NOT FINISHED YET!!! My first try to get a self built fully working Quadrocopter based on an mbed, a self built frame and some other more or less cheap parts.

Dependencies:   mbed MODI2C

Revisions of Sensors/Acc/ADXL345.h

Revision Date Message Actions
40:2ca410923691 2014-02-14 now with MPU6050 before taking it too FlyBed2 File  Diff  Annotate
33:fd98776b6cc7 2013-04-04 New version developed in eastern holidays, ported Madgwick Filter, added support for chaning PID values while flying over bluetooth, still not flying stable or even controllable File  Diff  Annotate
26:96a072233d7a 2012-11-27 IMU_Filter and Mixer now new appart from the main File  Diff  Annotate
20:e116e596e540 2012-11-05 Eine Achse stabil! bereits abgehoben an Schnur! (erst Gyro im I2C_Sensor)(acos nan abgefangen) File  Diff  Annotate
19:40c252b4a792 2012-11-03 trotz i2c adress?nderung funktionieren sensoren nicht! File  Diff  Annotate
18:c8c09a3913ba 2012-11-03 mit allem in der I2C_Sensors klasse, zwischenspeichern, da nichts funktioniert File  Diff  Annotate
17:e096e85f6c36 2012-10-31 alle Sensoren mit i2c auf I2C_Sensor umgestellt (nicht getestet), noch keine calibration save per I2C_Sensor File  Diff  Annotate
11:9bf69bc6df45 2012-10-18 Kompass immernoch nicht gut, vor Kalibrierungsberechnung File  Diff  Annotate
10:953afcbcebfc 2012-10-17 neue Acc_Winkelberechnung, vor Kompassklassenrevision File  Diff  Annotate
2:93f703d2c4d7 2012-10-02 erstes experiment mit funktionierendem filter (nur eine Achse und noch nicht optimal) File  Diff  Annotate
0:0c4fafa398b4 2012-09-26 Sensor Test; Acc, Gyro working, result on LCD (servo lib included) File  Diff  Annotate