
Dependencies:   EthernetNetIf NTPClient_NetServices mbed ConfigFile

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Tue Sep 20 12:46:26 2011 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
+ main.c
+#include "geiger.h"
+void calculate_sv(){
+    cpm = 0;
+    for(int i=0; i<=first_touch_index; i++){
+        cpm += cpm_array[i];
+    }
+    cpm /= ((first_touch_index+1)*((float)CHUNK/60));
+    uSv = cpm/carib + offset_usv;
+    if (uSv <0) uSv = 0;
+    //peak usv set
+    if(peak_uSv<uSv){
+        peak_uSv=uSv;
+    }
+    // for long term average
+    long_cpm=0;
+    unsigned long cpm_sum=0;
+    for (int i=0; i<= long_first_touch_index; i++) {
+        cpm_sum += long_cpm_array[i];
+    }
+    cpm_sum *= 60;
+    long_cpm = (float)cpm_sum / ((long_first_touch_index)*60+count_second);
+    long_uSv = long_cpm/carib + offset_usv;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    pc.printf("cpm=%3d,usv=%.3f,longcpm=%ld,long_usv=%.3f\r\n",(int)cpm,uSv,(long)long_cpm,long_uSv);
+void next_geiger_countup(){
+    cnt = 0;
+    if(++cpm_index>=cpm_array_max){
+        cpm_index=0;
+    }  
+    //first touch index count up
+    if(cpm_index>first_touch_index){
+        first_touch_index=cpm_index;
+    }
+    cpm_array[cpm_index]=cnt;
+    // for long term average
+    if (++count_second >= 60) {
+        if (++long_cpm_index >= long_cpm_array_max+1) {
+            long_cpm_index = 0;
+        }
+        long_cpm_array[long_cpm_index] = 0;
+        count_second = 0;
+        if(long_cpm_index > long_first_touch_index){
+            long_first_touch_index = long_cpm_index;
+        }
+    }
+// Timer -- called every 1 min.
+Ticker timer;
+void attime(){
+    next_geiger_countup();
+    if(++updateintervalcount > updateinterval){
+        updateflag=1;
+        updateintervalcount=0;
+    }
+void geiger()
+    if(mode==1){
+        read_dma_data();
+    }
+    cnt++;
+    cpm_array[cpm_index]=cnt;
+    long_cpm_array[long_cpm_index]++;
+    *outLED=1;
+    if(sound==1) *buzzer=1;
+    click.attach(&buzzer_off,0.03);
+void whereami() {
+     if(gps->sample()&& gps->longitude!=0 && gps->latitude!=0) {
+         printf("GPS:%f/%f,", gps->longitude, gps->latitude);
+     }
+void console_output(){
+    char msg[256];
+    msg[0]='\0';
+    if(++console_output_flag>2){
+      printable_msg(msg);
+      printf("%s",msg);
+      console_output_flag=0;
+    }
+//NTP setup
+void ntpget() {
+    Host server(IpAddr(), 123, "");
+    lcd.cls();
+    lcd.locate(0,0);
+    lcd.printf("Get NTP.");
+    ntpRet = ntp.setTime(server);
+void pulldown() {
+    DigitalIn dp05(p5);     dp05.mode(PullDown);
+    DigitalIn dp06(p6);     dp06.mode(PullDown);
+    DigitalIn dp07(p7);     dp07.mode(PullDown);
+    DigitalIn dp08(p8);     dp08.mode(PullDown);
+    DigitalIn dp09(p9);     dp09.mode(PullDown);
+    DigitalIn dp10(p10);    dp10.mode(PullDown);
+    DigitalIn dp11(p11);    dp11.mode(PullDown);
+    DigitalIn dp12(p12);    dp12.mode(PullDown);
+    DigitalIn dp13(p13);    dp13.mode(PullDown);
+    DigitalIn dp14(p14);    dp14.mode(PullDown);
+    DigitalIn dp15(p15);    dp15.mode(PullDown);
+    DigitalIn dp16(p16);    dp16.mode(PullDown);
+    DigitalIn dp17(p17);    dp17.mode(PullDown);
+    //DigitalIn dp18(p18);    dp18.mode(PullDown);
+    DigitalIn dp19(p19);    dp19.mode(PullDown);
+    DigitalIn dp20(p20);    dp20.mode(PullDown);
+    DigitalIn dp21(p21);    dp21.mode(PullDown);
+    //DigitalIn dp22(p22);    dp22.mode(PullDown);
+    //DigitalIn dp23(p23);    dp23.mode(PullDown);
+    //DigitalIn dp24(p24);    dp24.mode(PullDown);
+    DigitalIn dp25(p25);    dp25.mode(PullDown);
+    //DigitalIn dp26(p26);    dp26.mode(PullDown);
+    //DigitalIn dp27(p27);    dp27.mode(PullDown);
+    //DigitalIn dp28(p28);    dp28.mode(PullDown);
+    //DigitalIn dp29(p29);    dp29.mode(PullDown);
+    //DigitalIn dp30(p30);    dp30.mode(PullDown);
+/****************  main  ***************************/
+int main() {
+    pulldown();
+    AnalogOut tri(p18);
+    tri = 0.0;
+    //cpu_setting();
+    // See
+    setSystemFrequency(0x3, 0x1, cpu_speed, 1); // Set clock freq 96MHz (full speed) 
+    SystemCoreClockUpdate();
+    pc.baud(460800);
+    EthernetErr ethErr;
+    environment_setting(fwserver);
+    // malloc for long average  
+    long_cpm_array = (unsigned int *)malloc((long_cpm_array_max+1) * sizeof(unsigned int) );
+    if (long_cpm_array == NULL) {
+        lcd.cls();
+        lcd.printf("Can't malloc for long_cpm_array");
+        pc.printf("Can't malloc for long_cpm_array");
+        abort();
+    }
+    if (mode != -1) {
+        switch(updatetype){
+        case 0:
