessageGet (osMessageQId queue_id, uint32_t millisec) {
  OS_RESULT res;
  osEvent   ret;

  if (queue_id == NULL) {
    ret.status = osErrorParameter;
    return osEvent_ret_status;

  if (((P_MCB)queue_id)->cb_type != MCB) {
    ret.status = osErrorParameter;
    return osEvent_ret_status;

  res = rt_mbx_wait(queue_id, &ret.value.p, rt_ms2tick(millisec));
  if (res == OS_R_TMO) {
    ret.status = (millisec != 0U) ? osEventTimeout : osOK;
    return osEvent_ret_value;

  ret.status = osEventMessage;

  return osEvent_ret_value;

// Message Queue ISR Calls

/// Put a Message to a Queue
osStatus isrMessagePut (osMessageQId queue_id, uint32_t info, uint32_t millisec) {

  if ((queue_id == NULL) || (millisec != 0U)) {
    return osErrorParameter;

  if (((P_MCB)queue_id)->cb_type != MCB) {
    return osErrorParameter;

  if (rt_mbx_check(queue_id) == 0U) {           // Check if Queue is full
    return osErrorResource;

  isr_mbx_send(queue_id, (void *)info);

  return osOK;

/// Get a Message or Wait for a Message from a Queue
os_InRegs osEvent isrMessageGet (osMessageQId queue_id, uint32_t millisec) {
  OS_RESULT res;
  osEvent   ret;

  if ((queue_id == NULL) || (millisec != 0U)) {
    ret.status = osErrorParameter;
    return ret;

  if (((P_MCB)queue_id)->cb_type != MCB) {
    ret.status = osErrorParameter;
    return ret;

  res = isr_mbx_receive(queue_id, &ret.value.p);
  if (res != OS_R_MBX) {
    ret.status = osOK;
    return ret;

  ret.status = osEventMessage; 

  return ret;

// Message Queue Management Public API

/// Create and Initialize Message Queue
osMessageQId osMessageCreate (const osMessageQDef_t *queue_def, osThreadId thread_id) {
  if (__get_IPSR() != 0U) {
    return NULL;                                // Not allowed in ISR
  if (((__get_CONTROL() & 1U) == 0U) && (os_running == 0U)) {
    // Privileged and not running
    return   svcMessageCreate(queue_def, thread_id);
  } else {
    return __svcMessageCreate(queue_def, thread_id);

/// Put a Message to a Queue
osStatus osMessagePut (osMessageQId queue_id, uint32_t info, uint32_t millisec) {
  if (__get_IPSR() != 0U) {                     // in ISR
    return   isrMessagePut(queue_id, info, millisec);
  } else {                                      // in Thread
    return __svcMessagePut(queue_id, info, millisec);

/// Get a Message or Wait for a Message from a Queue
os_InRegs osEvent osMessageGet (osMessageQId queue_id, uint32_t millisec) {
  if (__get_IPSR() != 0U) {                     // in ISR
    return   isrMessageGet(queue_id, millisec);
  } else {                                      // in Thread
    return __svcMessageGet(queue_id, millisec);

// ==== Mail Queue Management Functions ====

// Mail Queue Management Service Calls declarations
SVC_2_1(svcMailCreate, osMailQId, const osMailQDef_t *, osThreadId,         RET_pointer)
SVC_3_1(sysMailAlloc,  void *,          osMailQId,      uint32_t, uint32_t, RET_pointer)
SVC_3_1(sysMailFree,   osStatus,        osMailQId,      void *,   uint32_t, RET_osStatus)

// Mail Queue Management Service & ISR Calls

/// Create and Initialize mail queue
osMailQId svcMailCreate (const osMailQDef_t *queue_def, osThreadId thread_id) {
  uint32_t blk_sz;
  P_MCB    pmcb;
  void    *pool;

  if ((queue_def == NULL) ||
      (queue_def->queue_sz == 0U) ||
      (queue_def->item_sz  == 0U) ||
      (queue_def->pool == NULL)) {
    return NULL;

  pmcb = *(((void **)queue_def->pool) + 0);
  pool = *(((void **)queue_def->pool) + 1);

  if ((pool == NULL) || (pmcb == NULL) || (pmcb->cb_type != 0U)) {
    return NULL;

  blk_sz = (queue_def->item_sz + 3U) & (uint32_t)~3U;

  _init_box(pool, sizeof(struct OS_BM) + (queue_def->queue_sz * blk_sz), blk_sz);

  rt_mbx_init(pmcb, (uint16_t)(4U*(queue_def->queue_sz + 4U)));

  return queue_def->pool;

