This is the Tiny Vector Matrix Expression Templates library found at It is the fastest and most compact matrix lib out there (for < 10x10 matricies). I have done some minor tweaks to make it compile for mbed. For examples and hints on how to use, see:

Dependents:   Eurobot_2012_Secondary

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Data Structures

Data Structures

Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
AliasProxy< E >Assign proxy for alias Matrices and Vectors
AutopromoteTraitsTypePromotion.h "tvmet/TypePromotion.h"
AutopromoteTraitsInt> TypePromotion.h "tvmet/TypePromotion.h"
AutopromoteTraitsThe promoted types traits
AutopromoteTraitsTypePromotion.h "tvmet/TypePromotion.h"
AutopromoteTraitsTypePromotion.h "tvmet/TypePromotion.h"
AutopromoteTraitsTypePromotion.h "tvmet/TypePromotion.h"
BinaryFunctionalBase class for all binary functions
CommaInitializer< Obj, LEN >Initialize classes using a comma separated lists
CompileTimeErrorCompileTimeError.h "tvmet/CompileTimeError.h"
CompileTimeErrorCompile Time Assertation classes
dispatchClass helper to distuingish between e.g
dispatchTvmetBase.h "tvmet/TvmetBase.h"
dispatchTvmetBase.h "tvmet/TvmetBase.h"
Extremum< T1, T2, Tag >Generell class for storing extremums determined by min/max
Fcnl_absUnaryFunctionals.h "tvmet/UnaryFunctionals.h"
Fcnl_absInt> UnaryFunctionals.h "tvmet/UnaryFunctionals.h"
Fcnl_absUnaryFunctionals.h "tvmet/UnaryFunctionals.h"
Fcnl_absUnaryFunctionals.h "tvmet/UnaryFunctionals.h"
Fcnl_absUnaryFunctionals.h "tvmet/UnaryFunctionals.h"
Fcnl_abs> UnaryFunctionals.h "tvmet/UnaryFunctionals.h"
Fcnl_arg> UnaryFunctionals.h "tvmet/UnaryFunctionals.h"
Fcnl_assign< T1, T2 >Binary operator for assign operations
Fcnl_conj< T >> UnaryFunctionals.h "tvmet/UnaryFunctionals.h"
Fcnl_imag> UnaryFunctionals.h "tvmet/UnaryFunctionals.h"
Fcnl_norm> UnaryFunctionals.h "tvmet/UnaryFunctionals.h"
Fcnl_polarFunctional for polar
Fcnl_real> UnaryFunctionals.h "tvmet/UnaryFunctionals.h"
Fcnl_swap< T1, T2 >Binary operator for swapping values using temporaries
FunctionalBase class for all binary und unary functionals
gemm< Rows1, Cols1, Cols2 >Class for matrix-matrix product using loop unrolling
gemm< Rows1, Cols1, Cols2, K >Meta class for matrix-matrix operations, like product using formula

\[ M_1\,M_2 \]

gemmt< Rows1, Cols1, Cols2 >Class for for product matrix-transpose(matrix) operations
gemmt< Rows1, Cols1, Cols2, K >Meta class for product matrix-transpose(matrix) operations
gemtm< Rows1, Cols1, Cols2, K >Meta class for trans(matrix)-matrix operations, like product
gemtm< Rows1, Cols1, Cols2 >Class for matrix-matrix product using loop unrolling
gemtv< Rows, Cols, I >Meta class for matrix-transpose-vector operations
gemtv< Rows, Cols >Class for transposed(matrix)-vector product using loop unrolling
gemv< Rows, Cols, J >Meta class for matrix-vector operations
gemv< Rows, Cols >Class for matrix-vector product using loop unrolling
Incrementor< T >A simple incrementor class
IndentLevelPrints the level indent
Vector< T, Sz >::InfoStructure for info printing as Vector<T, Size>
Matrix< T, NRows, NCols >::InfoStructure for info printing as Matrix<T, Rows, Cols>
IoPrintHelper< C >Determines the number of digits regarding the sign of the container
Matrix< Rows, Cols, M, N >Meta Matrix class using expression and meta templates
Matrix< Rows, Cols >Loop Matrix class using expression and loop templates
Matrix< T, NRows, NCols >A tiny matrix class
matrix_tagFor use with Extremum to simplify max handling
MatrixConstReference< T, NRows, NCols >Value iterator for ET
NumericTraits< T >Traits for integral types for operations
PrecisionTraits< T >Declaring ranks of types to avoid specializing
promoteToPromote to T1
promoteTo,0> TypePromotion.h "tvmet/TypePromotion.h"
PromoteTraits< T1org, T2org >Promote type traits
Random< T, MIN, MAX >A simple random class
TimerA quick& dirty portable timer, measures elapsed time
TvmetBase< E >Base class Used for static polymorph call of print_xpr
UnaryFunctionalBase class for all unary functions
Vector< Sz >Loop Vector class using expression and loop templates
Vector< Sz, K >Meta Vector class using expression templates
Vector< T, Sz >Compile time fixed length vector with evaluation on compile time
vector_tagFor use with Extremum to simplify max handling
VectorConstReference< T, Sz >Const value iterator for ET
XprBinOp< BinOp, E1, E2 >Binary operators working on two sub expressions
XprEval< E1, E2, E3 >Evaluate the expression
XprIdentity< T, Rows, Cols >Expression for the identity matrix
XprLiteral< T >Specify literals like scalars into the expression
XprMatrix< E, NRows, NCols >Represents the expression for vectors at any node in the parse tree
XprMatrixCol< E, Rows, Cols >Expression on matrix used for access on the column vector
XprMatrixDiag< E, Sz >Expression on matrix used for access on the diagonal vector
XprMatrixRow< E, Rows, Cols >Expression on matrix used for access on the row vector
XprMatrixTranspose< E >Expression for transpose matrix
XprMMProduct< E1, Rows1, Cols1, E2, Cols2 >Expression for matrix-matrix product
XprMMProductTransposed< E1, Rows1, Cols1, E2, Cols2 >Expression for transpose(matrix-matrix product)
XprMMtProduct< E1, Rows1, Cols1, E2, Cols2 >Expression for matrix-matrix product
XprMtMProduct< E1, Rows1, Cols1, E2, Cols2 >Expression for product of transposed(matrix)-matrix product
XprMtVProduct< E1, Rows, Cols, E2 >Expression for matrix-transposed vector product using formula

\[ M^T\,v \]

XprMVProduct< E1, Rows, Cols, E2 >Expression for matrix-vector product using formula

\[ M\,v \]

XprNullNull object design pattern
XprUnOp< UnOp, E >Unary operator working on one subexpression
XprVector< E, Sz >Represents the expression for vectors at any node in the parse tree