Vodafone K3770/K3772-Z modems driver & networking library

Dependencies:   Socket USBHostWANDongle lwip-sys lwip

Dependents:   VodafoneUSBModemHTTPClientTest VodafoneUSBModemNTPClientTest VodafoneUSBModemSMSTest VodafoneUSBModemUSSDTest ... more

Fork of VodafoneUSBModem_bleedingedge by Donatien Garnier

This is the driver for the Vodafone K3700 & K3772-Z Dongles:


More details and instructions can be found here.

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Fri Sep 21 11:10:32 2012 +0000
Commit message:
Added some descriptive comments to the code.

Changed in this revision

VodafoneUSBModem.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
VodafoneUSBModem.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
at/ATCommandsInterface.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/VodafoneUSBModem.cpp	Thu Sep 20 08:04:43 2012 +0000
+++ b/VodafoneUSBModem.cpp	Fri Sep 21 11:10:32 2012 +0000
@@ -26,11 +26,23 @@
 #include "VodafoneUSBModem.h"
-VodafoneUSBModem::VodafoneUSBModem(PinName powerGatingPin /*= NC*/, bool powerGatingOnWhenPinHigh /* = true*/) : m_dongle(),
-m_atStream(m_dongle.getSerial(1)), m_pppStream(m_dongle.getSerial(0)), m_at(&m_atStream),
-m_sms(&m_at), m_ussd(&m_at), m_linkMonitor(&m_at), m_ppp(&m_pppStream), 
-m_dongleConnected(false), m_ipInit(false), m_smsInit(false), m_ussdInit(false), m_linkMonitorInit(false), m_atOpen(false),
-m_powerGatingPin(powerGatingPin), m_powerGatingOnWhenPinHigh(powerGatingOnWhenPinHigh)
+VodafoneUSBModem::VodafoneUSBModem(PinName powerGatingPin /*= NC*/, bool powerGatingOnWhenPinHigh /* = true*/) :
+   m_dongle(),                         // Construct WANDongle: USB interface with two serial channels to the modem (USBSerialStream objects)
+   m_atStream(m_dongle.getSerial(1)),  // AT commands are sent down one serial channel.
+   m_pppStream(m_dongle.getSerial(0)), // PPP connections are managed via another serial channel.
+   m_at(&m_atStream),                  // Construct ATCommandsInterface with the AT serial channel
+   m_sms(&m_at),                       // Construct SMSInterface with the ATCommandsInterface
+   m_ussd(&m_at),                      // Construct USSDInterface with the ATCommandsInterface
+   m_linkMonitor(&m_at),               // Construct LinkMonitor with the ATCommandsInterface
+   m_ppp(&m_pppStream),                // Construct PPPIPInterface with the PPP serial channel
+   m_dongleConnected(false),           // Dongle is initially not ready for anything
+   m_ipInit(false),                    // PPIPInterface connection is initially down
+   m_smsInit(false),                   // SMSInterface starts un-initialised
+   m_ussdInit(false),                  // USSDInterface starts un-initialised 
+   m_linkMonitorInit(false),           // LinkMonitor subsystem starts un-initialised
+   m_atOpen(false),                    // ATCommandsInterface starts in a closed state
+   m_powerGatingPin(powerGatingPin),   // set power gating pin
+   m_powerGatingOnWhenPinHigh(powerGatingOnWhenPinHigh) // set state semantics for power gating pin
   if( m_powerGatingPin != NC )
--- a/VodafoneUSBModem.h	Thu Sep 20 08:04:43 2012 +0000
+++ b/VodafoneUSBModem.h	Fri Sep 21 11:10:32 2012 +0000
@@ -105,34 +105,49 @@
   int power(bool enable);
-  bool power();
+  bool power(); //< Turn power to USB dongle ON.
+  /** Initialise dongle.
+   * The following actions are performed:
+   * 1) Power up
+   * 2) Establish USB connection to dongle
+   * 3) Start AT interface thread
+   * 4) Wait for network registration
+   */
   int init();
+  /** De-initialise dongle.
+   * The following actions are performed:
+   * 1) Tear down PPP session
+   * 2) Set SMS,USSD, and LinkMonitor subsystems to un-initialised
+   * 3) Close the AT commands interface
+   * 4) Tear down the USB connection to dongle
+   */
   int cleanup();
-  WANDongle m_dongle;
+  WANDongle m_dongle;          //< Interface to USB connected WAN dongle
-  USBSerialStream m_atStream;
-  USBSerialStream m_pppStream;
+  USBSerialStream m_atStream;  //< Serial interface to AT channel on modem
+  USBSerialStream m_pppStream; //< Serial interface to PPP channel on modem
-  ATCommandsInterface m_at;
+  ATCommandsInterface m_at;    //< Interface to AT commands processing
-  SMSInterface m_sms;
-  USSDInterface m_ussd;
-  LinkMonitor m_linkMonitor;
+  SMSInterface m_sms;          //< Interface to SMS manager (send/receive etc)
+  USSDInterface m_ussd;        //< Interface to USSD manager (send etc)
+  LinkMonitor m_linkMonitor;   //< Interface to link monitor (RSSI)
-  PPPIPInterface m_ppp;
+  PPPIPInterface m_ppp;        //< Interface to PPP conection manager (IP assignment etc)
-  bool m_dongleConnected;
-  bool m_ipInit;
-  bool m_smsInit;
-  bool m_ussdInit;
-  bool m_linkMonitorInit;
-  bool m_atOpen;
+  bool m_dongleConnected; //< Is the dongle physically connected (does the USB stack respond)? true/false
+  bool m_ipInit;          //< Has PPIPInterface object (m_ppp) been initialised? true/false
+  bool m_smsInit;         //< Has SMSInterface object (m_sms) been initialised? true/false
+  bool m_ussdInit;        //< Has USSDInterface object (m_ussd) been initialised? true/false
+  bool m_linkMonitorInit; //< Has LinkMonitor object (m_linkMonitor) been initialised? true/false
+  bool m_atOpen;          //< Is the interface to the ATCommandsInterface open? true/false
-  PinName m_powerGatingPin;
-  bool m_powerGatingOnWhenPinHigh;
+  PinName m_powerGatingPin;        //< Pin which toggles power gating
+  bool m_powerGatingOnWhenPinHigh; //< Semantics of power gating (whether high or low toggles power gating)
--- a/at/ATCommandsInterface.h	Thu Sep 20 08:04:43 2012 +0000
+++ b/at/ATCommandsInterface.h	Fri Sep 21 11:10:32 2012 +0000
@@ -113,7 +113,8 @@
   void process(); //Processing thread
   IOStream* m_pStream;
-  bool m_open;
+  bool m_open; //< TRUE when the AT interface is open, and FALSE when it is not.
   const char* m_transactionCommand;
   const char* m_transactionData;