+            break;
+        case 1:
+            twitter_setup();
+            break;
+        case 2:
+            pachube_setup(&appconf);
+            break;
+        default:
+            lcd.cls();lcd.locate(0,0);
+            lcd.printf("No update to the internet\n");
+            break;
+        }
+        wait(0.5);
+    }
+  // ******  Initializing objects ********
+    PachubeV2CSV web(appconf.apikey);
+    if (mode==1) {
+        AnalogIn Sense15_(pin_assign(AnalogInput_pin_number));
+        Sense15=&Sense15_;
+    }
+    InterruptIn Geiger_signal(pin_assign(GMInterrupt_pin_number)); // Geiger signal
+    DigitalOut buzzer_(pin_assign(Buzzer_pin_number));
+    buzzer=&buzzer_;
+    DigitalOut outLED_(pin_assign(LED_pin_number));
+    outLED=&outLED_;
+    GPS gps_(pin_assign(GPStx_pin_number), pin_assign(GPSrx_pin_number));
+    gps=&gps_;
+    if (mode != -1) {
+        printf("Version: %s\n",VERSION);
+        lcd.cls();
+        lcd.printf("Ver %s\n",VERSION);
+        wait(2);
+        char msg[256] = "";
+        fullcalendarHyoji(msg);
+        printf("Self Clock: %s\n",msg);
+        // Ethernet setup
+        fwup = new FirmwareUpdater(fwserver, BINNAME, &commonClient,true);
+        if ( {
+            lcd.locate(0,0);lcd.cls();lcd.printf("Setting up the Internet(DHCP)\n");
+            ethErr = eth.setup();
+            lcd.cls(); lcd.locate(0,0);
+            if(ethErr){
+                lcd.printf("Please plug into the Internet.");
+                printf("Error %d in setup.\n", ethErr);
+            }else{
+                noInternet=0;
+                IpAddr ipadr = eth.getIp();
+                lcd.printf("IP=%d.%d.%d.%d\n",
+                    ipadr[0],ipadr[1],ipadr[2],ipadr[3]);
+                wait(2);
+                if(firmware_update_interval > 0) {
+                    check_newfirm();
+                }
+                ntpget();
+                memset((char *)msg, '\0', 256);
+                fullcalendarHyoji(msg);
+                printf("NTP Clock:  %s\n",msg);
+            }
+        }
+    } // end if (mode != -1)
+    if (mode == 1) {
+        setup_adcdma(); 
+    }
+    // Geiger setup
+    float stepvolt;
+    const int step=40;
+    for (stepvolt=0; stepvolt<volt; ) {
+        lcd.cls();
+        lcd.printf("volt=%.0f\n", stepvolt);
+        tri = stepvolt/voltagedivider/3.3;
+        wait(0.5);
+        stepvolt+=step;
+    }
+    lcd.cls();
+    lcd.printf("volt=%.0f\n", volt);
+    tri = volt/voltagedivider/3.3;
+    wait(0.5);
+    for(int i=10; i>0; i--) {
+        lcd.cls();
+        lcd.printf("Wait %2dsec for stabilize voltage",i);
+        wait(1);
+    }
+    Geiger_signal.rise(&geiger);
+    Geiger_signal.mode(PullDown);
+    // timer interrupt
+    timer.attach(&attime, CHUNK);
+    int firmware_update_term = firmware_update_interval * 60 / (updateinterval/60);
+    int firmware_update_counter=0;
+    if (mode != -1) {
+        for(int i=init_stabilize_time; i>0; i--) {
+            lcd.cls();
+            lcd.printf("Wait %2dsec for stabilize cpm",i);
+            wait(1);
+        }
+    }
+    //************* Main Loop ******************//
+    while(1){
+        if (mode == -1) {
+            LCD_cpm_output();
+        } else if (mode != 3) {
+            LCD_time_and_output();
+        }
+//      console_output();
+        wait(1.0);
+        if(mode==2){
+            whereami();
+        }
+        if(mode != -1 && updateflag){
+            updateflag=0;
+            if (noInternet==1 &&{
+                ethErr = eth.setup();
+                if(ethErr) {
+                } else {
+                    noInternet=0;
+                    ntpget();
+                }
+            }
+            if (!noInternet) {
+                switch(updatetype){
+                case 0:
+                    break;
+                case 1:          
+                    twitter_output();
+                    break;
+                case 2:
+                    printf("pachube\r\n");
+                    pachube_output(&web, &commonClient);
+                    printf("data uploaded to pachube\n");
+                    break;
+                default:
+                    break;
+                }
+                if(firmware_update_interval > 0 &&
+                   firmware_update_counter++ >= firmware_update_term){
+                    if(fwup->exist()==0) {
+                        mbed_reset();
+                    } else {
+                        firmware_update_counter = 0;
+                    }
+                    ntpget();
+                }          
+            }// !noInternet
+        }//if update flag
+    }//while