/// Allocate a memory block from a mail
void *sysMailAlloc (osMailQId queue_id, uint32_t millisec, uint32_t isr) {
  P_MCB pmcb;
  void *pool;
  void *mem;

  if (queue_id == NULL) {
    return NULL;

  pmcb = *(((void **)queue_id) + 0);
  pool = *(((void **)queue_id) + 1);

  if ((pool == NULL) || (pmcb == NULL)) {
    return NULL; 

  if ((isr != 0U) && (millisec != 0U)) {
    return NULL;

  mem = rt_alloc_box(pool);

  if ((mem == NULL) && (millisec != 0U)) {
    // Put Task to sleep when Memory not available
    if (pmcb->p_lnk != NULL) {
    } else {
      pmcb->p_lnk =;>p_lnk = NULL;>p_rlnk = (P_TCB)pmcb;
      // Task is waiting to allocate a message
      pmcb->state = 3U;
    rt_block(rt_ms2tick(millisec), WAIT_MBX);

  return mem;  

/// Free a memory block from a mail
osStatus sysMailFree (osMailQId queue_id, void *mail, uint32_t isr) {
  P_MCB    pmcb;
  P_TCB    ptcb;
  void    *pool;
  void    *mem;
  uint32_t res;

  if (queue_id == NULL) {
    return osErrorParameter;

  pmcb = *(((void **)queue_id) + 0);
  pool = *(((void **)queue_id) + 1);

  if ((pmcb == NULL) || (pool == NULL)) {
    return osErrorParameter;

  res = rt_free_box(pool, mail);

  if (res != 0U) {
    return osErrorValue;

  if ((pmcb->p_lnk != NULL) && (pmcb->state == 3U)) {
    // Task is waiting to allocate a message
    if (isr != 0U) {
      rt_psq_enq (pmcb, (U32)pool);
      rt_psh_req ();
    } else {
      mem = rt_alloc_box(pool);
      if (mem != NULL) {
        ptcb = rt_get_first((P_XCB)pmcb);
        rt_ret_val(ptcb, (U32)mem);

  return osOK;

// Mail Queue Management Public API

/// Create and Initialize mail queue
osMailQId osMailCreate (const osMailQDef_t *queue_def, osThreadId thread_id) {
  if (__get_IPSR() != 0U) {
    return NULL;                                // Not allowed in ISR
  if (((__get_CONTROL() & 1U) == 0U) && (os_running == 0U)) {
    // Privileged and not running
    return   svcMailCreate(queue_def, thread_id);
  } else {
    return __svcMailCreate(queue_def, thread_id);

/// Allocate a memory block from a mail
void *osMailAlloc (osMailQId queue_id, uint32_t millisec) {
  if (__get_IPSR() != 0U) {                     // in ISR
    return   sysMailAlloc(queue_id, millisec, 1U);
  } else {                                      // in Thread
    return __sysMailAlloc(queue_id, millisec, 0U);

/// Allocate a memory block from a mail and set memory block to zero
void *osMailCAlloc (osMailQId queue_id, uint32_t millisec) {
  void *pool;
  void *mem;

  if (__get_IPSR() != 0U) {                     // in ISR
    mem =   sysMailAlloc(queue_id, millisec, 1U);
  } else {                                      // in Thread
    mem = __sysMailAlloc(queue_id, millisec, 0U);

  pool = *(((void **)queue_id) + 1);

  rt_clr_box(pool, mem);

  return mem;

/// Free a memory block from a mail
osStatus osMailFree (osMailQId queue_id, void *mail) {
  if (__get_IPSR() != 0U) {                     // in ISR
    return   sysMailFree(queue_id, mail, 1U);
  } else {                                      // in Thread
    return __sysMailFree(queue_id, mail, 0U);

/// Put a mail to a queue
osStatus osMailPut (osMailQId queue_id, void *mail) {
  if (queue_id == NULL) {
    return osErrorParameter;
  if (mail == NULL) {
    return osErrorValue;
  return osMessagePut(*((void **)queue_id), (uint32_t)mail, 0U);

/// Get a mail from a queue
os_InRegs osEvent osMailGet (osMailQId queue_id, uint32_t millisec) {
  osEvent ret;

  if (queue_id == NULL) {
    ret.status = osErrorParameter;
    return ret;

  ret = osMessageGet(*((void **)queue_id), millisec);
  if (ret.status == osEventMessage) ret.status = osEventMail;

  return ret;

//  ==== RTX Extensions ====

// Service Calls declarations
SVC_0_1(rt_suspend, uint32_t, RET_uint32_t)
SVC_1_0(rt_resume,  void,     uint32_t)

// Public API

/// Suspends the OS task scheduler
uint32_t os_suspend (void) {
  return __rt_suspend();

/// Resumes the OS task scheduler
void os_resume (uint32_t sleep_time) {